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The sun felt strange upon his skin, hostile and unwelcoming. He could spare only a moment’s thought for it before glancing down at the wide mouth and bulbous eyes that stared up at him.

‘Sea Mother,’ it echoed from its gaping mouth, ‘benevolent matron and blessed watcher, forgive me my sins and wash me clean.’

A Zamanthran prayer, he recognised, desperate and brimming with fear. The idea of saving whoever the Omen mimicked was nothing more than an afterthought now and Lenk was no longer moved by it. The parasite sensed this, chattering its teeth at him and ruffling its feathers.

‘No more,’ he said, ‘show me.’

The Omen bobbed its miniature head, twisted it about so that it stared at Lenk upside down, then hopped a few steps and took flight. Lenk followed its low, lazy hover across the beach. The forest had not completely abandoned the sand, it seemed, and trees, however sparse, still stretched out their green grasp.

Lush, he thought, but not lush enough to detract from the bodies.

They were Cragsmen, or had been before the Omens had begun their feast. Now the plump demons cloaked them like feathery funeral shrouds, prodding with their long noses, tearing digits off and shredding tattooed flesh in yellow, needle-like teeth. In ravenous flocks, they devoured, slurping skin into their inner-lips and crunching bones in their wide jaws, leaving nothing behind.

Nothing but the faces.

The two men looked to be in repose. Their eyes were closed, mouths shut with only the faintest of smiles tugging at their lips. Perfectly untouched, their faces were pristine and almost pleasant against the mutilated murals of red and pink their bodies had become.

In fact, were it not for the faint glisten of mucus draped upon their visages, they looked as though they were simply napping in the afternoon sun, ready to awaken at any moment, shrieking at what had ravaged their bodies. Lenk could see the shimmer of the ooze, see where it had plugged up their noses, their ears, sealed their lips. These men would never wake again.

The Omens glanced up as he took a step forwards, regarded him for a moment through their unblinking eyes, then rose as one from the corpses. On silent wings, they glided down to the beach to the sole remaining tree, settling within its boughs to stare at him, a dozen eyes bulging through the leaves like great white fruits.

It was only when Lenk drew closer that he noticed the trunk of the tree. It was not slender and smooth, as the others were, but rough and misshapen on one side, as though it suffered some festering tumour.

As he approached it, he felt the noise die in one thunderous hush. There were no more birds singing, no leaves rustling, and even the sound of waves roiling went quiet. Lenk stared at the tree trunk for what felt like an eternity. It was only when it shifted that he realised.

The tree was staring back at him.

The Abysmyth made no movement, at first, nor gave any indication that it even knew he was there aside from the two great, white, vacant eyes glistening in the shadows. Its head lolled slightly, exposing rows of teeth, as something rumbled up through its chest and out through its gaping jaws.

‘Good afternoon,’ it said.

‘Good afternoon,’ the Omens mimicked in distant chorus, ‘good afternoon, good afternoon, good afternoon.’

‘Good afternoon,’ Lenk replied without knowing why.

Perhaps it was simply wise to show proper manners to something capable of ripping one’s head off, he thought. The creature did not appear to register the politeness, however, and continued to roll its head upon its emaciated shoulders.

‘Mother Deep gave us, Her children, many gifts,’ it said, far more gently than its wicked mouth should allow, ‘and we, Her children, received no greater gift than that of memory.’

There was something unnerving within the Abysmyth’s voice, Lenk thought, something that reverberated through its emaciated body and glistened in its eyes as it turned its gaze out to sea. Perhaps the shadows obscured any murderous intent, but the young man could see no malice within the creature. It sat, leaned against the tree and stared out over the waves, at peace.

Like the damn thing’s on a holiday, he thought.

‘These are the voices I remember,’ the Abysmyth continued. ‘I remember the wind going silent, the sand losing its hiss and the water closing its million mouths, all respectful, all so that we, her children, may hear the sound of Mother Deep.’

Its head jerked towards him and Lenk’s sword went up, levelled at the beast. The creature merely stared at him, giving no indication it had even seen the blade, as it tilted its head, fixing great empty eyes upon the young man.

‘Listen,’ it said, ‘and you, too, shall hear Her.’

‘Listen.’ The winged parasites bobbed their heads all at once, their voices ebbing like the tide. ‘Listen, listen, listen.’

Lenk’s ears trembled; he heard nothing but the beating of his own heart and the rush of blood through his veins. Even that, however, fell silent before another voice.

Do not deign to indulge the abomination,’ it uttered within his mind. ‘To so much as hear the faintest note of Her song is to invite damnation.

That, he thought, would have been a much more imposing reply than what he did say.

‘I,’ he paused, ‘don’t hear anything.’

The Abysmyth’s lolling head rose to regard Lenk curiously. The young man cringed; the thing unnerved him further with every moment. If it had attacked him then and there, he could have mustered the will to fight it. If it had threatened him, he could have threatened back.

Against this display of nonchalance, this utter, depraved serenity, however, Lenk had no defence.

