163. Georg Kunz, Verortete Geschichte. Regionales Geschichtsbewusstsein in den deutschen Historischen Vereinen des 19. Jahrhunderts (Göttingen, 2000), pp. 312–22. On the interchangeability of local, regional and national concepts of Heimat, see Alon Confino, ‘Federalism and the Heimat Idea in Nineteenth-century Germany’, in Maiken Umbach (ed.), German Federalism (London, 2002), pp. 70–90.
164. Attwood, Fontane und das Preussentum, pp. 15–30. A nuanced monographic study is Gerhard Friedrich, Fontanes preussische Welt. Armee – Dynastie – Staat (Herford, 1988).
165. This essay (and two others on the same theme published in 1848) can be found in Albrecht Gaertner (ed.), Theodor Fontane. Aus meiner Werkstatt. Unbekanntes und Unveröffentlichtes (Berlin, 1950), pp. 8–15.
166. Attwood, Fontane und das Preussentum, pp. 166–7.
167. Andreas Dorpalen, ‘The German Struggle Against Napoleon: The East German View’, Journal of Modern History, 41 (1969), pp. 485–516.
168. See Jan Palmowski, ‘Regional Identities and the Limits of Democratic Centralism in the GDR’, in Journal of Contemporary History (forthcoming). My thanks to Jan Palmowski for allowing me to see this fascinating piece before its appearance in print.
169. Ibid. On Klüss, see also the informative notes in Karl-Heinz Steinbruch, ‘Gemeinde Brunow. History of the Villages of Gemeinde Brunow’, at http://www.thies-site.com/loc/brunow/steinbruch—history—kluess-en.htm; last accessed 23 December 2004.
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