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To be exempted completely from that soul already saved up and learned in other lives, in order to avoid helps from there, withdrawal from planned aside, soul before transition to our measurement and before the new birth in a body blocks own "I", being born as if "blank sheet", ready to new tasks, new tests, new decisions in the independent existence as the person with pure consciousness.

There is as if a falling of soul from "high spheres" into our "rough" world which during all human life will resist to soul. For soul – the self-consciousness which remained at her, liberty which is rooted in her, oppose her, more precisely, her consciousness – all other world and most of all same as her the people having own consciousness and own purposes sometimes coinciding with its purposes, and frequent – contradicting them. As far as she "will rise" or "will fall" in this world, or will reconcile to it, as her consciousness and will change.

Anyway, this voluntary solution of soul in the pure consciousness to oppose herself to our awful world, limiting own primordial liberty, it is necessary to respect. It is not so important that will turn out at soul as it is important that she does it in order to not stand still. It will turn out once.

All people around are the same clear first consciousnesses which subject itself voluntary to temptations, offenses, fears of the antagonistic world built on the mutual devouring of each other and the only thing that at them is – it is liberty built in their consciousness, i.e. aspiration as much as forward, to new. At many of them delusion are so great that them consider as villains, but they with time, having learned that such villainy, will wash away in other lives guilt by great feats or great victims.

Thus, consciousness has to possess by possibility of an exit out of limits of any established order. Otherwise it cannot on own essence, and if to assume that such opportunity disappears, consciousness walks away like as it leaves the person at the moment of his death.

It is clear that without the possibility of going beyond any order consciousness can not to act, and so to consciousness, and more, in fact, no one in the known world, must belong this possibility of release, or just liberty.

From here follows that the mission of liberty consists in providing for consciousness of continuous development in a rigid grip of the material world in shape of being replaced carriers of consciousness whom we are, mortal people, unlike consciousness – external manifestation of immortal soul.

Liberty is not some spare part which has been built in consciousness. Liberty is not domination over circumstances, and it is natural state of consciousness, aggregate of its aspirations which have been caused initially by its dissatisfaction by itself, and aspirations of consciousness can have the different nature – as internal, not having the apparent reasons, and external which is dictated by this or that necessity.

Soul, consciousness in the world cannot have absolute liberty not connected by anything because soul always is in development, and achievement of absolute liberty, when there is no obstacles which should be overcome, is the end any development.

Therefore, in the presence of consciousness in the person if, for example, he not in fainting, the person is always free, i.e. he always has these or those aspirations which forcibly or naturally are not imposed to him. However the person does not swim in free waves of ether, he lives, and from all directions the person is subjected to the pressure as purely physical factors, and the public environment which "imposes with their flags" of the person.

Everyone and everything try to devour with each other in the nature, something similar not literally, but occurs in the human society.

Life human is worth little, it is short, imperfect, occupied, except, actually, survival, as a rule, trifles, livelihood problems, aspiration to bypass the neighbor, to snatch out a slice of the power, money, glories, honors or, at least, the calm. That was yesterday, is forgotten today.

All this would be similar to children's game if not the mass of troubles and sufferings which accompany all these short lives, and do not rescue from them neither money, nor honor, glory, anything.

The number of people on Earth grows, the overwhelming part them lives worse than animals. The allocated smaller part prospers outwardly, and actually it decays, parasitizing on the others. And they will be responsible for it and it will be a shame to them before itself. But at them will be, and not one, opportunity to wash away guilt.

Here the free and pure before soul gets to what conditions, being manifested in the human in the form of consciousness that actually and does him by a reasonable entity.

As it is paradoxical, namely resisting, hostile environment is necessary to soul and, so human consciousness. Only initial souls act in our imperfect world. They as children of loving parents in the kind world do not know sorrow or evil, and in general they imagine a little what it is actually. And, the same as to children, it is impossible them to sit eternally at loving parents, and just as grown, but still unreasonable children go to life willy-nilly souls go to us over here. Only, unlike people, they don't die after vital drudgeries, diseases, hunger, wars, simply an old age, and come back into own world in order to appreciate own deeds – that they, free creations, did in this inconsistent world where necessity dominates?

