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Burgess О. Т.Knots, Ties, and Splices. L., 1884, 101 p.
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Chase Н.F.The Boatswain.s Manual, Glasgow, 1972.
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Cornell P. М.,Ноffrnan A.C. American Merchant Seaman's Manual. N. Y., 1942. '
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Hunter W. A.Fisherman's Knots and Wrinkles. L. 1953. 66 p.
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Kemp Peter (editor).The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea. L., 1976.
Kerchove, Rene de.International Maritime Dictionary. N. Y.,'1948;L., 1972.
Kunhardt C. P. Ropes.Their Knots and Splices. N. Y., 1893. 48 p. .
Riesenberg Felix.Standard Seamanship for the Merchant Service N. Y., 1922.
Riley Н. W.Knots, Hitches and Splices. N.Y., 1912. 88 p.
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Verrill A. Н.Knots, Splices and Rope Work– N. Y..' 1912. 104 p.
Woollard L.Knotting and Netting. L., 1952. 87 р.
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