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Читем онлайн Столетняя война: леопард против лилии - Наталия Басовская






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Griffiths R. The reign of King Henry VI: The exercise of royal authority, 1422–1461. London; Tonbridge: Benn, 1981.— 968 p.

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Labarge M. W. Henry V: The Cautious Conqueror. N. Y.: Stein and Day, 1976.— 219 p.

Labarge M. W. Gascony, Englands first colony, 1204–1453. L.: Longmans, 1980. — 276 p.

Levron J. Philippe Auguste ou La France rassemblee. — P.: Libr. Acad. Perrin, 1979. — 334 p.

Levron J. Le bon roi Rene. — P.: Libr. Acad. Perrin, 1980. — 320 p.

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Lodge E. The Relations between England and Gascony, 1152–1453 // History. 1934. V. XIX. N 74. P. 131–139.

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McFarlane K. B. War, the Economy and Social Change. England and the Hundred Years War // PP. 1962. N 22. P. 3—18.

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Mayer H. E. Henry II of England and the Holy Land // EHR. 1982. V. 97. N385. P. 721–739.

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Mirepoix L. de. La guerre de Cent Ans. P.: Hachette, 1973. — 471 p.

Mollat du Jourdin M. La guerre de cent ans vue par ceux qui 1 ont vecue. P.: Seuil, 1992. — 153 p.

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Newhall R. A. The War Finances of Henry V and the Duke of Bedford // EHR. 1921. V. 36. — P. 172–198.

Newhall R. A. The English Conquest of Normandy 1416–1424. L.: New Haven, 1929.— 179 p.

Nicholson R. Edward III and the Scots. The Formative Years of a Military Carrer. 1327–1335. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1965. — 285 p.

Offler H. S. England and Germany at the Beginning of the Hundred Years War // EHR. 1939. V. LIV. N 216. P. 608–632.

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Le Patourel J. Feudal Empires: Norman and Plantagenet. L.: Arnold, 1985.— 372 p.

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Sermoise P. Jeanne d'Arc et mandragore. Monaco: Editions du Rocher, 1983. — 262 p.

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