And they come back to correct what they have done earlier, in another shape, but with the same soul which is eager of changes.

It is clear from here that consciousness possesses both internal and external liberty. Internal, or as at us speak, creative liberty can be boundless, more precisely, it is limited only to opportunities of the individual consciousness, the level reached by it; external liberty – is defined, on the one hand, by environment, on the other hand, by already reached level of consciousness of the individual.

Consciousness by one own part, more precisely, in one state, plans the purposes, creates projects, in another state it tries to plan a liberate of path to these projects, and will, in the form of a combination of instinctive and natural qualities, fruits of education, tutoring and desires creates the necessary tension, effort, induces the person to action to reach a goal.

These purposes can be to ridiculous insignificant, shallow, pathetic, selfish, negatively directional, but can be and noble, great, disinterested. Actually, the reached consciousness level is also defined by quality of the purpose. And in the depth the consciousness knows that it is actually, on what it is capable, that is not enough for it and, respectively, it is distressed or proud of itself and makes plans of the further perfecting.

In other words, liberty is that state of consciousness which, proceeding from a dissatisfaction with itself, highlights the space which is necessary for conducting of prepared by consciousness of projects in another state, partially compensated this dissatisfaction, and will as a derivative by nature and education-tutoring the part of the person, upon command of consciousness induces the person to action, to overcoming by him revealed and unexpected obstacles to the purpose.

Thereby the project or a piece, or still something, conceived by consciousness in the corresponding state of reflection or creation is as though delivered upon the "corridor" revealed by consciousness and liberated by the human according to the plan of this liberation, prepared by consciousness in the state of destruction of possible obstacles, to a place of its realization where the person starts acting, whether it be construction of the house or writing poem, receiving certain satisfaction temporarily.

Without the free state of consciousness, i.e. a state of a dissatisfaction with itself, demanding other – changes, motion forward; without creation of conditionswhich are necessary for these changes in the form of plans of overcoming of obstacles for prepared by consciousness earlier in its conceiving state of the project; without the will inducing the person, having overcome the obstacles, specified to him by consciousness in the free state, to start carrying out the project; development as person, and his soul, consciousness would not be possible.

The dissatisfaction of consciousness defining main aspirations of the person is not feeling of some discontent, type – the eyelash got to an eye, – and understanding by soul of own imperfection. Created in a conceiving state by consciousness projects simply would "hover" in it, if there is no this dissatisfaction that provides aspiration to achievement of a goal which consciousness have thought by necessary at present, and will induces the person to go on the planned way to the purpose, overcoming or bypassing obstacles. And the purposes appear in consciousness only thanks to its eternal dissatisfaction with itself, and, so, by aspiration to change themselves through the reality.

Thus, in the human during this process of implementation of the project, the commit of an act or an action are combined under the auspices of consciousness liberty, necessity and will.

Procedure of manifestation of liberty state of consciousness is such. At first consciousness reflects existence only that environment which corresponds to its aspiration based, in turn, for example, on a certain unsatisfied requirement, scanning everything around. However before it consciousness into itself fixes this dissatisfaction, creating on the basis of representations available for it an image of that it would like. This image can be very indistinct, but exactly it specifies the direction of motion. Therefore consciousness scans environmental space finding suitable subjects or situations. If it finds them, it uses anyway if is not present, then consciousness defines obstacles to the created image of aspiration and a way of their elimination. Will it succeed in human actions to achieve the desired – is another question. But, actually, the issue is already resolved in consciousness. This picture shows work of liberty of consciousness of the person in his practical actions.

We try in this work to clarify problem of liberty, considering that it does not exist outside individual consciousness which is formed only in community of reasonable individuals, depends on the level of consciousness of the specific individual who is in concrete community and, thus, we believe that the individual is free so, how high the consciousness level acquired by him.

