354. Rockström and Klum, Big World: Small Planet.
355. Raworth, Doughnut Economics, 47.
356. Ord, The Precipice, 24–26 и 90–102.
357. Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century
358. Scheidel, The Great Leveler, введение.
359. Scheidel, The Great Leveler.
360. Al-Khalili, What’s Next?; в этой книге рассматриваются актуальные технологические наработки.
361. Christian, “The Noösphere”.
362. Randers, 2052, loc. 670, Kindle.
363. Dator, A Noticer in Time, chap. 5, pt. 4, “The Four Generic Futures”.
364. Ord, The Precipice, 37, определение экзистенциальной катастрофы; 167, таблица возможных угроз.
365. Например, Greer, The Long Descent.
366. Greer, The Long Descent, 83.
367. Raskin, Journey to Earthland.
368. Sinclair and LaPlante, Lifespan.
369. Meadows et al., Limits to Growth, 171.
370. О трансгуманизме см. Grinin and Grinin, “Crossing the Threshold of Cyborgization”.
371. Schwab, Stakeholder Capitalism, 167.
Глава 9372. Ord, The Precipice, 52.
373. Wells, The Outline of History, т. 2, гл. 41, ч. 4.
374. Wagar, Short History of the Future, Stableford and Langford, The Third Millennium.
375. Gates, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, гл. 4.
376. Kaku, Physics of the Future, 252.
377. Kaku, Physics of the Future, 246.
378. Kardashev, “Transmission of Information by Extra-Terrestrial Civilizations” и “On the Inevitability and the Possible Structures of Supercivilizations”.
379. Sagan, The Cosmic Connection, гл. 34.
380. См., например, Rorvig, How to Spot an Alien Megastructure.
381. Voros, “Big Futures”, 423; Kaku, Physics of the Future, 330.
382. Feynman, “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”.
383. John Smart, “Exponential Progress”, in Schroeter, After Shock, 499.
384. Drexler, Radical Abundance.
385. Russell, Human Compatible.
386. Kaku, Future of Humanity, 125.
387. Bostrom, Superintelligence, 123.
388. Kaku, Physics of the Future, 109.
389. Strathern, Brief History of the Future, 296.
390. Srubar, “Buildings Grown by Bacteria”.
391. Natasha Vita-More, “A History of Transhumanism” // Lee, The Transhumanism Handbook, гл. 2, 49.
392. Lem, “Thirty Years Later”, from Swirski, Art and Science of Stanislaw Lem.
393. Geijuoy, “Most Significant Events of the Next Thousand Years”.
394. Finney, From Sea to Space, гл. 3, “One Species or a Million?” 105.
395. Finney, From Sea to Space, гл. 3, “One Species or a Million?” 113.
396. Caitlin Yilek, “Jeff Bezos on Future of Spaceflight”, CBS News, July 21, 2021, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jeff-bezos-space-heavy-industry-polluting-industry/.
397. Finney, From Sea to Space, 105.
398. Kaku, Future of Humanity, 107.
399. Ord, The Precipice, 231.
400. Grinspoon, Earth in Human Hands (хороший обзор астробиологии и планетарной науки).
401. Olaf Stapledon, Starmaker, цит. по: Kaku, Future of Humanity, 244.
402. Shostak, “The Value of ‘L’”, 404.
403. Robinson, “Realism of Our Times”.
404. Kaku, Physics of the Future, 340; Dyson, “Time without End”, 453.
Глава 10405. Jacob Margolis (@JacobMargolis), “My battery is low and it’s getting dark”, Twitter, February 12, 2019, 4:38 p. m., https://twitter.com/jacobmargolis / status/1095436913173880832.
406. Bar-On, Phillips, and Milo, “Biomass Distribution on Earth”.
407. Meadows, Future of the Universe, гл. 2.
408. Robin George Andrews, “Watch This Billion-Year Journey of Earth’s Tectonic Plates”, New York Times, February 6, 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021 /02/06/science/tectonic-plates-continental-drift.html, фильм о движении тектонических плит в последний миллиард лет.
409. Nance, R. Damian, et al., “The Supercontinent Cycle”.
410. Meadows, Future of the Universe, 111.
411. Meadows, Future of the Universe, 117 and 114.
412. Ави Лоэб, декан астрономического факультета Гарварда, утверждает, что это «подарок» от инопланетян, но другие ученые не воспринимают его заявление всерьез.
413. Meadows, Future of the Universe, гл. 2.
414. Voros, “Big Futures”, 417.
415. Meadows, Future of the Universe, 18.
416. Lovelock, Gaia.
417. Shah, “Complex Life’s Days Are Numbered”.
418. Meadows, Future of the Universe, 65–66.
419. Meadows, Future of the Universe, 126.
420. О столкновениях галактик: Meadows, Future of the Universe, chap. 10; о столкновении с галактикой Андромеды: Mack, The End of Everything, 50–51.
421. Walls, Oxford Handbook to Eschatology, 151.
422. Dyson, “Time without End”.
423. Walls, Oxford Handbook to Eschatology, 3.
424. Walls, Oxford Handbook to Eschatology, 6.
425. Klee Irwin, Spiritualism: The Technological Endgame // Schroeter, AfterShock, 65.
426. Mack, The End of Everything, 61.
427. Hawking, Brief History of Time, 150–151.
428. Mack, The End of Everything, 95.
429. Holt, When Einstein Walked with Gödel, 18.
430. Holt, When Einstein Walked with Gödel, 243.
431. Meadows, Future of the Universe, 162.
432. Smolin, Life of the Cosmos.
433. Rees, Just Six Numbers.
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