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lower ['lquq], below [bI'lqu], against [q'genst]

“All right, Roo, I'm coming,” called Christopher Robin.

“Get something across the stream lower down, some of you fellows,” called Rabbit.

But Pooh was getting something. Two pools below Roo he was standing with a long pole in his paws, and Kanga came up and took one end of it, and between them they held it across the lower part of the pool; and Roo, still bubbling proudly, “Look at me swimming,” drifted up against it, and climbed out.

“Did you see me swimming (вы видели, как я плавал)?” squeaked Roo excitedly (возбужденно пищал Ру), while Kanga scolded him and rubbed him down (пока Кенга бранила /его/ и вытирала его). “Pooh, did you see me swimming (Пух, ты видел, как я плавал)? That's called swimming, what I was doing (то, что я делал, называется плавать). Rabbit, did you see what I was doing (Кролик, ты видел, что я делал)? Swimming (плавал). Hallo, Piglet (эй, Пятачок)! I say, Piglet (послушай, Пятачок; I say — послушай, эй)! What do you think I was doing (что, ты думаешь, я делал)! Swimming (плавал)! Christopher Robin, did you see me— (Кристофер Робин, ты видел, как я)”

But Christopher Robin wasn't listening (но Кристофер Робин не слушал). He was looking at Pooh (он смотрел на Пуха).

“Pooh,” he said (Пух, — сказал он), “where did you find that pole (где ты нашел эту ось)?”

Pooh looked at the pole in his hands (Пух посмотрел на шест в своих руках).

“I just found it,” he said (я просто нашел его). “I thought it ought to be useful (я подумал, /что/ он должен пригодиться). I just picked it up (я просто подобрал его).”

“Pooh,” said Christopher Robin solemnly (Пух, — сказал Кристофер Робин торжественно), “the Expedition is over (Экспедиция завершена). You have found the North Pole (ты нашел Северный Полюс[53])!”

“Oh!” said Pooh (ах! — сказал Пух).

scold [skquld], what [wOt], found [faund]

“Did you see me swimming?” squeaked Roo excitedly, while Kanga scolded him and rubbed him down. “Pooh, did you see me swimming? That's called swimming, what I was doing. Rabbit, did you see what I was doing? Swimming. Hallo, Piglet! I say, Piglet! What do you think I was doing! Swimming! Christopher Robin, did you see me—”

But Christopher Robin wasn't listening. He was looking at Pooh.

“Pooh,” he said, “where did you find that pole?”

Pooh looked at the pole in his hands.

“I just found it,” he said. “I thought it ought to be useful. I just picked it up.”

“Pooh,” said Christopher Robin solemnly, “the Expedition is over. You have found the North Pole!”

“Oh!” said Pooh.

Eeyore was sitting with his tail in the water (Иа сидел с /его/ хвостом = опустив хвост в воду) when they all got back to him (когда они все вернулись к нему).

“Tell Roo to be quick, somebody,” he said (кто-нибудь, скажите Ру, пусть поторопится, — сказал он). “My tail's getting cold (мой хвост замерзает). I don't want to mention it (я не хочу упоминать об этом), but I just mention it (но я просто упоминаю об этом). I don't want to complain, but there it is (я не хочу жаловаться, но так уж получается). My tail's cold (моему хвосту холодно).”

“Here I am!” squeaked Roo (вот я! — запищал Ру).

“Oh, there you are (а, вот ты где).”

“Did you see me swimming (ты видел, как я плавал)?”

Eeyore took his tail out of the water (Иа вытащил /свой/ хвост из воды), and swished it from side to side (и помахал им из стороны в сторону).

tail [teIl], cold [kquld], mention ['menSn]

Eeyore was sitting with his tail in the water when they all got back to him.

“Tell Roo to be quick, somebody,” he said. “My tail's getting cold. I don't want to mention it, but I just mention it. I don't want to complain, but there it is. My tail's cold.”

“Here I am!” squeaked Roo.

“Oh, there you are.”

“Did you see me swimming?”

Eeyore took his tail out of the water, and swished it from side to side.

“As I expected,” he said (как я и ожидал, — сказал он). “Lost all feeling (потерял всякую чувствительность). Numbed it (он окоченел: «окоченел его = отморозил его»; numb — онемелый, неподвижный; окоченелый /от холода/). That's what it's done (именно это и случилось). Numbed it (окоченел). Well, as long as nobody minds, I suppose it's all right (ну, поскольку никто /не/ возражает, я полагаю, /что/ все в порядке).”

