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201. Arbatov Alexei. Cutting a Deal // Foreign Affairs. – № 5. – 2006. – P. 153–154.

202. Lieber Keir A., Press Daryl G. Lieber and Press Reply // Foreign Affairs. – № 5.– 2006. – P. 154–157.

203. Scott William B. USSC Prepares for Future Combat Missions in Space // Aviation Week & Space Technology. – 1996. – August 5. – P. 51.

204. Report of the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization (Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 2001), viii, xii.

205. Kay Sean. Global Security in the Twenty-First Century: The Quest for Power and the Search for Peace. – Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006. – P. 187.

206. Jonathan Shainin, “Rods from God”, New York Times Magazine, December 10, 2006. – P. 70.

207. Weiner Tim. Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA. – NY: Doubleday, 2007. – P. 502.

208. Ibidem. – P. 503.

209. Nick Turse, “Planet Pentagon How the Pentagon Came to Own the Earth, Seas, and Skies”, July 11, 2007, www.tomdispatch.com/post/174818.

210. “Department of Defense Base Structure Report, Fiscal Year 2008 Baseline”, www. acq.osd.mil/ie/download/bsr/BSR2008Baseline.pdf.

211. Thomas Donnelly and Vance Serchuk, “Toward a Global Cavalry: Overseas Rebasing and Defense Transformation”, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, July 1, 2003, www.aei.org/outlook/17783.

212. Douglas J. Feith, “Prepared Statement Before the House Armed Services Committee”, June 23, 2004, www.defense.gov/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=133.

213. Engelhardt Tom. The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s. – C: Haymarket Books, 2010. – P. 42.

214. Shanker Thom. Despite Slump, U. S. Role as Top Arms Supplier Grows. // New York Times. – 2009. – September 7.

215. Brzezinski Zbigniew. Terrorized by ‘War on Terror’ // Washington Post. – 2007.

216. Allen Mike, Walsh Edward. Presidential Rivals Feast on Jokes, Jabs // Washington Post. – 2000. – October 20.

217. Story Louise. Wall St. Profits Were a Mirage, but Huge Bonuses Were Real // New York Times. – 2008. – December 18.

218. David Goldman, “Most Firms Pay No Income Taxes – Congress”, August 12, 2008, http: // money.cnn.com/2008/08/12/news/economy/corporate_taxes.

219. Lichtman Alan. White Protestant Nation: The Rise of the American Conservative Movement. – NY: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2008. – P. 446.

220. James T. Patterson, Transformative Economic Policies: Tax Cutting, Stimuli, and Bailouts // Zelizer, The Presidency of George W. Bush, 130.

221. Harris Paul. Welcome to Richistan, USA // Observer (London). – 2007. – July 22.

222. Story Louise. Top Hedge Fund Managers Do Well in a Down Year // New York Times. – 2009. – March 25.

223. International Labour Organization, World of Work Report 2008: Income Inequalities in the Age of Financial Globalization (Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, 2008), www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/inst/download/ world08.pdf, xi.

224. Murakami Tse Tomoeh. Buffett Slams Tax System Disparities // Washington Post. – 2007. – June 27.

225. Rothkopf David. They’re Global Citizens. They’re Hugely Rich. And They Pull the Strings // Washington Post. – 2008. – May 4; Brown David. Richest Tenth Own 85 % of World’s Assets // Times (London). – 2006. – December 6, www. timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article661055.ece.

226. Giving More Generously: What Rich Countries Gave in Foreign Aid Last Year // Economist. – 2009. – March 31, www.economist.com/node/134004067story_ id=13400406.

227. Mark Knoller, “President Bush by the Numbers”, February 11,2009, www.cbsnews. com/stories/2009/01/19/politics/bush_legacy/main473536.shtml.

228. Morello Carol, Keating Dan. Millions More Thrust into Poverty // Washington Post. – 2009. – September 11.

229. Jodie T. Allen, “A Nation of ‘Haves’ and ‘Have-Nots’?”, Pew Research Center, September 13, 2007, http: // pewresearch.org/pubs/593/haves-have-nots.

230. Robert Reich, “America Is Becoming a Plutocracy”, October 18, 2010, www.salon. com/news/feature/2010/10/18/the_perfect_storm.

231. “Bush’s Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent”, www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/01/16/ opinion/polls/main4728399.shtml.

Глава 14. Обама: как управлять раненой империей?

1. Eakin Emily. Ideas & Trends: All Roads Lead to D.C. // New York Times. – 2002. – March 31.

2. Woodward Bob. Obama’s Wars. – NY: Simon & Schuster, 2010. – P. 11.

3. Steven S. Clark, “Pharma Makes a Pragmatic Left Turn in this Election”, WTN News, November 3, 2008, wtnnews.com/articles/5185.

4. Glenn Greenwald, “Larry Summers, Tim Geither and Wall Street’s Ownership of Government”, April 4, 2009, http: // www.salon.com/2009/04/04/summers; Froomkin Dan. White House Watch // Washington Post. – 2009. – April 6.

