Delving into the blacksmith's work is not only fascinating but also useful for psychological state, since forging is a stress-relieving process. Very often office employees come to us to «relieve» themselves, those who want to break free of everyday life and have a heart-to-heart talk with a forge-man.
2020: the project acquired the "social enterprise" status, Guild of Blacksmiths of Russia, the regional office of the nation-wide social organization for the development of artistic creativity and craftsmanship was established on the basis of Ob Smithery; won a grant in the category Development of Tourist Gifts Industry of a KhMAO-Ugra contest; included in the catalogue Social Entrepreneurship In Russia 2020. 2019: the project received trade marks Made in Surgut and Made in Ugra, The Best Product of Ugra; noted in Entrepreneurship Dynasties category at Products of Ugra land, the exhibition forum of Yugorsk product manufacturers; noted with special category Crafts Keepers at the Entrepreneur of the Year city contest; we became a winner of the nationwide contest of the best programs of educational volunteering in the subjects of the Russian Federation; won a grant for armour reconstruction at the district contest of youth projects; took 2 place in Culture category of the regional stage of the nationwide contest of projects in social entrepreneurship The Best Social Project of the Year; entered in the short-list of My Project for My Country! nation-wide contest of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation in social activities.
600,000 — subsidy for purchasing of equipment for metal and wood works,
17,000 — compensation of costs for renting and holding of exhibition and trade fair activities on behalf of Surgut administration,
5 tons of coal for heath operation,
over 20 forged articles for the private Museum of Forged Products, two partnerships with blacksmith associations, services for translation of presentations and quotations of Ugra Export Support Center, educational opportunities of Ugra Entrepreneurship Support Foundation, Our Future Foundation (accelerator), ISLA Foundation (accelerator).
We defined value offers, arrived at a mission, started enhancement of business processes. The products were introduced at etsy.com (sales to the USA and Denmark); we received an inquiry for Yakut ice breaks from fishery and hunting shops in Belorussia and some Ugra towns.
4 components:
a) master classes and blacksmith's work courses,
b) weapon-grade forgery (knives, ice breaks, forgings, axes),
c) manufacture of forged gift products,
d) manufacture of tailor-made metal articles.
Over 1000 persons were introduced to blacksmith's work. A public blacksmith's shop opened in Nyagan; a project on blacksmith's work development started in Nizhnevartovsk; three masters of Ob Smithery arranged their own specialized garage workshops.
Stable growth of involvement of people in development of the blacksmith's work project which promotes a growing interest and readiness to purchase handicraft articles.
В статье использованы материалы научно-исследовательского отчета «Исследование современного зарубежного и российского опыта проведения оценки проектной деятельности некоммерческих организаций», подготовленного под руководством ведущего эксперта Института социально-экономического проектирования НИУ ВШЭ, кандидата психологических наук Н.Ю. Гладких.
The article uses the materials of the research report "Research of modern experience of project activities of non-profit organizations evaluation", prepared under the guidance of the leading expert of the Institute of Socio-Economic Design, National Research University Higher School of Economics, and Ph.D. in Psychology N.Yu. Gladkikh.
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