In turn, level of consciousness is defined by a time factor, i.e. by events in which the understanding subject participates. Therefore liberty as a state of consciousness concerning the outside world on an initial stage of development of human communities, practically, was not manifested – reigned necessity of a survival. Then the conscious subject started understanding that environment surrounding him with existing cycles and conversions gives in to transformation, human communities start changing environment, forming own reality, reorganizing, changing order surrounding him in which the person has an opportunity to doubt, choose, project, work, moving ahead or rolling away back.

Eventually technological development of a civilization leads the person to understanding of the power over the nature with particular release from its fetters. The mankind gets an opportunity cardinally to change living conditions, its number grows. It seems, as well human liberty has to grow. However it appears that level of technological development, i.e. the external is not defining for growth of the liberty of the person. Social relations, having expanded the range of a choice of life opportunities of the person in comparison with archaic society and having brought him up to a democratic choice of a social system, narrowed an individual choice of the person up to that limit at which he is capable only to exist but not fully to live in the framework of a consumer society allocated to him. Each person perfectly realizes that to develop potentially the free consciousness, the aspirations to the outside which are formed at him all the time, to him practically nowhere.

So the declared liberty, apparently, provided by society to the person is illusory, and he is capable although often and wishes otherwise, to the little. It once again proves that liberty does not come from outside, and depends, first of all, from internal state of the person and according to the society consisting from people which (the society) on this basis is formed.

Apparently, the problem of liberty is more complex, than it is represented originally.

Liberty at all is not direct property of a universe, the nature. On the contrary, rigorous laws which, in particular, control existence and development of the material worlds and various measurements act there, without allowing them to collapse. And ratio of uncertainties only speaks about level of our comprehension of a reality, but not about existence at a universe of a free will, the liberty of actions.

Liberty did not exist nor up to a universe or up to God, as, for instance, considered N. A. Berdyaev.

Two assumptions can be here.

The first consists that if by the act of creation from Nothingness was created the world (Berdyaev trusts in this) that, as we know, neither life, nor the human, at first was not in this world. Liberty is not necessary to a lifeless matter, a lifeless matter is "satisfied" by an order of own movement. And who needs in the lifeless matter which is not aware itself how that if only the lifeless matter is a basis for something else? From where then liberty undertook in our world? So, it together with the person was created by God who has created before it organic life which he did not give liberty too. So in this case Berdyaev's reasons concerning the pristine of liberty, its emergence from a chasm, from Nothingness look unconvincing.

The second assumption consists that it is impossible to make something from Nothingness. Well then, this something existed, in our comprehension of time, always. At such assumption if everything including mind were always, God as Prime Creator is not necessary. Well then, and liberty existed always but it was not at the nature which conscious is not inherent, and liberty was at mind. [1]

The first assumption concerning emergence of all reality, which is typical for the bound, religious consciousness, relies only on influence from outside, on a miracle and looks unconvincing.

The second assumption looks more reasonable because there is nothing external as well as there are no miracles in it.

As for contraposition by Berdyaev of ideal spirit and a «rough» matter, beingness in the respect that the matter cannot have spirituality, we note that based on the latest experimental data as well as theoretical models, in particular, based on the theory of superstrings, our Universe has more than ten measurements. Therefore the assumption is possible that these measurements, from the point of view of matter density, accommodate as though on the type of a ladder, approaching at its top to the point of a singularity, and, so-called, the point of a singularity is characteristic by lack in it of space and time. It turns out that there may be measurements in which matter, in our understanding, there is practically no, and mind which is present there, though not disembodied, but other. Apparently, souls descend to our world from there, passing all "ladder" of various measurements from bottom to top in what consists their cycle of development in our Universe. There can be a set of options including known option of the holographic Universes where all variety of the worlds is secondary and each their particle is only a holographic projection of a single reality. In other words, apparently, constant structures are only relatively independent subordinated substances which are manifested from integrity of fluid motion and then being dissolved back in it in never-ending process of a becoming. [1]

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