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Читем онлайн Боевая добродетель. Секреты боевых искусств Китая - Алексей Маслов






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//- На европейских языках — //

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398. Applied Chinese acupuncture for clinical practitioners /Ed. by Sun Xucquan. Jinan, 1985.

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425. Huang Wen-shan. Fundamentals of Tai Chi Chuan. Hong Kong, 1973.

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427. Chen style taijiquan. Hong Kong and Beijing: Hai Fei Publishing Co. & Zhaohua. Publishing House, 1984.

428. Klein B. Movements of Magic: The Spirit of T’ai-Chi-Chuan. San Bernardino, 1986.

429. Lagerway T. Taoist Ritual in Chinese Society and History. New York — London, 1987.

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434. Leung Shum. Eagle Claw Kung-fu. Classical Northern Chinese Fist. Hong Kong, 1981.

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436. Lieu Samuel. The Religion of Light. An Introduction to the History of Manichaeism in China. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong press, 1979.

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475. Zhang Mingwu, Sun Xinyuan. Chinese qigong Therapy Jinan, 1985.

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