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18 Ionesco. La tragedie du langage. Spectacles, Paris, No. 2, July,


19 Ibid.

20 Ibid.

21 Nicolas Bataille. La bataille de la Cantatrice. Cahiers des Saisons, No. 15.

22 Experience du theatre. Op. cit. P. 258.

23 Ibid. P. 258, 259.

24 The Observer, July 14, 1958.

25 Experience du theatre. Op. cit.. P. 268.

26 Ionesco. The world of Ionesco. International Theatre Annual. No. 2. London, Calder, 1957.

27 Ionesco. The tragedy of language. The Tulane Drama Review, Spring, 1960.

28 Ionesco. Le point du depart. Cahiers des Quatre Saisons. Paris, No. 1. August 1955.

29 Ionesco. Preface to Les Possddes, adapted from Dostoevski by Akakia Viala and Nicolas Bataille. Paris, Editions Emile-Paul, 1959.

30 Ibid.

31 Ibid.

32 Jacques Lemarchand. Preface to Ionesco. Theatre I. Paris, 1954.

33 Touchard P. A. La loi du theatre. Cahiers des Saisons, No. 15.

34 Letter from Ionesco to Sylvain Dhomme, quoted by F. Towamicki. Des Chaises vides… a Broadway. Spectacles, Paris, No. 2, July, 1958.

35 J. Anouilh. Du chapitre des Chaises, Figaro, Paris, April 23, 1956.

36 Ionesco. Victims of Duty. In: Plays, vol. II, London, Calder; N.Y., Grove Press, 1958. P. 119.

37 Ibid. P. 158, 159.

38 Ibid. P. 162.

39 Ibid. P. 159.

40 Sartre. L’Etre et le Neant. Paris: Gallimard, 1943. P. 60.

41 Ibid. P. 85.

42 S. Doubrovsky. Le rire d’Eugene Ionesco. Nouvelle Revue Franijaise. Febriary, 1960.

43 Ibid.

44 Le point du depart.

45 Ibid.

46 Ionesco. Theatre I. Paris: Arcanes. 1953. Trans. Sasha Moorsom. The Motor Show. In: 3 Arts Quarterly. London, No. 2, Summer, 1960.

47 Ionesco. La Jeune Fille a Marier. In: Theatre II. Trans. Donald Watson. In: Plays, vol. III. London, Calder; N.Y., Grove Press, 1960. P. 158.

48 Ionesco. Le Maitre. In: Theatre II. Trans. Derek Prouse. The Leader. In: Plays, vol. IV. London, Calder; N.Y., Grove Press, 1960.

49 Ionesco. Interview. L’Express. January 28, 1960.

50 Ionesco. Amcdee. Trans. Donald Watson. In: Plays, vol. II. London, Calder: N.E., Grove Press, 1958. P. 8.

51 Ibid. P. 48.

52 Ibid. P. 52, 53.

53 Ibid. P. 62.

54 lonesko. Oriflamme. Nouvelle Revue Francaise, Febriary, 1954.

55 Ibid.

56 Ionesco. Le Tableau. Dossiers Acenonctes du College de Pata- physique, No.l, 1958. P. 44.

57 Ibid. P. 5.

58 Ibid.

59 Eugene Ionesco ouvre le feu. World Theatre, Paris, VIII, 3, Autumn, 1960.

60 Ionesco. Pages de journal. Nouvelle Revue Frangese, February, 1960.

61 Eugene Ionesco ouvre le feu.

62 Ionesco. Improvisation. Trans. Donald Watson. In: Plays, vol. III. London, Calder; N.Y., Grove Press, 1960. P. 112, 113

63 Ibid. P. 113, 114.

64 Ibid. P. 149, 150.

65 Theatre Populaire, Paris, No. 17, March 1, 1956. P. 77.

66 Sam White. Paris Newsletter. Evening Standard, London, May 24,


67 Ionesco. Impromptu pour la Duchesse de Windsor. Manuscript. P. 6, 7.

68 Trans. Stanley Read. Evergreen Review, I, 3, 1957.

69 The Killer. Op. cit. P. 9.

70 New York Times, April 3, 1960.

71 Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossier 7, 1959.

