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“Yes, Mr. Darcy,” she said self-assuredly.“I am ready.”

In the carriage headed towards the new couple’s London town house, Elizabeth inquired, “Fitzwilliam, why, pray tell, did Mr. Bingley not attend our wedding? I thought him to be your closest friend.”

“Bingley is not in the city.”

“Then he knows not of our joining?” Elizabeth gazed out the window at the sunny early afternoon scene. Passersby—shopping, greeting one another, or shepherding children—seemed unaware this day was a momentous one.

“Bingley planned to spend Christmas with his sisters at Mr. Hurst’s estate in Hampshire,” Darcy said matter-of-factly.“Bingley does not have a town house. When we left Hertfordshire, they were to spend the night at my home and then proceed on to Hurst’s property.”

“I understand your choosing the good colonel to represent your family during the ceremony, but Mr. Bingley’s absence was felt.” Elizabeth paused before adding quickly,“I hope Mr. Bingley’s’s removal had nothing to do with his sister’s aspirations to be Mrs. Darcy. It would grieve me to know that our marriage separated you from your friend.”

Incredulously, he retorted,“After all I have shared with you, you cannot still believe I would have chosen Caroline Bingley!”

Elizabeth looked away in embarrassment. “I did not mean to vex you, my Husband.”

Darcy caught her hand up in his. “Sweetling, you must know I have only two regrets in our union, and neither involves your being my choice. My regrets have to do with your deserving more than I will be able to give you.” He turned her hand where he could lightly kiss the inside of Elizabeth’s wrist. “I suppose I could have sent word to Hampshire. Actually, I considered it, but I did not want to subject you or the Gardiners to Miss Bingley’s censure. I would not want her disdain to ruin our day. Plus, I was unsure how Jane might feel about seeing Mr. Bingley. His leaving so unexpectedly must have played on your sister’s sensibilities.”

“Do you suppose Mr. Bingley affects Jane?”

“I cannot say how deep Charles’s interest might be. I protected my own feelings by avoiding speaking to him regarding your family.”

Elizabeth purposefully put aside her earlier concerns.“I do like the colonel, and Her Ladyship was most kind. She pleaded with

Darcy chuckled. “I expect you promised we would attend to my uncle’s wishes.”

Elizabeth giggled. “I did try to allay Her Ladyship’s qualms, my Husband.”

“I will do my best by you, Elizabeth,” Darcy suddenly blurted out.“If it is possible, you will be happy; I will see to it.”

“Fitzwilliam,” she chastised him, “I know what you can give me. I am happy, very happy.

Darcy reached for her, pulling Elizabeth to sit nearer him on the coach seat. “I thought we would spend another week in London, and then we would travel to Pemberley before the roads become too bad,” he said pensively.“I sent word to Mrs. Reynolds, my housekeeper, to expect us and to prepare the house for the holidays.” He looked wistfully out the window.“It will be the first festive season in nearly eight years that I have been at home.”

“Would you prefer to remain in town?”

Darcy paused before answering.“I believe it is time to claim my life—or, at least, as much of my life as I can. Plus, it can only be good for Georgiana to have more of a family. I hope you can accept her as a sister.”

“I have a great admiration for Miss Darcy,” she interjected.

He stroked her chin line with the back of his hand. “You, my dear, have a tender heart.”

Elizabeth blushed. “If we travel to Pemberley soon, may I send some gifts to my family with Jane? I would want them to remember me in their celebrations.”

“Shall we return to Longbourn for Christmas?” he offered.

“As much as I will miss my family in Hertfordshire, I think it best if we keep danger away from them. Besides, you are also my family now.” Elizabeth’s eyes scanned his profile in the light of the afternoon.“I am excited to see your home—to see Pemberley.”

Our home,” he corrected her. “Apropos of which, when I left

Elizabeth gasped,“Fitzwilliam!” Her eyes grew luminous.“Why?”

“Because you are my wife…because it is the least I can do to protect you…because I need to do this. It is important, Elizabeth.”

She recognized his need to be a provider—to assure her safety. “Thank you, my Husband,” she whispered. Elizabeth allowed her fingers to seek his strong grasp, and his large hand encircled hers.

When they arrived at their London home, Mr. Frasser met them at the door.“Mrs. Darcy, the staff of Overton House welcomes you.”

“Thank you, Mr. Frasser.” She tried not to appear nervous, but Darcy felt Elizabeth’s fingers tighten on his sleeve.

“Mrs. Darcy and I will have a light supper, Mr. Frasser. Let us say at six.” Darcy pulled her closer to offer his support. “My wife will meet the individual staff members tomorrow.”

