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Dodds M. H., Dodds R. The Pilgrimage of Grace, 1536–1537, and the Exeter Conspiracy, 1538. 2 vols., Cambridge, 1915; Davies C. S. L. The Pilgrimage of Grace Reconsidered // Past and Present, no. 41. 1968. P. 54–76; Davies C. S. L. Popular Religion and the Pilgrimage of Grace // Order and Disorder in Early Modern England /A. Fletcher, J. Stevenson. Cambridge, 1985. P. 58–91; James M. E. Obedience and Dissent in Henrician England: The Lincolnshire Rebellion 1536 // Past and Present, no. 48. 1970. P. 3–78; Haigh C. The Last Days of the Lancashire Monasteries and the Pilgrimage of Grace. Chetham Society, 3rd ser. 17, 1969; Haigh C. Reformation and Resistance. P. 118–138; Smith R. B. Land and Politics in the England of Henry VIII: The West Riding of Yorkshire, 1530–1546. Oxford, 1970. P. 165–212; Harrison S. M. The Pilgrimage of Grace in the Lake Counties, 1536–1537. London, 1981.


Alack! Alack! / For the church sake / Poor commons wake, / And no marvel! / For clear it is / The decay of this / How the poor shall miss / No tongue can tell.


Fletcher A. Tudor Rebellions. London, 1968; 2nd edn., 1973. P. 24.


Davies. Popular Religion and the Pilgrimage of Grace. P. 68–72.


Ibid. P. 75–78.


Elton. Studies, iii. 183–215; James. Obedience and Dissent. P. 51–68; Smith. Land and Politics. Р. 208; Davies. Popular Religion and the Pilgrimage of Grace. P. 89–91.


LP VII, no. 1206.


Davies. Popular Religion and the Pilgrimage of Grace. P. 90; James. Obedience and Dissent. P. 57–68.


James. Obedience and Dissent. P. 62–63; Smith. Land and Politics. P. 171–176.


Dodds. Pilgrimage of Grace, ii. 297–327; Elton. Reform and Reformation. P. 279–281. Графиня была осуждена по акту дознавателя в мае 1539 года.


All Souls College, Oxford, MS258, fo. 64; Block J. S. Religious Nonconformity and Social Conflict: Philip Gammon’s Star Chamber Story // Albion, 13. 1981. P. 331–346; cf. Guy. Christopher St German. P. 27–28, 131.


Merriman R. B. Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell. 2 vols. Oxford, 1902. ii. 129. В описании начала карьеры Томаса Кромвеля использована информация из следующих работ: Merriman R. B. Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell. i. 1–55; Elton R. Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government. 3 vols.; 1974–1983. ii. 215–235, iii. 373–390; Merriman R. B. Reform and Renewal: Thomas Cromwell and the Common Weal. Cambridge, 1973; Slavin A. J. The Gutenberg Galaxy and the Tudor Revolution // Print and Culture in the Renaissance: Essays on the Advent of Printing in Europe / Ed. G. P. Tyson, S. S. Wagonheim. Newark, NJ, 1986. P. 90–109.


The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe / Ed. G. Townsend. 8 vols.; London, 1843–1849, v. 362–403.


Pocock J. G. A. The Machiavellian Moment. Princeton, NJ, 1975. P. 277.


Fox A. G., Guy J. A. Reassessing the Henrician Age: Humanism, Politics, and Reform, 1500–1550. Oxford, 1986. P. 143–144; Burnet G. History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 3 vols. in 6 parts. Oxford, 1820, I. ii. 278–279; Starkey D. R. Privy Secrets: Henry VIII and the Lords of the Council // History Today, 37. Aug. 1987. P. 30.


Основные работы по этой теме: Elton G. R. The Tudor Revolution in Government. Cambridge, 1953; Elton G. R. Reform and Reformation: England 1509–1558. London, 1977; Elton G. R. Studies, i. 173–188, iii. 373–390; Elton G. R. The Tudor Revolution: A Reply // Past and Present, no. 29. 1974. P. 26–49; Elton G. R. A New Age of Reform? // Historical Journal, 30. 1987. P. 709–716; Revolution Reassessed: Revisions in the History of Tudor Government and Administration / Ed. C. Coleman, D. R. Starkey. Oxford, 1986; Fox, Guy. Reassessing the Henrician Age; Hoak D. E. The Secret History of the Tudor Court: The King’s Coffers and the King’s Purse, 1542–1553 // Journal of British Studies, 26. 1987. P. 208–231; Williams P., Harriss G. L. A Revolution in Tudor History? // Past and Present, no. 25. 1963. P. 3–58; Williams P., Harriss G. L. A Revolution in Tudor History? ibid., no. 31. 1965. P. 87–96; The English Court: From the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War / Ed. D. R. Starkey. London, 1987.


Elton. Tudor Revolution, esp. P. 415–416, 420, 426–427.


The English Court / Ed. Starkey, passim.


Alsop J. D. The Structure of Early Tudor Finance, c. 1509–1558 // Revolution Reassessed / Ed. Coleman, Starkey. P. 135–162; Hoak. Secret History of the Tudor Court, esp. P. 215–231; Elton. A New Age of Reform? P. 714–715.


Elton. Tudor Revolution, p. 416.


Oxford English Dictionary, s. v. ‘revolution’.


Bacon’s Works / Ed. Chandos, 102; цит. в: The English Court / Ed. Starkey, p. 21.


The English Court / Ed. Starkey. Р. 21.


Davis N. Z. Poor Relief, Humanism and Heresy. The Case of Lyon // Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 5. 1968. P. 217–275; Grimm H. J. Luther’s Contributions to Sixteenth-century Organization of Poor Relief // Archiv fhr Reformationsgeschichte, 61. 1970. P. 222–234; Heller H. Famine, Revolt and Heresy at Meaux, 1521–1525. ibid. 68. 1977. P. 133–156; Kingdon R. M. Social Welfare in Calvin’s Geneva // American Historical Review, 76. 1971. P. 50–69; Pullan B. Rich and Poor in Renaissance Venice. Oxford, 1971. P. 239–291; Some Early Tracts on Poor Relief / Ed. F. R. Salter. London, 1926.


De la vicissitude ou variete des choses en 1’univers. Paris, 1579; Davis N. Z. A New Montaigne. The New York Review of Books. 19 Nov. 1987. P. 53.


Guy J. A. Christopher St German on Chancery and Statute. London: Selden Society, 1985. P. 25–33, 127–135; Guy J. A. The Tudor Commonwealth: Revising Thomas Cromwell // Historical Journal, 23. 1980. P. 681–687; Elton G. R. Reform and Renewal. P. 66–157; Elton G. R. English Law in the Sixteenth Century: Reform in an Age of Change // Studies, iii. 274–288; Elton G. R. A New Age of Reform? P. 716. Несмотря на то что Сен-Жермен не был лютеранином, многие его мысли о церкви и помощи бедным предвосхищались в брошюре Лютера The Address to the German Nobility, 1520. Slavin A. J. Upstairs, Downstairs: Or the Roots of Reformation. Huntington Library Quarterly. 1986. P. 243–260; Grimm. Luther’s Contributions to Sixteenth-century Organization

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