“Poor old Eeyore (бедный старый Иа)! I'll dry it for you,” said Christopher Robin (я вытру его тебе, — сказал Кристофер Робин), and he took out his handkerchief and rubbed it up (и он вытащил носовой платок и растер его).

“Thank you, Christopher Robin (спасибо, Кристофер Робин). You're the only one who seems to understand about tails (ты единственный, кто, кажется, понимает что-то в хвостах). They don't think (они не думают) —that's what's the matter with some of these others (вот в чем проблема с некоторыми из этих остальных). They've no imagination (у них нет воображения). A tail isn't a tail to them (хвост для них не хвост), it's just a Little Bit Extra at the back (это просто Маленький Дополнительный Кусочек / Еще Немножко спины).”

numb [nAm], poor [puq], imagination [I"mxGI'neISn]

“As I expected,” he said. “Lost all feeling. Numbed it. That's what it's done. Numbed it. Well, as long as nobody minds, I suppose it's all right.”

“Poor old Eeyore! I'll dry it for you,” said Christopher Robin, and he took out his handkerchief and rubbed it up.

“Thank you, Christopher Robin. You're the only one who seems to understand about tails. They don't think—that's what's the matter with some of these others. They've no imagination. A tail isn't a tail to them, it's just a Little Bit Extra at the back.”

“Never mind, Eeyore,” said Christopher Robin (не беда, Иа, — сказал Кристофер Робин), rubbing his hardest (растирая /его/ изо всех сил). “Is that better (так лучше)?”

“It's feeling more like a tail perhaps (он ощущается /теперь/ больше, как хвост, возможно). It Belongs again (он снова Принадлежит /мне/ = я снова ощущаю его Принадлежность ко мне), if you know what I mean (если ты знаешь = понимаешь, что я имею в виду).”

“Hullo, Eeyore,” said Pooh (привет, Иа, — сказал Пух), coming up to them with his pole (подойдя к ним со своей осью).

“Hullo, Pooh (привет, Пух). Thank you for asking (спасибо, /что/ спросил), but I shall be able to use it again in a day or two (но я смогу им пользоваться снова через день или два).”

“Use what?” said Pooh (пользоваться чем? — спросил Пух).

“What we are talking about (тем, о чем мы говорим).”

“I wasn't talking about anything (я ни о чем не говорил),” said Pooh, looking puzzled (сказал Пух с озадаченным видом: «выглядя озадаченно»).

belong [bI'lON], hullo ['hA'lqu], puzzled [pAzld]

“Never mind, Eeyore,” said Christopher Robin, rubbing his hardest. “Is that better?”

“It's feeling more like a tail perhaps. It Belongs again, if you know what I mean.”

“Hullo, Eeyore,” said Pooh, coming up to them with his pole.

“Hullo, Pooh. Thank you for asking, but I shall be able to use it again in a day or two.”

“Use what?” said Pooh.

“What we are talking about.”

“I wasn't talking about anything,” said Pooh, looking puzzled.

“My mistake again (моя ошибка снова = я снова ошибся). I thought you were saying (я думал, ты говоришь) how sorry you were about my tail (как ты сожалеешь о моем хвосте), being all numb, and could you do anything to help (что он совершенно окоченелый, и не мог бы ты чем-нибудь помочь)?”

“No,” said Pooh (нет, — сказал Пух). “That wasn't me,” he said (это был не я, — сказал Пух). He thought for a little and then suggested helpfully (он подумал немного, а потом услужливо /стремясь помочь/ подсказал): “Perhaps it was somebody else (может быть, это был кто-то другой).”

“Well, thank him for me when you see him (ну, поблагодари его от меня, когда ты его увидишь).”

Pooh looked anxiously at Christopher Robin (Пух тревожно поглядел на Кристофера Робина).

being ['bJIN], suggest [sq'Gest], again [q'gen]

“My mistake again. I thought you were saying how sorry you were about my tail, being all numb, and could you do anything to help?”

“No,” said Pooh. “That wasn't me,” he said. He thought for a little and then suggested helpfully: “Perhaps it was somebody else.”

“Well, thank him for me when you see him.”

Pooh looked anxiously at Christopher Robin.

