Similarly, aspiration of the living being in its highest consciousness to harmony ends with the full breakdown for the same reason – its finite expression.
And in merger in the person of both forms of consciousness at least the local harmony in his social existence is not being achieved.
The reason for it, apparently, is the opposite of aspirations of these forms of consciousness.
But nevertheless development is achieved in struggle of the lowest form consciousness with the highest as opposites.
Situation concerning achievement of harmonious existence of the person in life seems desperate.
Nevertheless, are it possible at least short-term situations, in the case of occurrence of which the human consciousness is able to penetrate partly into the region of true harmony – into own holographic basis, or as if in through the looking glass of beingness, where the part and the whole coincide?
Of course, the union of any individual consciousness with single consciousness can occur only in the case of output of individual consciousness out of beingness – after the death of the body.
However, it is quite possible during lifetime to feel the echoes of otherworldly – the true harmony – at least, in two cases.
One of them is described in detail below in the section "Intuition…"
Similar exit beyond ordinary consciousness and logical constructions in "space", where things "speak", is achieved only by ability to exclude the opposing aspirations of the lowest and highest consciousness in the person for some time.
This some kind of join of both forms of consciousness for the solution of a uniform task means temporary exit through the lowest consciousness in "space" in which consciousness forms objects of beingness, including also the person and where all these objects through the integrated consciousness become understandable, inasmuch consciousness "sculpts" out of lifeless fragments (matter) the various forms, which acquire motion in beingness.
Naturally, no living being, including the person, is not aware that it and all else living beings thanks to the presence in them of consciousness possess by Creation as a whole, in beingness of which the inanimate is being transformed into material and tools for life.
Basis of this paradoxical situation is the holographic essence of the person coinciding with a spaceless holographic projection of Uniform.
Thus, not an environment creates the living being, and on the contrary, it creates habitat, resulting the living beings are the true masters in beingness.
And all living beings, except the person, have no need to look for the road in their consciousness to the environment, inasmuch they are combined with the environment naturally at the interaction with things, as its active element, and "absorb" it in the form of own sensations, finding thereby own time.
The person as part of the hologram of a holographic projection of Uniform and therefore coinciding in this basis of beingness with all hologram, in principle, is capable to become by this everything in mind goal, set by him, but actual for him is the appearance only in that sphere which he can perceive on the basis of the experience.
Otherwise the product of insight for him remains unclear as, for example, everything is unclear in this "otherworldly" to addicts.
At achievement of unity of actions (harmony) of the highest and lowest forms of consciousness the integrated consciousness begins to work also automatically (without reasoning and logic), as it occurs at animals for their survival, and at the same time all practices of the person in the form of the gained experience in this sphere, the available knowledge and skills with a particular target orientation are being connected short-term into this automatic scheme.
Similar rather short-term harmonious merge of target programs of a self-consciousness and the ideal programs of the lowest consciousness for survival which are not counteracting each other, as usual, but, working in unison, for example, helping the person to escape this or that disaster, reflects their reciprocal interest in favorable settlement of the extreme situation whereas in routine circumstances their interests and aspirations, as a rule, are not match, that clearly visible from the contradictory actions of each person.
If the request of the person (voluntary or involuntary) with the definite purpose to own lowest consciousness does not contradict aspirations of the last, related mainly with the survival of the organism, then the person receives necessary to it if, of course, he will be able to understand the answer.
Another case of touch to harmony of a holographic projection, which is a high-frequency wave-like formations, constituting nil in the sum, is possible due to the fact that there are frequency wave-like forms of matter in beingness, which the person perceives in the form of light and sound.
Exactly through them the person can approach harmony of own wave basis.
Indeed, people believed thunder, lightning, sunlight and light of the moon from ancient times as newcomers from other world, deifying them in this or that form.