72 Ionesco. Interview with Claude Sarraute. Le Mond, Janiary 17, 1960.

73 The Times. London, April 29, 1960.

74 Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossiers 10,11, 1960.

75 Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossier 7, 1959; also in: L’Avant-Scene, December 15, 1959. Trans. Donald Allen, Foursome, Evergreen Review, No. 13, May, June, 1960.

76 Printems 1939. Op.cit. P. 98.

77 Preface to Les Possedes.

78 Experience du theatre. Op. cit P. 268.

79 Ionesco. La demistification par l’humour noir. L’Avant-Scene. February 15, 1959.

80 Experience du theatre. Op. cit. P. 270.

81 The world of Ionesco.

82 Interview in L’Express. January 28, 1960.

83 Ibid.

84 Ionesco. Theatre et anti-theatre. Cahiers des Saisons, No. 2, October, 1955.

85 Pages de journal. Op.cit. P. 231.

86 Experience du theatre. Op. cit. P. 262.

87 Ibid.

88 Ibid.

89 Ibid. P. 260.

90 La demystification par l’humour noir.

91 Alain Bosquet. Le theatre d’Eugene Ionesco, ou les 36 recettes du comique. Combat, Paris, Febriary 17, 1955.

92 Ехрёпепсе du theatre. Op. cit. P.264.

93 Ionesco, quoted by Towamicki. Spectacles.


1 Jean Genet. Journal du Voleur. Paris, Gallimard, 1949. P. 282.

2 Ibid. P. 47.

3 Ibid. P. 48.

4 Ibid. P. 92.

5 Ibid. P. 131.

6 Sartre. Saint Genet, Comddien et Martyr. Paris, Gallimard, 1952. P. 397.

7 Ibid. P. 421.

8 Journal du Voleur. P. 283.

9 Saint Genet. P. 501.

10 Journal du Voleur. P. 47.

11 Ibid. P. 93.

12 Genet. Deathwatch. In: The Maids-Deathwatch. Trans. Bernard Frechtman. N.Y., Grove Press, 1954. P. 128.

13 Ibid. P. 103, 104.

14 The Maids. P. 61.

15 Ibid. P. 86.

16 Genet. Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs. In: (Euvres Completes. Vol. II. Paris, Gallimard, 1951. P. 119.

17 Genet. Letter to Pauvert. In: Genet. Les Bonnes — L’Atelier d'Alberto Giacometti. Decines [Isere], L’Arbalete, 1958. P. 145, 146.

18 Ibid. P. 147.

19 Saint Genet. P. 9.

20 Sartre. Introduction to The Maids-Deathwatch. P. 30.

21 Genet. Letter to Pauvert. P. 144.

22 Ibid.

23 Ibid. P. 142.

24 The News Chronicle. London, April 23, 1957.

25 The News Chronicle. London, April 24, 1957.

26 The New Statesman. London, May 4, 1957.

27 Ibid.

28 Ibid.

29 Picture Post. London, May 11, 1957.

30 Genet. The Blacks. Trans. Bernard Frechtman. N.Y., Grove Press,

1960. P. 11.

31 Ibid. P. 39.

32 Ibid. P. 127.

33 Ibid. P. 22.

34 Ibid. P. 10.

35 Ibid. P. 47.

36 Ibid. P. 44.

37 Saint Genet. P. 535.

38 Ibid. P. 388.


1 Harold Pinter. Interview with Kenneth Tynan. BBC, Home Service,

28 October 1960.

2 Pinter. Interview with Hallam Tennyson. BBC, General Overseas Service, 7 August 1960.

3 Pinter. Interview with Tynan.

4 Pinter. The Room. In: The Birthday Party and Other Plays. London, Methuen, 1960. P. 102.

5 Ibid. P. 103.

6 Ibid. P. 118.

7 Pinter. The Dumb Waiter. In: The Birthday Party and Other Plays. P. 150.

8 Ibid.

9 Ibid. P. 23.

10 Ibid. P. 54, 55.

11 Pinter. Interview with Tynan.

12 Pinter. Interview with Tennyson.

13 Ibid.

14 Ibid.

15 Programme note for performance of The Room and The Dumb Waiter. Royal Court Theatre, London, March 1960.

16 Pinter. Interview with Tynan.

17 Pinter. A Slight Ache. In: Tomorrow, Oxford. No. 4, 1960. Also in: A Slight Ache and Other Plays. London, Methuen, 1961.

