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44. JIC/867/47, August 1947. CAB 176/15.
45. JIC/264/48, Circulation of JIC Papers to CIA, 7 February 1948. CAB 176/1.
46. JIC/1255/51, Liaison Between US and UK Intelligence Organizations, 5 June 1951. CAB 176/30.
47. JIC/736/53, 24 March 1953. CAB 176/41.
48. JIC/1134/53, UK/US Intelligence Cooperation, 11 May 1953. CAB 176/42.
49. JIC/1549/53, UK/US Intelligence Cooperation, Dulles to Dean, 17 June 1953, CAB 176/42.
50. JIC/240/57, 28 January 1957. CAB 176/60.
51. Joint Chiefs of Staff Directive, Functions of the office of Strategic Services. URL: http://www.foria.cia.gov.
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56. Nolan D.E. A History of Military Intelligence and Counter-Espionage. Army War College, 1921.
57. Note by R. C. Scrine Stevenson, 8 September 1939, FO 371/23913; A. N. Barnard to R. C. Scrine Stevenson, 3 September 1019, FO 371/23912.
58. Notes on
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