5. Taibbi Matt. Obama’s Big Sellout // Rolling Stone. – № 23. – 2009, www. commondreams.org/headline/2009/12/13-8; Calmes Jackie. Obama’s Economic Team Shows Influence of Robert Rubin – With a Difference // New York Times. – 2008. – November 24; Dash Eric. Citigroup to Halt Dividend and Curb Pay // New York Times. – 2008. – November 23; Paley Amit R., Cho David. Administration Seeks an Out on Bailout Rules for Firms // Washington Post. – 2009. – April 4.

6. James K. Galbraith, “It Was the Banks”, November 5, 2010, www.commondreams. org/view/2010/11/05-13.

7. Dan Froomkin. Suskind’s ‘Confidence Men’ Raises Questions About Obama’s Credibility // Huffington Post. – 2011. – December 2, www.commondreams. org/view/2011/12/02-8.

8. Alterman Eric. The Ingrates of Wall Street // Nation. – 2011. – June 15, www. thenation.com/article/161447/ingrates-wall-street.

9. Schwartz Nelson D., Story Louise. Pay of Hedge Fund Managers Roared Back Last Year // New York Times. – 2010. – April 1.

10. Luo Michael. In Banking, Emanuel Made Money and Connections // New York Times. – 2008. – December 4.

11. Lizza Ryan. Inside the Crisis: Larry Summers and the White House Economic Team // New Yorker. – 2009. – October 12, www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/ 10/12/091012fa_factlizza?printable=trueixzz1QgGbqGCw.

12. Andrew Sum, Ishwar Khatiwada, Joseph McLaughlin, and Sheila Palma, “The ‘Jobless and Wageless’ Recovery from the Great Recession of 2007–2009: The Magnitude and Sources of Economic Growth Through 2011 and Their Impacts on Workers, Profits, and Stock Values”, May 2011, www.clms.neu.edu/publication/ documents/Revised_Corporate_Report_May _27th.pdf; Jeff Madrick, “When Will Obama Sound the Alarm About Jobs?” June 9, 2011, www.huffingtonpost.com/ jeff-madrick/when-will-obama-sound-the b 874426.html.

13. Meyerson Harold. The Unshared Recovery // Washington Post. – 2010. – September 6; Rattner Steven. The Rich Get Even Richer // Washington Post. – 2012. – March 25.

14. Chris Hedges, “Nader Was Right: Liberals Are Going Nowhere With Obama”, August 10, 2009, www.truthdig.com/report /item/20090810_nader_was_right_ liberals_are_going_nowhere_with_obama.

15. Krugman Paul. The Social Contract // New York Times. – 2011. – September 23.

16. Reich Robert B. How to End the Great Recession // New York Times. – 2010. – September 3; Edward N. Wolff, “Recent Trends in Household Wealth in the United States”, March 2010, www.levyinstitute.org/pubs/wp589.pdf, 11.

17. Blow Charles M. America’s Exploding Pipe Dream // New York Times. – 2011. – October 29; www.sgi-network.org/pdf/SGI11-Social-Justice-OECD.pdf.

18. DeParle Jason. Harder for Americans to Rise from Economy’s Lower Rungs // New York Times. – 2012. – January 5.

19. Whoriskey Peter. Executive Incentives // Wall Street Journal. – 2008. – November 20, online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/st_ceos_20081111.html.

20. Isaac William M. Obama’s Financial Reform Weak and Ineffective // Forbes. – № 8. – 2010, www.forbes.com/2010/04/22/financial – reform-barack-obama-chris-dodd-opinions-contributors-william-m-isaac.html.

21. Pearlstein Steven. Whose Side Is Obama On? // Washington Post. – 2009. – November 25.

22. Confessore Nicholas. Obama Seeks to Win Back Wall St. Cash // New York Times. – 2011. – June 13.

23. Stiglitz Joseph E. Of the 1 %, By the 1 %, For the 1 % // Vanity Fair. – № 5. – 2011, www.vanityfair.com/society/features/2011 /05 /top-one-percent-201105.

24. Jonathan D. Salant and Lizzie O’Leary, “Six Lobbyists Per Lawmaker Work on Health Overhaul (Update 2)”, Bloomberg.com, August 14, 2009, www.bloomberg. com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aqMce51JoZWw.

25. Glenn Greenwald, “White House as Helpless Victim on Healthcare”, December 16, 2009, www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2009/12/16/white_house.

26. Robert Kuttner, “A Wake Up Call”, January 17, 2010, www.huffingtonpost.com/ robert-kuttner/a-wake-up-call_b_426467.html.

27. Meyerson Harold. Who’s Hurt by Paul Ryan’s Budget Proposal // Washington Post. – 2011. – April 5.

28. Friedman Thomas L. Still Digging // New York Times. – 2010. – December 7.

29. Krugman Paul. The President Is Missing // New York Times. – 2011. – April 10.

30. Cameron Doug. GE’s Immelt Receives Cash Bonus // Wall Street Journal. – 2011. – March 14, online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405274870489360457620085036603 0310.html; Gay Stolberg Sheryl. Obama Sends Pro-Business Signal with Adviser Choice // New York Times. – 2011. – January 21.