18 Pinter. The Caretaker. London, Methuen, 1960. P. 77.

19 Pinter. Interview with Tynan.

20 Sunday Times, London, 14 August, 1960.

21 The Caretaker. P. 63.

21 Ibid. P. 25.

22 Ibid. P. 60.

23 Pinter. The Dwarfs. In: A Slight Ache and Other Plays. London, Methuen, 1961. P. 116.

24 Ibid. P. 99.

25 Ibid. P. 111.

26 Pinter. Interview with Tynan.

27 Ibid.


1 Jean Tardieu. Theatre de Chambre. Paris, Gallimard, 1955. P. 10.

2 Ibid. P. 14.

3 Ibid. P. 23.

4 Tardieu. Theatre II. Poemes a Jouer. Paris, Gallimard, 1960. P. 163.

5 Ibid. P. 240–241.

6 Ibid.

7 Boris Vian. Les Batisseurs d'Empire. Paris, L'Arche, 1959. P. 8.

8 Dino Buzzati. Un Caso Clinico. Milan, Mondadori, 1953. P. 182.

9 Ezio d'Errico. La Foresta. In: II Dramma, Turin, no. 278, November.

1959. P. 9.

10 See Pallottino. The Etruscans. Penguin Books, 1953. P. 246.

11 Manuel de Pedrolo. Cruma. In: Premi Joan Santamaria 1957. Barcelona, Editorial Nereida, 1958. P. 14.

12 De Pedrolo. Homes i No. In: Quadems de Teatre A.D.B. Barselona, No.2, 1960. P. 24.

13 Fernando Arrabal. Theatre. Paris, Julliard, 1958. P. 13, 14.

14 Ibid. P. 152.

15 Max Frisch. Biedermann und die Brandstifter. Berlin and Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1958. P. 78.

16 Ibid. P. 20.

17 Wolfgang Hildesheimer. Erlanger Rede iiber das absurde Theater. Akzentle, Munich, No. 6, 1960.

18 Ibid.

19 Gunter Grass. Die Bosen Koche. Stage ms. P. 101.

20 N. F. Simpson. A Resounding Tinkle. In: New English Dramatists 2. Penguin Books, 1960. P. 81.

21 A Resounding Tinkle (short version). In: The Hole and Other Plays and Sketches. London, Faber and Faber, 1964. P. 88.

22 A Resounding Tinkle. In: New English Dramatists 2, P. 99.

23 Ibid. P. 100.

24 Ibid.

25 Ibid. P. 130.

26 Ibid. P. 140.

27 Simpson, quoted by Penelope Gilliatt. Schoolmaster from Battersea. Manchester Guardian, 14 April 1960.

28 Simpson, quoted in Daily Mail, 25 February 1960.

29 A Resounding Tinkle (short version). P. 87, 88.

30 Simpson. The Hole and Other Plays and Sketches. P. 11.

31 Simpson. Interview BBC. General Overseas Service, 6 March 1960.

32 Simpson. One Way Pendulum. London, Faber and Faber, 1960. P. 50.


1 William Hazlitt. The Indian Jugglers. Table Talk. London and New York, Everyman’s Library. P. 78.

2 Friedrich Nietzsche. Die Geburt der Tragodie. In: Werke, vol. 1, ed. Schlechta. Munich, Hanser, 1955. P. 94.

3 Hermann Reich. Der Mimus. Vol. 1. Berlin, 1903. P. 459.

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid. P. 595, 596.

