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Статистика Совета по медицинским исследованиям: S. Bedson et al., Vaccination Against Whooping Cough: Report to the Medical Research Council, British Medical Journal 2 (1956): 454–462.


Исследование ЭЭГ: B. Hellström, Electroencephalographic Studies in Triple-Immunized Infants, British Medical Journal 2 (1962): 1089–1091.


Исследование региона Северо-Западной Темзы: T. M. Pollack and J. Morris, A 7-Year Survey of Disorders Attributed to Vaccination in North West Thames Region, The Lancet 1 (1983): 753–757.


Нейропатологическое исследование: J. A. N. Corsellis, I. Janoti, and A. K. Marshall, Immunization Against Whooping Cough: A Neuropathological Review, Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 9 (1983): 261–270.


Датское исследование: W. D. Shields, C. Nielson, D. Buch, et al., Relationship of Pertussis Immunization to the Onset of Neurologic Disorders: A Retrospective Epidemiologic Study, Journal of Pediatrics 113 (1988): 801–805.


Исследование Кооператива группового здоровья: A. M. Walker, H. Jick, D. R. Perera, et al., Neurologic Events Following Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Immunization, Pediatrics 81 (1988): 345–349.


Исследование Гриффин: M. R. Griffin, W. A. Ray, E. A. Mortimer, et al., Risk of Seizures and Encephalopathy After Immunization with the Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine, Journal of the American Medical Association 263 (1990): 1641–1645.


Британская педиатрическая ассоциация и Канадский национальный консультационный комитет по иммунизации: J. D. Cherry, Pertussis Vaccine Encephalopathy: It Is Time to Recognize It as the Myth That It Is, Journal of the American Medical Association 263 (1990): 1679–1680; Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Minister of National Health and Welfare, National Advisory Committee on Immunization, Canadian Immunization Guide, 3rd ed. (Ottawa, Canada: Minister of National Health and Welfare, Health Protection Branch, 1989), 78–83.


Копенгагенское исследование: T. Madsen, Vaccination Against Whooping Cough, Journal of the American Medical Association 101 (1933): 187–188.


Обзор Голдена: G. S. Golden, Pertussis Vaccine and Injury to the Brain, Journal of Pediatrics 116 (1990): 854–861. (Курсив мой. – П. О.)


Джеймс Черри о мифе: J. D. Cherry, Pertussis Vaccine Encephalopathy: It Is Time to Recognize It as the Myth That It Is, Journal of the American Medical Association 263 (1990): 1679–1680.


Доклад Института медицины: Institute of Medicine, Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines: A Report of the Committee to Review the Adverse Consequences of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines (Washington D. C.: National Academies Press, 1991).


Доклад Общества детских неврологов: Ad Hoc Committee for the Child Neurology Consensus Statement on Pertussis Immunization and the Central Nervous System, Pertussis Immunization and the Central Nervous System, Annals of Neurology 29 (1991): 458–460.


Исследование Вашингтонского университета и Центров по контролю и профилактике заболеваний: J. L. Gale, P. B. Thapa, S. G. F. Wassilak, et al., Risk of Serious Acute Neurological Illness After Immunization with Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine: A Population-Based Case-Control Study, Journal of the American Medical Association 271 (1994): 37–41.


Пересмотр списка Программы компенсаций пострадавшим от прививок: G. Evans, E. M. Levine, and E. H. Saindon, Legal Issues, в кн. Vaccines, 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008); 60 Fed. Reg. 7678, 7691 (February 8, 1995).


Исследование компьютеризированных историй болезни: W. E. Barlow, R. L. Davis, J. W. Glasser, et al. for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vaccine Safety DataLink Working Group, The Risk of Seizures After Receipt of Whole-Cell Pertussis or Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine, New England Journal of Medicine 345 (2001): 656–661.


Судороги на фоне высокой температуры: M. D. Blumstein and M. J. Friedman, Childhood Seizures, Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America 25 (2007): 1061–1086.


Исследование Миллера: D. L. Miller, E. M. Ross, R. Alderslade, et al., Pertussis Immunization and Serious Acute Neurological Illness in Children, British Medical Journal 282 (1981): 1595–1599.


Процесс Бонтрона: Parents Fail in Whooping Cough Vaccination Test Case, The Times (London), August 31, 1985.


Симптомы Джонни Киннеара: B. Deer, The Vanishing Victims: Can Whooping Cough Jabs Cause Brain Damage in Children? Sunday Times Magazine (London), November 1, 1998.


Иск по делу Киннеара: The Law Tries to Decide Whether Whooping Cough Vaccine Causes Brain Damage: Professor Gordon Stewart Gives Evidence, British Medical Journal 292 (1986): 1264–1266.


Стюарт-Смит и трагедия на футбольном матче на стадионе “Хиллсборо”: D. Conn, Hillsborough: How Stories of Disaster Police Were Altered, The Guardian, April 13, 2009.


Стюарт на процессе Киннеара: The Law Tries to Decide Whether Whooping Cough Vaccine Causes Brain Damage: Professor Gordon Stewart Gives Evidence, British Medical Journal 292 (1986): 1264–1266.


История болезни Киннеара: B. Deer, The Vanishing Victims: Can Whooping Cough Jabs Cause Brain Damage in Children? Sunday Times Magazine (London), November 1, 1998.


Стюарт-Смит о показаниях матери на процессе Киннеара: Stuart-Smith, Lord Justice, Judgment 30 March 1988, Loveday v. Renton and the Wellcome Foundation Ltd., Chilton Vint & Co, 24 Chauncery Lane, London, WC2.


