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462 Камилла Пармезан: Doyle K. J., Susteren L. van. The Psychological Effects of Global Warming on the United States: And Why the U.S. Mental Health Care System Is Not Adequately Prepared. Merrifield, VA: National Wildlife Federation, 2012. С. 19. Доступно на: www.nwf.org/ ~/media/PDFs/ Global-Warming/Reports/Psych_Effects_Climate_Change_Full_3_23 .ashx.
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470 лечение в стационаре: Hansen A. et al. The Effect of Heat Waves on Mental Health in a Temperate Australian City // Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008. № 10 (116). Октябрь. С. 1369–1375. Доступно на: https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.11339.
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