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676. Пак Пхзн Ней (XV в.). Оно не изменяет цвета

Powdered with falling snow,the crow turns white;the moon's translucent glowpales the black night.Only a loving heart that constant stayswill never change its color through the days.


677. Сен Сам Мун (XV в.). Чем бы я хотел стать после смерти[316]

What will become of meafter I die?Standing on the top of Mount Pon-ne-sanI want to be a tall, straight pine treeSo that my green crownMay reach the grey skyEven in winter.


678. Воль Сан(XV в.). Когда не клюет рыба[317]

Over the autumn riverThe cold night breezes play.No matter how often I cast my line,I can catch no fish today.I have only loaded my sorry sloopWith all the moonlight I can scoop.


679. Ким Ден Се (XIV в.). Я не смог им дать приют[318]

I built a three-room hut of clayTo dwell in, with my friends;One for myself, one for the moon,The third one for the winds.Only the distant mountains must remainUnder the open sky and autumn rain.


680. Хан Xo(XVI в.). В гостях

I do not need a straw matI can sit on the fallen leaves.About the lighting do not worry either —The half moon soon will light the sky.Why co m p lain about the modest fare!Bring it — I am not a demanding guest.


681. Тьо Сик(XVI в.). Выбор

Life, like a tortuous river, has led to divided streams:clear blue sky and the peach's gentle blossom gleams,reflected, as if in glass, in the limpid surface of one,while tossing in storm and fury, the other hurtles on.How can 1 seek then, carefree, the Inlet of Greatest Peace,now that over my country the war winds never cease?


682. Ли И(Юл Гок). Вступление[319]

No one knew until now that there were in the worldsuch corners as Kosangwhere my hut stands on the seashore,where my friends now like to visit,while i read the works of Chu Hsi,imagining my self in Mu Yi.


683. Ли И (Юл Гок). Вверх по реке. У первой излучины[320]

The sun comes up over the Rock of Dawn —how beautiful is the Ilgok First Bend!The mist has flown from the dewy meadows,and the mountains have appeared on the horizon.Having put a jug of wine in front of myself,I sit under the pines and await my friends.


684. Ли И(Юл Гок). У второй излучины[321]

Everything has begun to bloomon the hill of Awakening. —How beautiful is the Igok bend!The petals of spring flow'ers float down from the knollon the waves that retreat into the sea…People will know' about this now — from me.


685. Ли И(Юл Гок). У третьей излучины[322]

The woods are screened by the Green Curtain. —How beautiful is the Samgok bend!Birds sing fantastic songs!A duet down below, a trio — from above,And the wind, with a pine-tree brush,paints the picture of summer in the blue sky.


686. Ли И (Юл Гок). У четвертой излучины[323]

The sun sets beyond the Pinetree Fan. —How beautiful is the Sagok bend!The mirror smoothness of the waterReflects the mountain tops and stately woods,And a hundred hues of the sunset… I lookAnd a feeling of wonder fills me to the brim.


687. Ли И(Юл Гок). У пятой излучины[324]

The Forest Screen breathes of pine. —How beautiful is the Ogok bend!A little house stands here, clean and orderly,As if it had bathed in spring water.I know: alone in it, one cansing the enchantment of the moonlight nigh.


688. Де Хен (XVI в.). Милый меня покинул[325]

The raindrops are falling, falling on the smooth lake surface,the willows, the weeping willows are wrapped in silent mist.Where shall I look for you, my young fisherman?..A lonely skiff presses its stern to the shore.Dusk has settled upon the lusterless water.A white gull darts aimlessly back and forth…


689. Ли Мен Хан (XVI в.). Все прояснится к рассвету[326]

Wait, i am still holding your hands.Don't push mo away, don't leave!I see the night descending, the night of parting,upon the flowers and trees of the garden.But the (stub) of the candle will flicker on till morning,and all will be clear by sunrise!


690. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Вступление[327]

Exiled by enemies to bleak Kangho,In loneliness, five faithful friends I found:Water, Bamboo, a Cliff, a Pine, the Moonthat rises over yonder Eastern Mcund.No calumny can sway them toward betrayal:In lofty friendship they will never fail.


691. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Вода

I love the blue sky,but in the sky dark clouds are born.I love the impetuous wind,but the wind is changeable…

Only you, Water, alwayscarry away my sorrows.


692. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Утес

How beautiful were the flowers!But now they have lost their petals.The lush, bright-colored grassesHave also dried and withered.

Only you, in your modest grey garment,Granite cliff, have remained the same!


693. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Сосна

The warm days are over,the trees have lost their leaves,but angry winter stormsfail to scare you, Pine —deep into the earthyour stubborn roots are grown.


694. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Месяц

Shining upon ten thousand thingsyou pass over the world. Moon,and your bright gaze penetratesinto the depths of a darkened heart.Thus silently into my eyesgazes my closest friend.


695. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Безмятежность[328]

In the mountains I built my chihbiOf clay and of willow branches,And the valley people are mockingAnd laughing at my idea.They do not know I have foundFreedom from care in the chihbi.


696. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Любуюсь дальней горой

Alone on a moonlight nightI gaze at a distant mountain.The mountain is more perfect than my lovefrom whom I have parted:The mountain is silent,and no one will make us quarrel.


697. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Я делаю нужное дело

The creator may thinkthat I've no desire to workfor the good of myself and of others…But I'm doing something important:having left the malicious, the knaves,I'm standing guard over nature.


698. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). В ветреный вечер

Close the door tighter,and blow out the candle…I'm very tired, my friend,I'm going to fall fast asleep.But should a welcome guestarrive, — awaken me.


699. Юн Сен До (XVII в.). Образ родины неизменен

Leaves, falling, wilt and dry;its petals drops the flower,and sap-filled grasses dieon scheduled hour.Alone, the image of my land stays brightthrough autumn days as on a summer night.


700. Ден Он(XVII в.). Гляжу на море

Close your book and open the window wide,look: the ships are sailing away to sea.The white gulls are following after them.White seagulls! If we could also sailfar away to some peaceful harbor,where there is no vain glory,where friends alone await me.


701. Син Xым (XVII в.). Вдвоем с единственной своей подругой

Snow has blanketed our village.It has blocked every road and trail.My gate is snowbound. No friendwill knock on it. By the windowI'll spend this night with my onlyfriend — the moon.


702. Ким Гван Ук (XVII в.). Сомнение

I've left all thought of riches,I've left all thought of glory.I've left all thought of happiness, —I've left all thought of myself…So after I diewould anyone think of me?!


703. Ким Гван Ук (XVII в.). Природе целомудренной и целой[329]

I am the lord of the streams and the green hillsscattered over the width of the Earth,of pure and (untouched) nature.No one can compete with me,because, unlike the rich,I keep my possessions in my soul.


704. Ким Гван Ук (XVII в.). Пусть тает снег и в моем дворе

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