And they were right in the respect that these frequency phenomena are quite actual reflection in beingness of a wavy projection of Uniform, inasmuch light and sound have no a direct bearing to the objects of the "dense" matter, but without them these objects would remain "in the shadows".
Exactly frequency-wave basis of the person suggests not only the deification of him until recent times of a number of visual and sound effects, but and his addiction to orderly wave formations, which he is able to perceive by own sense organs.
In the sphere of the light phenomena, in particular, patches of light on water, rainbow, polar lights, sunsets and sunrises, a combination of light clouds with blueness of heaven, magnificent greens of meadows and woods concern to them. Now laser shows and various pictures on television screens and monitors of computers are added to these lighting effects.
All painters work on a combination of lighting effects, and those from them, who managed to catch the play of light, for example, impressionists, have been put in a row with the greatest representatives of the human race in art.
Yes, and the art itself, as such, is aspiration to ideal, not absolutely clear for it, which, actually is a holographic basis of the person.
Clear evidence of this fact is also the relation of the person to a sound.
Natural sound phenomena in the form of splash of waves, rustle of a cane, singing of birds, murmur of a stream, peals of thunder, terrible sounds of a storm with whistle and howl of wind, chirr of a cricket gradually led the person to idea to copy these sounds through organs of articulation – singing – and by means of the pipes and strings, which were being transformed gradually to various musical instruments.
Eventually simple copying was replaced by composing of various melodies – from militant marches to lyrical opera arias.
It is curious that the thoughtless everyday consciousness perceives easier simple melodies. These unpretentious melodies become especially popular in accompaniment of the uncomplicated text.
Undying love of the masses to this kind of music (frequency-wave formations) indicates concealed in the depths of every human consciousness the memory of own holographic basis.
Numerous composers subconsciously too try to catch own frequency-wave basis. But this basis is too complicated and far from low-frequency (sound) waves.
Nevertheless, it manages to make for some of them, mainly by using of the principle of similarity, on the one hand, and by access through insight in "otherworldly space", on the other hand.
Such musical compositions arise in a small number compared to the total number of all musical compositions, inasmuch their creation requires some kind of magic, but the real magicians as true masters, do not appear in a large number, because to find "thing in itself" ("transcendental object) on that side of reality and connect it with reality can only the person, who knows on some reasons, how to do it. In more detail about this ability is described below in the section "Intuition …"
Product of similar insight is often the only one for the entire life of the composer, and composers, who created at least several similar masterpieces during life, are located in the first row, judging by long-term programs of performance of the same operas, cantatas, symphonies etc.
Audiophiles and practically all lovers of classical music by "skin" feel at once uniqueness, universal greatness and unusual tenderness of this music which also is reflection of harmony of a hologram of projection of Uniform in that sphere of human life, where there is no need to fight for existence and can "sink" in waves of "ether" without damage.
2.5. The person in dream and in waking.
Every day of human life is divided on day and night during which the body has to have a rest – a body, but not multilayered consciousness.
Each individual consciousness and in human dreams reflects own activity, manifested in daily human activities: you'll never see dreams in which you are in dormant. In dreams you as if continue to live in action: you are flying, running, fighting, somehow communicating, undertaking something, you are being frightened, taking offense, sobbing, though your body is in dormant. If in the daytime you are inactive or maintain a humdrum existence, then this denial of development is compensated by night dreams, saturated by various acts, often confused and contradictory concerning people famous to you. Consciousness thereby here tries to force the person to start at last though some actions.
Besides, the individual consciousness in dreams tries not only to remember what had happened in life, it models various situations on the basis of information obtained during a day, viewing obtained results of night virtual actions, like the computer working according to appropriate programs, which is configured on allocate of these or those problem situations.
For example, any person had dreams in which he very much tries to find a toilet. Having woken up, he finds the strong desire to visit this place. In the same way in a dream the person can receive the strong boost to contacts with an opposite sex if such need ripened. Need of a trip worries the person in a dream by visions of airplanes, stations, trains, etc.
