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Читем онлайн АМБИГВЫ. Трудности к Фоме (Ambigua ad Thomam), Трудности к Иоанну (Ambigua ad Iohannem) - Преподобный Максим Исповедник






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This volume contains an annotated Russian translation of Ambigia ad Iohannem, Ambigua ad Thomam, and Epistula secunda ad Thomam. The translation was done by Arkadi Choufrine (Princeton University) (amb. 7 and 23) and Dmitry Chernoglazov (St. Petersburg State University) (all other works). It was edited by Grigory Benevich (Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities), who also wrote the introduction and most of the commentaries on the text. Most of the commentaries on amb. 7 were written by Arkadi Choufrine. Dmitry Birjukov (National

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