“Pooh's found the North Pole (Пух нашел Северный Полюс; to find),” said Christopher Robin (сказал Кристофер Робин). “Isn't that lovely (разве это не прекрасно)?”

Pooh looked modestly down (Пух скромно посмотрел вниз = потупил взор).

“Is that it?” said Eeyore (да? — спросил Иа).

“Yes,” said Christopher Robin (да, — сказал Кристофер Робин).

“Is that what we were looking for (это то, что мы искали; to look for smth. — искать что-либо)?”

“Yes,” said Pooh (да, — сказал Пух).

“Oh!” said Eeyore (ах! — сказал Иа). “Well, anyhow—it didn't rain,” he said (ну, во всяком случае — не было дождя, — сказал он).

lovely ['lAvlI], modestly ['mOdIstlI], anyhow ['enIhau]

“Pooh's found the North Pole,” said Christopher Robin. “Isn't that lovely?”

Pooh looked modestly down.

“Is that it?” said Eeyore.

“Yes,” said Christopher Robin.

“Is that what we were looking for?”

“Yes,” said Pooh.

“Oh!” said Eeyore. “Well, anyhow—it didn't rain,” he said.

They stuck the pole in the ground (они воткнули шест в землю), and Christopher Robin tied a message on to it (а Кристофер Робин привязал к нему сообщение):

NORTH POLE (Северный Полюс)

DICSOVERED BY POOH (открыт/ый/ Пухом)

POOH FOUND IT (Пух нашел его).

Then they all went home again (потом они все пошли опять домой). And I think, but I am not quite sure (и мне кажется, но я не совсем уверен), that Roo had a hot bath and went straight to bed (что Ру принял горячую ванну и лег сразу в постель). But Pooh went back to his own house (а Пух вернулся в свой собственный дом), and feeling very proud of what he had done (и чувствуя себя очень гордым = и испытывая большую гордость от того, что он совершил), had a little something to revive himself (принял немного кой-чего, /чтобы/ подкрепиться; to revive — оживить).

bath [bRT], done [dAn], revive [rI'vaIv]

They stuck the pole in the ground, and Christopher Robin tied a message on to it:




Then they all went home again. And I think, but I am not quite sure, that Roo had a hot bath and went straight to bed. But Pooh went back to his own house, and feeling very proud of what he had done, had a little something to revive himself.

Chapter 9,


Глава 9,

В которой Пятачок полностью окружен водой

IT rained and it rained and it rained (дождь шел и шел, и шел). Piglet told himself that never in all his life (Пятачок сказал себе, что никогда за всю свою жизнь), and he was goodness knows how old (а ему было, кто его знает = страшно подумать, сколько лет; goodness knows — кто его знает) —three, was it, or four (три, или /даже/ четыре года)?—never had he seen so much rain (никогда /он/ /не/ видел столько дождя). Days and days and days (дни и дни, и дни).

“If only,” he thought (если бы только, — думал он), as he looked out of the window (выглядывая из окна), “I had been in Pooh's house, or Christopher Robin's house, or Rabbit's house (я был бы в доме у Пуха или у Кристофера Робина, или Кролика) when it began to rain (когда начался дождь), then I should have had Company all this time (то у меня бы все это время была Компания), instead of being here all alone (вместо того, чтобы быть здесь совершенно одиноким / в полном одиночестве), with nothing to do except wonder when it will stop (/и при этом мне/ нечего делать, кроме как спрашивать себя, когда закончится /дождь/).” And he imagined himself with Pooh (и он представил себя с Пухом), saying, “Did you ever see such rain, Pooh (/и как он/ говорил: ты когда-нибудь видел такой дождь, Пух)?” and Pooh saying, “Isn't it awful, Piglet (а Пух говорил: разве это не ужасно, Пятачок)?” and Piglet saying, “I wonder how it is over Christopher Robin's way (а Пятачок говорил: интересно, как там за дорогой к Кристоферу Робину),” and Pooh saying, “I should think poor old Rabbit is about flooded out by this time (а Пух говорил: я полагаю, что к этому времени бедного старого Кролика почти затопило; to flood out — заливать, затоплять).” It would have been jolly to talk like this (было бы приятно разговаривать вот так), and really, it wasn't much good having anything exciting like floods (и действительно, не было большого толка от таких волнующих событий, как наводнения), if you couldn't share them with somebody (если ты не мог разделить их с кем-то).

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