Often internal computer – the lowest consciousness – notes when processing during sleep of the arrived information in comparison it with the available information these or those problem situations, offering a choice from the available options. Anyway, out of some dreams the person can receive at least a hint on the solution of the urgent problem,
In waking (in reality), that is already in case of action of self-consciousness, the person either ignores the memorable dreams, having considered them by confused and doubtful, or takes them into account, having corrected as appropriate.
The lowest consciousness of the person, which always is set up on survival of an organism, is especially sensitive to disastrous consequences of actions of the person in reality.
During sleep and even during wakefulness it in such cases as if gives signals of danger, which was manifested at information processing.
These signals are, as a rule, the ordinary person rarely notices, unless only he senses some anxiety. However people of dangerous professions (soldiers, firemen, pilots, police officers), as well as people of risky activities (athletes, businessmen, criminals) perfectly know about the sudden feeling of danger arising as if from nowhere. They call it by the sixth sense.
Dreams in this respect are undervalued by science which researches them mainly from the standpoint of psychology and physiology as a product of activities of a brain.
Science believes that daily impressions are combined in dreams as bizarre and chaotic. These impressions after awakening people often can't remember or understand. Consequently, attempts to interpret dreams do not make sense.
Really, the person in full consciousness isn't capable to penetrate into work of own individual consciousness which is becoming more active at night, to understand its sense, to determine mechanisms, i.e. – as if to fit into this process of dreams.
This impossibility of connection to dreams consciously is explained by the fact that dreams proceed outside self-conscious programs of human consciousness, i.e. outside the abstract thinking and logical designs, whose participation not only isn't required, but can interfere with procedure, inasmuch during a dream passes processing of the information, accumulated per day and its combining with the information which is already available in databases, similar to computer processing of accumulated data.
This practically computer processing of information corresponds to the standard programs which are available in consciousness at the level of the lowest consciousness (ordinary living beings) owing to what similar processing bears loading of ensuring normal functioning of an organism. Preliminary preparation (modeling) of consciousness for the subsequent actions of a body is carried out on this basis.
Therefore interpreters of dreams, who even have managed to systematize of them according to their contents, aren't so false. They, of course, have provided only the list of some interpretations of dreams which are very limited and primitive. Nevertheless, the models appearing during sleep in consciousness as well as flashing images, can unconsciously, and in certain cases and consciously to be reflected in active life, and not without success though in a basis of this success are pledged day works.
Whatever it was, but consciousness, in addition to receiving external (current) information mainly through eyes, which give more than 80% of all information, has also to systematize, to archive, to analyze information volume accumulated during the day. Only on the basis of this process consciousness automatically (outside target programs of self-consciousness) may to model the subsequent standard actions of the person.
Self-consciousness, which often borders on stupidity, prejudices, exaggerations and self-conceit, i.e. by significant distortion of the arriving and available information, cannot but prevent to this information procedure. In other words, manifestation of self-consciousness in the subject in sleep owing to personal, corporate, emotional, cultural and other preferences would not allow him to approach an assessment of all array of the saved-up information objectively, on adequate processing which depends not only future behavior of the person, but also his functioning as a live organism.
Thus, in sleep consciousness excludes distortions which are shown in the person through his self-consciousness – let this remarkable being is aware himself after awakening in the course of fight and development in which mistakes can only spur the ingenuity.
Substantially for this reason, and not just because of fatigue, the person "transfers" himself to the "sleeping" mode, i.e. to the mode at which information arriving through his sense organs is minimized, in particular, organs of vision are disconnected, and as it has been told, self-consciousness does not "act" in open form.
In other words, each individual consciousness limits itself in sensations and reflections for the sake of transition to the mode of processing of the accumulated information, and in this regard, i.e., eliminating self-consciousness, works at the level of "considerations" of the computer or a dog, a monkey in period of sleep according to standard programs.
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