Подробнее об этом периоде см. главу 8 настоящей книги – раздел Третий сектор под прессом консерваторов.
Peter D. Hall, Philanthropy and the Welfare State (1945–2000), 2000.
Merle Curti, The History of Philanthropy as a Field of Research, The American Historical Review, Vol. 62, No. 2, Jan., 1957, pp. 352–363, http://www.jstor.org/stable/1845188
Merle Curti, American Philanthropy and the National Character, American Quarterly Vol. 10, No. 4, Winter 1958, pp. 420–437, http://www.jstor.org/stable/2710584
Merle Curti, American Philanthropy Abroad, 2nd ed., Transaction Publishers, 1988, 651 pp.
– W. K. Jordan, Philanthropy in England, 1480–1660: a Study of the Changing Pattern of English Social Aspirations, George Allen & Unwin, 1959; – David Owen, English Philanthropy, 1660–1960, Belknap press of Harvard university press, 1964.
David Hammack, Waves of Historical Interest in Philanthropy and Civil Society, HistPhil, June 24, 2015. http://histphil.org/2015/06/24/waves-of-historical-interest-in-philanthropy-and-civil-society/
Robert H. Bremner, From the Depths: The Discovery of Poverty in the United States, New York University Press, 1956.
Alice O’Connor, Robert Bremner’s «From the Depths»: An Appreciation, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Sept. 2003, vol. 32, no. 3, рр. 441–443. http://nvs.sagepub.com/content/32/3/441.full.pdf+html
Robert Bremner, American Philanthropy, University of Chicago Press, 1960 (1988). Далее – American Philanthropy, 1988.
Daniel J. Boorstin, Editor’s Preface – in Robert Bremner «American Philanthropy», 1988, pp. v– vi.
Children and Youth in America: A Documentary History, 3 vols, Robert H. Bremner, editor, Harvard University Press, 1970.
R. Bremner, The Public Good: Philanthropy and Welfare in the Civil War, Knopf, 1980.
R. Bremner, Giving: Charity and Philanthropy in History, Transaction Publishers, 1994.
Наиболее полную оценку наследия Бремнера можно найти в материалах посвященному ему посмертного симпозиума 2003 года на страницах журнала ARNOVA: Robert Bremner and the Study of Philanthropy in the United States: Four Appraisals. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, vol. 32, no. 3, September 2003 439–449.
Friedman and McGarvie, 2003, p. 5.
Clifford S. Griffin, Their Brothers» Keepers: Moral Stewardship in the United States, 1800–1865. Rutgers University Press, 1960. К морализаторским благотворительным обществам относят American Bible Society, American Tract Society, American Education Society, American Sunday School Union, American Anti-Slavery Society, American Peace Society и American Society for the Promotion of Temperance.
David J. Rothman. The Discovery of the Asylum: Social Order and Disorder in the New Republic, Revised edition, Aldine Transaction, 2002.
Rich Yeselson, What New Left History Gave Us, Democracy. The Journal of Ideas, Issue #35, Winter 2015. http://www.democracyjournal.org/35/what-new-left-history-gave-us.php?page=all
Peter D. Hall, Inventing the Nonprofit Sector and Other Essays on Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Nonprofit Organizations, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992, pp. 70–72.
См.: – Tax-Exempt Foundations – In CQ Almanac 1967, 23rd ed., 14—1141—14—1143. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, 1968. http://library.cqpress.com/cqalmanac/cqal67-1311376.- Patman Investigations – in Joseph Charles Kiger, Philanthropic Foundations in the Twentieth Century, Praeger, 2000 p. 31–39.
Gabriel Kolko, Wealth and Power in America: An Analysis of Social Class and Income Distribution, Praeger, 1962.Gabriel Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History, 1900–1916, The Free Press, 1963. G. William Domhoff Who Rules America? The Triumph of the Corporate Rich, McGraw-Hill, 1st ed. – 1967, 7th – 2013.
Ferdinand Lundberg, The Rich and the Super-Rich: A Study in the Power of Money Today, Lyle Stuart, 1968.
Waldemar Nielsen, The Big Foundations, Columbia University Press, 1973. В 1985 году Нильсен подготовил ее уточненное и дополненное издание под названием The Golden Donors, в которой продолжил эту линию конструктивной критики.
– Ben Whitaker, The Philanthropoids: Foundations and Society, Morrow, 1974; – Carl Bakal, Charity U. S. A.: An Investigation Into the Hidden World of the Multi-Billion Dollar Charity Industry, Times Books, 1979.
Заключительный доклад комиссии Файлера здесь: https://archives.iupui.edu/bitstream/handle/2450/889/giving.pdf?sequence=1; все архивные материалы комиссии Файлера здесь: https://archives.iupui.edu/handle/2450/807/browse?type=title
В рамках этой программы работал крупный ученый в этой сфере Питер Добкин Холл, автор книги «Изобретая бесприбыльный сектор» и других публикаций по истории филантропии и этого сектора, трагически погибший в автокатастрофе 30 апреля 2015.
Philanthropy in America: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, in 3 volumes, Dwight F. Burlingame, editor, ABC–CLIO, 2004, v.1, pp. 35–36. Далее – Philanthropy in America: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, 2004.