6 E. Tietze-Conrat. Dwarfs and Jesters in Art. London, Phaidon, 1957. P. 7.

7 Joseph Gregor. Weltgeschichte des Theaters. Vienna, Phaidon, 1933. P. 212.

8 Max Beerbohm. Around Theatres. London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1953. P. 350.

9 Quoted by Colin Mclnnes. Spectator. London, 23 December 1960.

10 Ionesco. The Chairs. P. 115.

11 Time. N.Y., 12 December 1960.

12 Johann Nestroy. Judith und Holofemes, scene 3. Sammliche Werke, vol. IV, ed. Brukner and Rommel. Vienna, Schroll. P. 167.

13 Georg Buchner. Leonce und Lena. Act II, scene 2.

14 Freud. Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten (1905), paperback edition. Frankfurt, Fisher, 1958. P. 101.

15 Robert Benayoun. Anthologie du Nonsense. Paris, Pauvert, 1957. P. 36.

16 Richard Corbet. Epilogus incerti authoris. In: Comic and Curious Verse, ed. J. M. Cohen. Pehguin Books, 1952. P. 217.

17 Elizabeth Sewell. The Field of Nonsense. London, Chatto and Windus, 1952. P. 128.

18 Christian Morgenstern. Der Lattenzaun. Trans. R.F.C. Hull. In: More Comic and Curious Verse. Ed. J. M. Cohen. Penguin Books, 1956. P. 49.

19 Morgenstern. Das Butterbrotpapier. Trans. A. E. Eitzen. Das Mondschaft. Wiesbaden, Insel, 1953. P. 19.

20 Morgenstern. Das Grosse Lalula. Alle Galgenlieder. Wiesbaden, Insel, 1950. P. 23.

21 Mircea Eliade. Myths, Dreams and Mysteries. London, Harvill Press, 1960. P. 27.

22 Ionesco. Lorsque j’ecrid. Cahiers des Saisons, Paris, no.15, Winter

1959. P. 211.

23 August Strindberg. A Dream Play. In: Six Plays of Strindberg. Trans. Sylvia Sprigge. N.Y., Doubleday Anchor Books, 1955. P. 193.

24 James Joys. Ulysses in Nighttown. Adapted by Marjorie Barkentin under supervision of Padraic Colum; first perf. New York, 5 June 1958 (N.Y., Random House Modem Library Paperbacks, 1958. Also Bloomsday, another dramatization of Ulysses, by Alan MacClelland.

25 Ionesco. Dans les armes de la ville. Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud — Jean-Louis Barrault. Paris, No. 20, October 1957. P. 4.

26 Quoted by Andre Franck. II у a dixans… Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud-Jean-Louis Barrault. No. 20, October 1957. P. 35.

27 Stephane Mallarme. Richard Wagner, reverie d’un poete frangais. In: CEuvres. Paris, Pleiade, 1945. P. 544–545

28 Alfred Jarry. Questions de theatre. In: Ubu Roi. Lausanne, Henri Kaeser, 1948. P. 158.

29 Arthur Symons. Studies in Seven Arts. Quoted in Roger Shattuck. The Banquet Years. London, Faber and Faber, 1959. P. 161.

30 W. B. Yeats. Autobiographies. London, Macmillan, 1955. P. 348, 349.

31 Mallarme. Undated letter to Jarry. In: Mallarme. Propos sur la Poesie. Ed. H. Mondor, quoted in J. Robichez. Le Symbolisme au Theatre. Paris, L’Arche, 1957. P. 359, 360.

32 Henri Gheon. L’Art du Theatre. Montreal, Editions Serge, 1944. P. 149.

33 Jarry. Gestes et Opinions du Docteur Faustroll. Paris, Fasquelle,

1955. P. 32. Trans. In: Evergreen Review, N.Y., no. 13, 1960. P. 131

34 Guillaume Apollinaire. Preface to Les Mamelles de Tiresias. In: CEuvres Poetiques. Paris, Pleiade, 1956. P. 865, 866.

35 Ibid. P. 868.

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