It quietly creaked, resting its head back against the trunk of the tree, and cast an almost meditative stare across the ocean. Then, with the sound of skin stretching over bone, it snapped its great eyes upon him once more.

‘Good afternoon,’ it gurgled.

‘You. . already said that.’

It certainly did not seem wise to offer a colossal man-fish-thing cheekiness of any sort, but the Abysmyth hardly seemed to notice that Lenk had even spoken.

Time has no meaning to it,’ the voice replied, ‘for it has no use for time. It exists without reason, without purpose, and time is the reason for all that mortals do.

‘I know you,’ it finally said. ‘It was upon the blight you call ship that I discovered you. I kept you pure, I kept you chaste.’

It babbles,’ the voice within muttered, ‘it is depraved, driven mad by its wounds.

‘What wounds?’ Lenk asked.

You cannot see them?

He squinted, peering into the shadows. Immediately his eyes widened at the gleam of emerald amongst the gloom. Great gashes rent the creature’s chest, wounds rimed with a sickly green ichor. Each movement of the demon, each laboured breath and swivel of head, made the sound of leather shredding as the green substance pulsed like a living thing, quietly gnawing on the demon’s flesh.

‘What happened to you?’ It occurred to him that he should be gloating over the creature’s wounds, not curious.

‘There was a battle,’ the creature replied, ‘longfaces. . many of them, but weak. They could not hear Mother Deep. We could. We knew. We fought. We won.’

‘We won,’ the Omens echoed above, bobbing their heads in unison, ‘we won, we won, we won.’

‘We. .’ Lenk regarded the demon warily. ‘By that, do you mean you and. .’ he made a gesture to the winged parasites in the trees, ‘those things? Or,’ he could barely force the question from his lips, ‘are there more of you?’

‘More, yes,’ the creature replied. ‘Our suffering is profound, but a duty we take gladly. Mother Deep requires us to suffer for your sakes and silence the voices.’

Suddenly, its eyes went wide. It rose in a flash of shadows, its shriek causing the Omens to go rustling through the leaves, chattering in alarm. Lenk sprang backwards, his sword up and ready to carve a new set of decorations in the creature’s hide. The Abysmyth, however, made no move towards him, not so much as looking at the young man.

It swayed, precarious, before crashing back against the base of the tree, staring up at the sky with eyes full of revelation. Lenk had seen such expressions before, he noted grimly, in Asper’s own stare.

‘That is it!’ It gurgled excitedly. ‘It is all so clear. The wind may die, the sea may fall silent, but mortals. . mortals are never quiet. That is why you cannot hear Her, that is why She cannot reach you.’

It turned its eyes towards Lenk and the revelation was gone. Its stare was dead again, empty and hollow as its voice.

‘Do not fret, wayward child,’ it uttered, ‘I am Her will, Her vigilance.’ Slowly, its webbed claw slid down to its side; there was a muted moan. ‘I can silence the voices.’

‘Silence them,’ the Omens whispered, ‘silence them, silence them, silence them.’

When the Abysmyth’s hand rose again, Lenk saw the Cragsman.

He had looked mighty back upon the Riptide, ferocity brimming in every inch of his tattooed flesh. Now, dangling upside down in the Abysmyth’s talons, he was nothing more than a chunk of bait, wriggling, albeit barely, upon a great hook. The claw marks that rent his flesh glistened ruby red in the shadows, the whites of his eyes stark as the yellow of his teeth as he quivered a plea.

‘Help me,’ the pirate squealed, ‘please!’ His gaze darted alternately between the demon and the young man. ‘I didn’t do anything! I don’t deserve this!’

‘Ah, you can hear that.’ The Abysmyth’s voice drowned the man’s screams under a multi-toned tide. ‘What purpose does it serve to make so much noise? Who can hear with such a tone-deaf chorus? It is a distraction.’

The thing’s other hand rose up like a great, black branch.

‘The cure is nigh.’

‘Cure it!’ the Omens shrieked excitedly. ‘Cure! Cure! Cure!’

It happened with such quick action that Lenk had no time to turn away. In the span of an unblinking eye’s quiver, the demon took the Cragsman’s arm in its own great hand and, with barely more than a wet popping noise, wrenched it off.

HELP ME!’ the man wailed. ‘ZAMANTHRAS! DAEON! GODS HELP ME!’ Tears ran in rivulets down his forehead, mingling with fat, red globs that plopped upon the sand. ‘PLEASE!

‘And for what purpose, my son?’ The Abysmyth shook its great head. ‘Why do you make so much noise, calling to Gods who know not your name nor your suffering? Where is your mercy from heaven? Where is the end to suffering?’

It flicked its taloned hands, sending the appendage flying to land amidst the sands. The Omens let out a collective chatter of approval, bobbing their heads, their bulbous eyes never looking away from Lenk.

‘Where is it?’ they asked. ‘Where is the end? Where are the Gods? Where is the mercy?’

‘Sea Mother,’ the man began babbling a prayer, ‘benevolent matron, bountiful provider, blessed watcher. Wash my sins away on the sand, deliver me to my-’

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