“Certainly, Mr. Darcy.” The butler bowed and began to exit. Then, remembering the rest of his charge, he turned to his master once again. “Mrs. Darcy’s trunk from Gracechurch Street arrived, as well as one from Hertfordshire. Joseph placed both in Mrs. Darcy’s room. I asked Sally to serve as the Mistress’s maid while you are in residence at Overton House. I hope that meets with your approval, Mr. Darcy.”

“It seems a fitting choice, Mr. Frasser.” Darcy smiled with the knowledge that today was one for which his staff had long hoped. “I think that a more leisurely tour of the house will be in store today.We will dress for supper at half past five.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“The staff conveys you and Mrs. Darcy all best wishes, Sir. We await your pleasure, Mrs. Darcy.” He bowed out this time.

Elizabeth leaned into Darcy’s shoulder, grasping his forearm tightly with her free hand. “All of this is so new to me.Will I meet

“Yes, my darling, you will,” he reassured her. “My staff will respond to your natural good humor and your kindness. Most of the staff members have served the Darcy family for years—generations, even.They are loyal and will open their hearts to you as my wife.”They entered his study. Darcy leaned down to whisper.“I am sure they are thankful I did not choose Miss Bingley.

“I, too, am grateful you did not choose Miss Bingley,” she responded mischievously. Elizabeth left his arm and closed the door to the room. Returning, she wrapped her arms around Darcy’s waist. “At last—alone,” she said. “I am ready for our first kiss as a married couple in our home. Pray do not trouble yourself, Mr. Darcy.There is no pressure for it to be a momentous occasion.”

Darcy chuckled at her taunt.“You will not leave me if I do not make your world tilt out of control?”

Elizabeth edged closer still. Her breast rose and fell.“It will need to be spectacular to surpass the one on the balcony at Netherfield, but I am willing to give you the chance.”

“I may need much practice,” he countered.

Elizabeth angled her head.“Then let us begin,” she whispered.

Darcy’s lowered his mouth to hers. His stomach tightened with the ecstasy of the moment. She tasted of chocolate and of cinnamon and a bit of nutmeg. Her perfume wafted over him, and nothing else mattered besides having her in his arms. His senses were awash with Elizabeth. She was everything to him—beauty and love and life—all wrapped in the gloriousness of his Elizabeth.

After several delightful moments, Darcy groaned and he forced himself to withdraw, although self-control came slowly. Fury and hunger mingled. Elizabeth was flushed with heat and utterly mesmerizing.

Elizabeth blinked.“I believe th-that my world tilted after all, my Husband,” she stammered.

“I believe mine did also,” he confirmed before setting her from

“I will let the world in for now, Mr. Darcy,” Elizabeth retorted, “but not forever.”

At supper, Darcy placed Elizabeth next to him, rather than allowing one of the footmen to set her a place at the head of the table.The servants at the meal gossiped about how often the young master and his new wife reached out to touch each other, how Mr. Darcy was seen holding her hand, how Mrs. Darcy blushed when he whispered in her ear, and how Mr. Darcy laughed out loud. Those who had served Fitzwilliam Darcy for many years knew something extraordinary had happened when he married Elizabeth Bennet. And hope began to return to Overton House—hope for a future for the Master of Pemberley.

Darcy excused his valet. It was his wedding night, and he knew not what to do. Darcy recognized what he wanted to do; he wanted to go to Elizabeth—to his wife—and take her, as a husband should. She was sultry and flirtatious and seductive and innocent all at once, and Darcy was so very aware of her physically that sometimes he could barely breathe.When she had been Elizabeth Bennet, and he had lain beside her at night, he controlled his desire by telling himself he could not compromise her and destroy her reputation—but those compelling reasons no longer existed. She was his; he had the right to take her as a man takes a woman.Yet he must resist; he could not love Elizabeth as a man because he was not a man; he was a dhampir—a wretched being, half vampire and half human—and Darcy would not create another of his kind. Elizabeth deserved better.

Darcy knew not how he could tolerate her presence in the next room. She would spend the rest of her days and nights in their home, and he could reach her simply by crossing through their

He could see her arch against him—see her lips part as he deepened the kiss—see her head fall back, exposing her lovely, pulsing neck. His muscles tightened, and his breath became shallow just thinking of her softness pressed next to him. Passion filled him.

When Elizabeth burst through the door to Darcy’s bedchamber, she was filled with enthusiasm. Her thoughts were of the newness and luxury of her quarters.Yet when she saw him, Elizabeth froze.

