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projects enabling a more effective dialogue with all the stakeholders — businesses, government, people with disabilities and their families. Today, the Everland community consists of more than 1,800 people with various disabilities from 76 regions of Russia and abroad (7 countries total), with more than 600 people working on a permanent basis in the Everland ecosystem or with partner employers, earning an average of 30,000 rubles monthly.


1. An algorithm for psychological and occupational testing, followed by training for people with different types of disabilities in suitable professions.

2. Algorithms for inclusive team-building at employers — internal research in companies, onboarding programs, fine-tuning suitable vacancies and recruiting respective candidates, support and mentorship programs, legal support and supervision.

3. Systems for adapting business services and platforms to customers with disabilities — research, audit programs, focus groups, staff training programs.

4. Offline tools and social programs — family outreach, assistance in education and career guidance, appearance management, and other tools.

5. Popularizing the image of a person with a disability as an independent, active, working member of society.


1. Everland online platform for professional training and employment of specialists with various types of disabilities is a finalist of the first national ranking "Our Contribution". The ranking is compiled by ANO "National Priorities" based on the 2021 results. The project was implemented by Everland together with its partner, VimpelCom PJSC.

2. Alexey Gorshenin's photo project, "An Ordinary Family", is the winner of #WEARETOGETHER 2021 International Award in the "Media Volunteering" nomination. The project, implemented jointly with the Everland community, provided employment to 16 specialists with disabilities.


13.25 million rubles, including:

• 2.5 million grant from the Presidential Grants Fund

• 3.55 million private donations

• 2.9 million donations from businesses

• 2 million donations from NGOs

• 2.6 million interest-free loan to open a co-working space.


1. Everland has opened Moscow's first inclusive co-working space for people with disabilities to learn and work, as well as to test hypotheses for offline work together with businesses.

2. Everland has completed more than 10 high-level projects with businesses to make services accessible to customers with disabilities in offline infrastructure (Perekrestok — 5 regions, 400 stores, 4,000 employees trained) and online infrastructure (website, mobile app): Tinkoff Bank, Alfa Bank, Pyaterochka, M.Video — Eldorado Group, Leaders of Russia competition, Sovcombank, MegaFon, Rosbank, etc.).

3. Large-scale projects have been implemented to create inclusive teams in three companies — more than 160 people employed in total.

4. Another large-scale project, called «OncoNavigator», has been launched to raise awareness of cancer patients. Roadmaps have been developed for 20 localizations of cancer (lung, breast, nasopharynx, reproductive system, gastrointestinal tract, etc.). Materials are presented in the form of patient guidelines adapted to the Russian experience. The project audience is more than 3 million people.

5. The following research has been conducted:

• accessibility of digital infrastructure (websites and mobile applications) for blind users — 12 industries, 50 companies, more than 100 platforms;

• the key barriers to entry into the labor market for job seekers with disabilities.

6. Everland participated in an international project involving a study of the barriers and incentives for social entrepreneurial projects operated by people with disabilities. The study was conducted jointly with the INTAMT (International Academy of Management and Technology) on behalf of the German Foreign Ministry. In addition, Everland founder Igor Novikov worked on developing a strategy for employing people with disabilities in Kyrgyzstan.


More than 550 people with disabilities got jobs in the open labor market with an average salary of 18,000 to 40,000 rubles a month.


We believe the key effect is the identification of the niches that will help us reduce the cost of impact to 25,000 rubles and improve the consistency and sustainability of our work by introducing a system of employment pre-training for people with disabilities. Also we managed to implement several major projects in different areas, to ensure the service availability — these will likely be implemented on our partner companies’ platforms. This is extremely important for the business and for our target audience. We managed to create two sustainable projects for the employment of people with disabilities in partner companies — more than 20 people were hired in the first project and more than 100 people in the second one, they went through onboarding and have been working for more than 8 months so far. We were also able to launch an inclusive co-working space and test important hypotheses related to offline work for people with disabilities.


Sustainable and real integration of people with various types of disabilities into the open labor market, with performance-based compensation based on general market terms. Empowering a person with a disability from an encumbrance into a full-fledged value-adding member of the society.


70 % of project’s income comes from provision of services and 30 % is raised from various programs.

My career

Developing Young People's Employment Skills


My Career project aims to create conditions for an equal and successful start in life for vulnerable groups of young people. This goal is achieved by developing their social skills, increasing motivation and opportunities for employment and career building. The project includes online job skills training, on-the-job internships and trainings.


The secondary vocational education (SVE) system produces between 750,000 and 1.2 million graduates a year. At the same time, graduates of these programs demonstrate a high unemployment rate (31 %

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