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Читем онлайн Моссад. Самые яркие и дерзкие операции израильской секретной службы - Михаэль Бар-Зохар






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Islamic Jihad Leader Killed in Lebanon // Associated Press, Washington Post, May 26, 2006.

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Stern Y. Report: Mashal’s Secretary Was Killed in Syria // Haaretz, September 9, 2008. (H)

Yechezkeli Z. The Explosion in Beirut Targeted Hamas Official Osama Hamdan // Nana 10, December 27, 2009. (H)

Nachmias R. Report: Hezbollah Members Were Killed in the Bombing in Beirut // YNET, December 13, 2009. (H)

Nachmias R. Report: 3 Hurt in the Attempt to Kill Hezbollah Member // YNET, January 13, 2010; Haaretz, June 20, 2010. (H)

Zesna S. Netanyahu Thanked Dagan in the Name of the Jewish People // Israel Hayom, January 3, 2011. (H)

Eichner I. Dear Meir Here Is George // Yedioth Ahronoth, January 14, 2011.


Getting Ready for a Nuclear — Ready Iran (PDF) / Ed. H. Sokolski, P. Clawson. Strategic Studies Institute, 2005.

Cordesman A. H., Al-Rodhan K. R. Iranian Nuclear Weapons? The Uncertain Nature of Iran’s Nuclear Programs (PDF). Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2006.

Lewis J. Briefings on Iran’s Weaponization Work. Lewisarmscontrolwonk.com, March 12, 2008.

Risen J. State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration. New York: Simon and Shuster, 2006.

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Cordesman A. Peace and War — The Arab-Israeli Military Balance Enters the 21st Century. New York: Praeger, 2001.

Minashri D. Iran: Between Islam and the West. Ministry of Defense Publishing House, 1996. (H)

Drogin B., Murphy K. UN Calls US Data on Iran’s Nuclear Aims Unreliable // Los Angeles Times, February 25, 2007.

Kreisler H. Juan Cole Interview: Conversations with History, Iran and Nuclear Technology // Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley.

Gatt T. M. The Enduring Threat — a Brief History: Iranian Nuclear Ambitions and American Foreign Policy // Information Clearing House, Informationclearinghouse. info. article, November 3, 2005.

Squassoni S. Iran’s Nuclear Program, Recent Developments. CRS Congressional report, 2003, fpc.state.gov/documents/organization.

Iran Nuclear Milestones 1967–2009 // Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, The Risk Report, vol. 15, no. 6. November — December 2009.

Bednarz D., Follath E., Stark H. The Secret Nuclear Dossier: Intelligence from Tehran Elevates Concern in the West // Der Spiegel, January 25, 2010.

Parsi T. Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the U. S. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007.

A Brief History of Iran Missile Technology. Liveleak.com/view, June 9, 2007.

Weapons of Mass Destruction, Bushehr Background. October 15, 2008.

New Nuclear Revelations. Запись пресс-конференции Мохаммада Мохадессина, председателя комитета по международным связям Национального совета сопротивления Ирана. IranWatch.org, September 10, 2004.

Iranian Entity: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. IranWatch.org, January 26, 2004–August 27, 2008.

Zafrir E. (Gaizi). Big Satan, Small Satan: Revolution and Escape in Iran. Maariv, 2002. (H)

Kam E. From the Terror to the Nuclear: The Meaning of the Iranian Threat. Defense Ministry Publishing House, 2004. (H)

Nakdimon S. Tammuz in Flames. Tel Aviv: Yedioth Ahronoth, 2004. (H) Iranian Organization: The Nuclear Project Renewed After 2003 // Reuters, YNET, December 1, 2007. (H)

Smith K. Rajavi Against the Ayatollahs // Haaretz.co.il, 2005. (H)

Salomon R. First Nuclear Explosion // Byclick. (H)

How to Build a Nuclear Bomb // Minerva.tau.ac.il/bsc/1/1804. (H)

Report: Iran Will Cross the Technological Threshold in 2010, International Institute for Strategic Studies, YNET, January 28, 2009. (H) Head of American Intelligence: Iran May Threaten Europe Within Three Years // AP, YNET, January 17, 2009. (H)

Bechor G. Dr. Analyzing the Enigma: What Will Iran Do If Attacked? The Answer Will Surprise You // Forum Intifada, Internet News, December 8, 2008. (H)

Iran Will Be Able to Produce a Bomb This Year // Der Spiegel Forum Intifada, Topics and News, January 25, 2010, and NRG January 25, 2010. (H)

Limor Y. How to Stop the Bomb // YNET, June 19, 2007. (H)

Sanger D. War Games (Scenarios) // New York Times, Haaretz, April 4, 2010. (H)

Yehoshua Y., Weiss R. Uri Lubrani: An Interview at His Retirement from the Ministry of Defense // Yedioth Ahronoth, February 15, 2010. (H)

Shavit A. Palestine Iran Palestine // Haaretz, March 25, 2010. (H)

Ben A., Harel A. How the Opportunity to Attack and Destroy the Iranian Nuclear Project Was Missed // Haaretz, December 18, 2009. (H)

Appointment in Iran: The Head of the Nuclear Project Is the Scientist Who.

Survived the Attempt on His Life // Yedioth Ahronoth, February 14, 2011. (H)

Melman Y. An Analysis of the Virus in the Iranian Nuclear Reactor, Confirms Its Purpose: To Sabotage the Centrifuges // Haaretz, November 19, 2010. (H)

Mossad, U. S., U. K. Cooperating to Sabotage Iran Nukes // jpost.com.staff, December 30, 2010.

Хомейни и «антиисламское» ядерное оружие

Tahiri A. Allah’s Spirit: Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution. Tel Aviv: Ofakim-Am-Oved, 1985. (H)

Forsloff C. Will Worldwide Recession Create Totalitarianism Again? // Digital Journal, December 14, 2008.

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Kedma Amirpour Katajun. Has Iran Been Striving for Nuclear Weapons for Many Years? (пер. с Zud Deutsche Zeitung с разрешения автора) Kedma.co.il. (H)

A Speech by the Ayatollah Khomeini About Nuclear Development and the Negative Influence of the American Technology. April 9, 2006. (H)

Dahan Y. Before Starting a New War in the Middle East // Haoketz, June 5, 2009. (H)

1977 — Израиль предлагает Ирану баллистические ракеты

Minutes of Conversation Between Defense Minister Weizman and General Toffinian, July 18, 1977; также Top Secret Minutes from Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, July 18, 1977; Digital National Security Archive. George Washington University, Washington, DC.

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