Fitzwilliam Darcy was a magnificent man to look at when he was dressed in waistcoat and cravat and tailored jacket. But Elizabeth found him especially appealing when his hair was a bit disheveled, and he wore a loose-fitting shirt and breeches. Tonight, however, he was perfect.

The muscular line of his back caught her attention—the expanse of his broad shoulders and slim tapering of his waist. Elizabeth gasped and Darcy spun around to find her there.

“Fitz—Fitzwilliam,” she stammered, trying now to force her eyes from his muscular chest. Do you not realize you are an aristocrat—a soft and pampered person, not hard and sculpted? she thought with amusement.

His voice came out clipped. “Yes, Elizabeth?” She is radiant. She is exquisite.

“I apologize.” She began to back out of the room, embarrassed at having intruded on his privacy.

“No,” he called out, moving quickly to stop her retreat. Darcy forced himself to sound calm.“Please do not leave.” He caught her wrist and held Elizabeth in place.

“I should not have come,” she said and flushed.

Darcy could not take his eyes from her.“You are my wife, Elizabeth. You need never apologize for entering this room.” He loosened his grip, but did not release her hand.“Come sit with me.”

He led her towards a small chaise, sitting back before settling

Darcy kissed the top of her head.

“I came to thank you.” She kissed the expanse of his chest and heard Darcy’s breath catch in his throat.

“I do not believe I deserve thanks.” Darcy’s voice sounded strained, as if he fought to control his emotions. His thumb stroked the side of her arm.

Elizabeth leaned back so she could see his face. “Oh, but you do. My wardrobe is filled with new gowns and finery such as I could never imagine. I do not merit such extravagance, but it is wonderful, just the same.”

“Then Madame Lucinda finished her work? I hoped as such.” Darcy kissed the tip of her nose.

“It is not just gowns; it is these!” Elizabeth reached into a pocket of her dressing gown and pulled out a pair of silk stockings. “Feel how fine these are.” She handed them to Darcy.

Darcy chuckled lightly; he thoroughly enjoyed making Elizabeth happy. “I think I would prefer them on your legs when I touch them.When I purchased them, it was with such a thought.”

“Mr. Darcy, you are a cad!” Elizabeth swatted at his chest.

Darcy leaned down to kiss her tenderly.“Am I not to appreciate the beauty of my wife?” He pulled her closer into his embrace. “You should know, my Love, that when a man desires something as I do you, he will do whatever he must to possess it.”

Elizabeth closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, overcome by the scent of him—of his maleness.“I will wear them especially for you, my Husband.” Darcy’s arms tightened around her, needing the pleasure of opening his life to Elizabeth.They remained as such for several moments before she sat up with a start.“Oh, I forgot.” Elizabeth’s green eyes caught the reflection of the light and glowed with excitement.“Wait here. I have something for you.”

She scrambled from the chaise before Darcy could stop her. Elizabeth disappeared into his dressing room, and he heard her

Just as he got the words out, she reappeared in the doorway. Her hands were clasped behind her as she approached where he sat. “This is not as sensual as a pair of silk stockings—” she began.

Three pairs,” Darcy corrected her.

“Yes, three pairs,” she said and laughed. “But I hope my small present will please you nonetheless. It is a token of my regard.” Elizabeth extended her hand towards where he sat.

Darcy sat up straight and accepted the package. He unwrapped the string and brown paper. Elizabeth watched as he lightly touched the raised letters on the front of the book. “You remembered our first conversation in the Netherfield library,” he said.

“There is little about you, my Husband, that I forget.”

When he opened the book to read the inscription, Elizabeth looked away, suddenly shy.When he said her name aloud, Elizabeth turned and Darcy clasped her to him. “Oh, my love,” he moaned, and he lowered his head to kiss her lips in earnest.

Elizabeth had no idea what she d had done with her inexpensive, yet heartfelt, present. If Darcy had any qualms about whether he needed her in his life, the book buried them. Since his parents’ passing, other than Georgiana, no one ever searched out a present especially for him. His uncles and aunts all had people on their staff who took care of such things. For Elizabeth to find time in the chaos of the past few days to choose something personal for him—it meant more than he could explain. Unwilling to control his ardor, Darcy deepened the kiss and clasped her harder into his embrace. Their mouths angled to press closer. For a few minutes, they were both lost one in one another until Darcy’s reason invaded the passion of the moment. “Elizabeth,” he moaned as he broke from the kiss, trying to get control of his traitorous body.

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