Research on the Independent Sector: A Progress Report, by Virginia A. Hodgkinson – in Robert Peyton, Philanthropy: Voluntary Action for the Public Good, Macmillan Publishing, 1988, pp. 226–259.
Philanthropy in America: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, 2004, v.1, p. 65.
Voluntary Regulation of NGOs and Nonprofits: An Accountability Club Framework, Mary Kay Gugerty, Aseem Prakash, editors, Cambridge University Press, 2010 pp. 106–110.
Полный список центров-членов NACC и их учебных программ можно найти здесь – http://nonprofit-academic-centers-council.org/
См. Roseanne M. Mirabella, Nonprofit Management Education – на вебсайте http://academic.shu.edu/npo/
Ji Ma, Research of Nonprofit Management Education in the United States: A Literature Review, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, April 12, 2015.
Dwight F. Burlingame, Nonprofit and Philanthropic Studies Education: The Need to Emphasize Leadership and Liberal Arts, Journal of Public Affair Education, 15 (1), Winter 2009, pp. 59–67.
Stanley N. Katz, Where Did the Serious Study of Philanthropy Come from, Anyway? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, March 1999, vol. 28, 1, pp. 74–82.
Peter Dobkin Hall, The Work of Many Hands: A Response to Stanley N. Katz on the Origins of the «Serious Study» of Philanthropy, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, December 1999; vol. 28, 4: pp. 522–534.
Friedman and McGarvie, 2003, р. 5.
Robert H. Abzug, Cosmos Crumbling American Reform and the Religious Imagination, Oxford University Press, First Edition 1994.
James Brewer Stewart, Holy Warriors: The Abolitionists and American Slavery, Hill and Wang, 1997.
Friedman and McGarvie, 2003, р. 3–4.
См. Peter D. Hall, «Inventing the Nonprofit Sector» and Other Essays on Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Nonprofit Organizations, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Making the Nonprofit Sector in the United States: A Reader, David C. Hammack, editor, Indiana University Press, 2000.
Philanthropy in the World’s Traditions, Warren F. Ilchman, Stanley N. Katz, Edward L. Queen II, eds., Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1998.
.Philanthropic Foundations: New Scholarship, New Possibilities, Ellen Condliffe Lagemann, editor, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1999.
Philanthropy in America, A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, 3 vol., Dwight F. Burlingame, editor, ABC–CLIO, 2004, 886 pp.
Notable American Philanthropists: Biographies of Giving and Volunteering, Robert T. Grimm Jr., editor, Greenwood, 2002, 388 pp.
Charity, Philanthropy, and Civility in American History, Lawrence J. Friedman, Mark D. McGarvie, editors, Cambridge University Press, 2003, 467 рр.
Peter Frumkin, Rewriting Philanthropy’s Past: The next generation of historians tells the story of American giving, Oct. 2003. http://www.philanthropyroundtable.org/topic/excellence_in_philanthropy/rewriting_philanthropys_past
Charity, Philanthropy, and Civility in American History, 2003, р. 4.
Lawrence J. Friedman, Robert Bremner Reconsidered: In the Dust Heap of History? – In «Robert Bremner and the Study of Philanthropy in the United States: Four Appraisals», Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, vol. 32, no. 3, September 2003, рр. 444–447.
В апреле 2015 года Питер Добкин Холл трагически погиб в автомобильной катастрофе. Об оценке коллегами роли этого крупного и оригинального ученого в исторических исследованиях филантропии и третьего сектора в США можно прочитать здесь – http://histphil.org/2015/07/10/peter-dobkin-hall-1946-2015/
Peter D. Hall, A Historical Overview of Philanthropy, Voluntary Associations, and Nonprofit Organizations in the United States, 1600–2000. In «Nonprofit sector: The Research Book», Walter W. Powell, Richard Steinberg, ed’s, 2006. p. 32–65. Далее – P. Hall, A Historical Overview, 2006.
Olivier Zunz, Philanthropy in America: A History, Politics and Society in Twentieth-Century America, Princeton University Press, 2011.
См. Q&A with Historian Olivier Zunz, June 22, 2015 – на вебсайте HistPhil, посвященном истории филантропии – http://histphil.org/2015/06/22/qa-with-historian-olivier-zunz-2/
Особенности и процесс развития «мировой филантропии» (в 26 странах, включая Россию, из различных регионов мира) подробно рассмотрены в Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy, Pamala Wiepking and Femida Handy, editors, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Introducing HistPhil: A New Blog on the History of Philanthropy – http://www.HistPhil.org
Интересно, что с призывом оглядываться в прошлое филантропии обращается к «новым пророкам» тот самый ее историк Стэнли Кац, которого полтора десятилетия назад призывал к тому же, упрекая в «грехе забвения», Питер Холл, другой ее историк. Поистине, «ирония истории»…
Waves of Historical Interest in Philanthropy and Civil Society – http://histphil.org/2015/06/24/waves-of-historical-interest-in-philanthropy-and-civil-society/
P. Hall, A Historical Overview, 2006, p. 33.
Robert Bremner, American Philanthropy, 2nd ed., University of Chicago Press, 1988Далее – R. Bremner, American Philanthropy,1988
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