31. Meyerson Harold. Wall St. Attacks Obama for Tactic It Uses // Washington Post. – 2012. – April 4; Goldfarb Zachary A. Obama Support for GE, Boeing, JPMorgan Doesn’t Always Go Both Ways // Washington Post. – 2012. – July 19.

32. Talev Margaret. Obama Retakes the Oath of Office After Busy First Day // McLatchy News. – 2009. – January 21, www.mcclatchydc.com/2009/01/21/60448/obama-retakes-the-oath-of-office.html.

33. “Obama Administration in Danger of Establishing ‘New Normal’ with Worst Bush-Era Policies, Says ACLU”, July 29, 2010, www.aclu.org/national-security/ obama-administration-danger-establishing-new-normal-worst-bush-era-policies-says-a.

34. Savage Charlie. Court Dismisses a Case Asserting Torture by C.I.A. // New York Times. – 2010. – September 9.

35. Goldsmith Jack. The Cheney Fallacy // New Republic. – № 10. – 2009, www.tnr. com/article/politics/the-cheney-fallacy?page=0,0&id=1e733cac-c273-48e5-9140-80443ed1f5e2&p=1.

36. Turley Jonathan. Taking Liberties: Obama May Prove Disastrous in Terms of Protecting Our Rights // Los Angeles Times. – 2011. – September 29.

37. Richter Paul. State Department Spokesman P. J. Crowley Resigns // New York Times. – 2011. – March 14.

38. Cohn Marjorie. Bradley Manning: Traitor or Hero // Consortium News. – 2011. – December 24, www.consortiumnews.com/2011/12/24/bradley-manning-traitor-or-hero.

39. “WikiLeaks Wins Australian Journalism Award”, AFP, November 27, 2011, www. google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gORUCe6qxRkV8J7Q8Ix6HUPcD_Eg; Glenn Greenwald, “WikiLeaks Wins Major Journalism Award in Australia”, November 27, 2011, www.salon.com/2011/11/27/wikileaks_wins_major_journalism_ award_in_australia.

40. Scheer Robert. From Jefferson to Assange // Nation. – 2010. – December 28, www.thenation.com/article/156909/jefferson-assange.

41. Eddlem Thomas R. Gingrich Calls Assange an ‘Enemy Combatant’ // New American. – 2010. – December 9, www.thenewamerican.com/usnews /foreign-policy/5454-gingrich-calls-assange-an-enemy-combatant; Martin Beckford. Sarah Palin: Hunt WikiLeaks Founder Like al-Qaeda and Taliban Leaders // Telegraph (London). – 2011. – December 26, www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/ wikileaks/8171269/Sarah-Palin – hunt-WikiLeaks-founder-like-al-Qaeda-and-Taliban-leaders.html.

42. Goodale James C. WikiLeaks Probe: Pentagon Papers Injustice Déjà Vu // Daily Beast. – 2011. – June 12, www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/06/13/wikileaks-probe-spoils-pentagon-papers-anniversary.html; Trevor Timm, “Cablegate One Year Later: How WikiLeaks Has Influenced Foreign Policy, Journalism, and the First Amendment”, Electronic Freedom Foundation, November 28, 2011, www.eff. org/deeplinks/2011/11/cablegate-one-year-later-how-wikileaks-has-influenced-foreign-policy-journalism.

43. Smith R. Jeffrey. Classified Pentagon Report Upholds Thomas Drake’s Complaints About NSA // Washington Post. – 2011. – June 23.

44. Glenn Greenwald, “Climate of Fear: Jim Risen v. the Obama Administration”, June 23, 2011, www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/20n/06/23/risen.

45. Erlanger Steven. Europeans Criticize Fierce U. S. Response to Leaks // New York Times. – 2010. – December 10.

46. Priest Dana, Arkin William M. A Hidden World, Growing Beyond Control // Washington Post. – 2010. – July 19.

47. Priest Dana, Arkin William M. Monitoring America // Washington Post. – 2010. – December 20.

48. Savage Charlie. Senators Say Patriot Act Is Being Misinterpreted // New York Times. – 2011. – May 27.

49. Savage Charlie. F.B.I. Agents Get Leeway to Push Privacy Bounds // New York Times. – 2011. – June 13; Shipler David K. Free to Search and Seize // New York Times. – 2011. – June 23.

50. Turley Jonathan. Ten Reasons We’re No Longer the Land of the Free // Washington Post. – 2012. – January 15.

51. DeYoung Karen. Familiar Faces and Some Prominent Newcomers // Washington Post. – 2008. – March 3.

52. Keating Joshua E. The Audacity of What? // Foreign Policy. – № 1. – 2011, www. foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/01/24/the_audacity_of_what.

53. Lizza Ryan. How the Arab Spring Remade Obama’s Foreign Policy // New Yorker. – 2011. – May 2, www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/05/02/110502fa_ fact_lizza?currentPage=all.

54. Abramowitz Michael, Murray Shailagh, Kornblut Anne E. Obama Close to Picking Clinton, Jones for Key Posts // Washington Post. – 2008. – November 22.

55. Cohen Eliot. What’s Different About the Obama Foreign Policy // Wall Street Journal. – 2009. – August 2, online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203946 904574300402608475582.html.

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