Стюарт неверно толкует исследование Миллера: The Law Tries to Decide Whether Whooping Cough Vaccine Causes Brain Damage: Professor Gordon Stewart Gives Evidence, British Medical Journal 292 (1986): 1264–1266.


Цитата из Левайна и Венка: Ibid.


Диалог Мачина и Стюарта: B. Deer, The Vanishing Victims: Can Whooping Cough Jabs Cause Brain Damage in Children? Sunday Times Magazine (London), November 1, 1998.


“Свидетельская ответственность”: Stuart-Smith, Lord Justice, Judgment 30 March 1988, Loveday v. Renton and the Wellcome Foundation Ltd., Chilton Vint & Co, 24 Chauncery Lane, London, WC2.


Процесс Лавдей: Stuart-Smith, Lord Justice, Judgment 30 March 1988, Loveday v. Renton and the Wellcome Foundation Ltd., Chilton Vint & Co, 24 Chauncery Lane, London, WC2.


История Сьюзен Лавдей: C. Dyer, Whooping Cough Vaccine on Trial Again, British Medical Journal 295 (1987): 1053–1054.


Новые подробности истории Лавдей: B. Deer, The Vanishing Victims: Can Whooping Cough Jabs Cause Brain Damage in Children? Sunday Times Magazine (London), November 1, 1998.


Процесс Лавдей: C. Bowie, Lessons from the Pertussis Vaccine Court Trial, The Lancet 335 (1990): 397–399; все цитаты с процесса Лавдей взяты из Stuart-Smith, Lord Justice, Judgment 30 March 1988, Loveday v. Renton and the Wellcome Foundation Ltd., Chilton Vint & Co, 24 Chauncery Lane, London, WC2. (Курсив мой. – П. О.)


Исследование Дэвида Миллера оказывается несостоятельным: J. D. Cherry, The Epidemiology of Pertussis and Pertussis Immunization in the United Kingdom and the United States: A Comparative Study, Current Problems in Pediatrics 14 (1984): 7–77; J. D. Cherry, Recurrent Seizers After Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Immunization, American Journal of Diseases in Children 138 (1984): 904–907; J. D. Cherry, P. A. Brunell, G. S. Golden, and D. T. Karzon, Report of the Task Force on Pertussis and Pertussis Immunization — 1988, Pediatrics 81: (1988) 933–984; J. B. P. Stephenson, A Neurologist Looks at Neurological Disease Temporally Related to DTP Immunization, Tokai Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 13 (1988): 157–164.


Солсбери о вердикте Стюарта-Смита: интервью автора с Дэвидом Солсбери, 30 ноября 2009 года.


Канадский вердикт: Rothwell v. Connaught Laboratories, Supreme Court of Ontario, June 17, 1988.


Судороги у детей: M. D. Blumstein and M. J. Friedman, Childhood Seizures, Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America 25 (2007): 1061–1086.


Типы судорожных припадков и генетика: R. Nabbout and O. Dulac, Epileptic Syndromes in Infancy and Childhood, Current Opinion in Neurology 21 (2008): 161–166; L. Deprez, A. Jansen, and P. De Jonghe, Genetics of Epilepsy Syndromes Starting in the First Year of Life, Neurology 72 (2009): 273–281.


Берковиц о синдроме Драве: интервью автора с Сэмюелем Берковицем, 27 ноября 2009 года.


Статья Берковица: S. F. Berkovic, L. Harkin, J. M. McMahon, et al., De-Novo Mutations of the Sodium Channel Gene SCN1A in Alleged Vaccine Encephalopathy: A Retrospective Study, Lancet Neurology 5 (2006): 488–492.


Берковиц о реакции на свою статью: интервью автора с Сэмюелем Берковицем, 27 ноября 2009 года.


Мардж Грант на слушаниях Хокинс: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and General Oversight of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, U. S. Senate, Ninety-Seventh Congress, Second Session to Examine Adverse Drug Reactions from Immunization, Federal Efforts in Preventive Medicine, and Characteristics of Certain Diseases, May 7, 1982. Все приведенные цитаты из речи Грант взяты из этого источника.


Статья Берковица: S. F. Berkovic, L. Harkin, J. M. McMahon, et al., De-Novo Mutations of the Sodium Channel Gene SCN1A in Alleged Vaccine Encephalopathy: A Retrospective Study, Lancet Neurology 5 (2006): 488–492.


Редакционная статья Шорвона и Берг: S. Shorvon and A. Berg, Pertussis Vaccination and Epilepsy – An Erratic History, New Research and the Mismatch Between Science and Social Policy, Epilepsia 49 (2008): 219–225.


Статья Берковица в СМИ: интервью автора с Сэмюелем Берковицем, 27 ноября 2009 года.


Декларация о намерениях Леи Томпсон: DPT: Vaccine Roulette, WRCTV, Washington, D. C., 19 апреля 1982 года. Все цитаты из Томпсон в этом разделе взяты из этого источника; курсив мой – П. О.


Статья Бараффа: C. L. Cody, L. J. Baraff, J. D. Cherry, et al., Nature and Rates of Adverse Reactions Associated with DTP and DT Immunizations in Infants and Children, Pediatrics 68 (1981): 650–660.


Вакцина против коклюша и синдром внезапной детской смерти: C. P. Howson and H. V. Fineberg, Adverse Events Following Rubella and Pertussis Vaccines: Summary of a Report of the Institute of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association 267 (1992): 392–396.


Исследование инфантильных спазмов: J. C. Melchior, Infantile Spasms and Early Immunization Against Whooping Cough: Danish Survey from 1970 to 1975, Archives of Disease in Childhood 52 (1977): 134–137.

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