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4. Cheney, N.P. (1976) Bushfire disasters in Australia 1945-1975, Australian Forestry, 39,No.4, pp. 245-268. See also:


5. S. Lobanov, V. Kulik . GLOBAL CHANGE--RISK ASSESSMENT AND REAL TIME HYDROLOGICAL FORECASTING OF FOREST CONFLAGRATIONS FOR WATER MANAGEMENT. Abstracts: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly, IUGG 2003, Sapporo, Japan, June 30-July 11, 2003. Amicus Number 000024796217 .

See also: http://hydrologist.narod.ru/hydrology/sapporo-abstract.txt

6. S. Lobanov, V. Kulik . HYDROLOGICAL FORECAST OF FOREST CONFLAGRATIONS. XXXI Congress of International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, Seoul, Korea, 2005; paper PAHR05-0014.

See also: http://hydrologist.narod.ru/hydrology/

7. O'Loughin, E.M., Cheney, N.P. and Burns, J. (1982) The Bushranger Experiment: hydrological response of eucalypt catchment to fire. First Nat. Symp. for Hydrol., Melbourne, pp. 132-138. See also:



8. Luke, R.H., McArthur, A.G. (1978) Bushfires in Australia. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. See also:


9. The Gudgenby fire - 9 January 1983. Operative report of ACT fire brigade unit. Canberra 1983, 37p. See also:


10. Turner, J.A. (1978) Weather in Canada forest fire danger system: a user guide to national standards and practice, Canada 39pp. See also:


11. Van Wagner. (1975) A comparison of the Canadian and American forest fire danger rating system. Information Report PS-X-59, Patawana Forest Experimental Station, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, 19pp. See also:


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