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“Do you know that when I first accepted your scandalous proposition of a midnight conversation in the library, I wanted only to prove you to be a womanizing rich man who used women for his own pleasure—and sent them to their death? My aunt was so sure you were at fault in Vivian’s death that I had to find out.” She circled around to stand in front of him.“I thought to flirt with you to see what type of person you really were, but the more I was with you, the more I knew how wrong Aunt Gardiner was.You are a fine man, Fitzwilliam Darcy, and an honorable one.”Tears streamed freely down her face.

Darcy opened his arms and welcomed her into his embrace. He

“Are we to dance tonight, Mr. Darcy?” She cupped his face in the palms of her hands.“We have never danced in public; it would be fitting after your earlier snub.A change in your opinion of Elizabeth Bennet!”

“I was a complete fool,” he admitted before turning his head and kissing her palm.

“Yes, you were, Sir.” She became serious. “Please, Fitzwilliam, I want to be acknowledged by you just once before you leave, and without Wickham’s attendance tonight, no real danger exists.”

“Have you promised the third set to anyone?”


“Then arrange your hair, Miss Elizabeth, and I will claim your hand in front of everyone.” He brushed his lips across hers. Darcy slid his finger along the neckline of her dress, retrieving the jeweled crucifix.“Oh, Sweetling, to be a piece of metal would be ecstasy.”

She laughed lightly. “You do have a singular mind, Mr. Darcy.” With that, she slipped away.

Twenty minutes later, she stood with several of her sisters and other young women from the village, waiting for the next set to begin.

“Should I have Mr. Jameson partner you, Lizzy?” Lydia asked as a gentleman came forward to claim his dance.

“That will not be necessary, Lydia. I have a partner for this set.”

Kitty looked around and saw the rest of the officers lead the ladies to the dance floor.“Really, Lizzy? It is not Papa, is it?”

“No, it is neither Papa nor any of the officers.”

The first strains of the music sounded to call everyone to the dance, and her sisters scrambled to their places. And then Darcy stepped to the edge of the floor. Everyone’s eyes turned to him. In all his time in Hertfordshire, other than the three or four times he had dutifully escorted one of Bingley’s sisters to the floor, he had

In the background, Elizabeth heard her sisters and Caroline Bingley gasp. She made a quick curtsy before taking his arm. “Thank you, Mr. Darcy, I believe it is.”

He led her to the head of the line. As the highest-ranking and most affluent man at the ball, it was his accepted place of honor, and although he had never claimed it for previous dances, for this one—the one with Elizabeth—he would. Once he released Elizabeth to her place across from him, the music began. They circled and twirled about each other, but never once did Darcy take his eyes from hers. “Vixen,” he whispered as they passed each other, “you possess an allure I cannot resist.You are exquisite.”

“I am only sorry we will not get the chance to waltz,” she whispered back.

“Would you like to waltz?” he asked as they stepped around each other.

“Would I like to be in your arms?” she asked sotto voce.“What do you think, Mr. Darcy?”

“I can make it happen, Vixen. I can use my powers. Just say the word.”

The temptation was too much. “Ye—Yes,” she stammered. “Yes, Fitzwilliam.”

They finished the set in silence, both engrossed in what was to come.When the second song ended, Darcy led her to the back of the ballroom.“Meet me on the balcony in five minutes, Sweetling.”

Elizabeth waited a few minutes until no one paid attention to her any longer, and then she slipped through the unlocked patio door. Although it was November, the evening was warm. Darcy waited for her in the shadows. He watched as she made her way to the baluster, and then he came up behind her and encircled her in his arms.“I never tire of watching you,” he whispered in her ear as

She tilted her head up and kissed him along his chin line.“The dance was lovely, Fitzwilliam.”

“It was. Stay here, Sweetling, and let me work my magic.” Darcy released her and turned back towards the house.Then he spread his arms wide and concentrated his power on the household. Streaks of blue light snaked across the marble balcony, bathing the windows and doors in a sealed energy. Everyone inside remained as they were before, repeating the same motions over and over in a continuous loop. Men bowed over ladies’ hands, cards were shuffled constantly, and drinks were poured and then emptied. And then, uncannily, the strains of a waltz began.

Darcy heard her giggle behind him. Before he turned around he asked, “Do I amuse you, Miss Elizabeth?” He dropped his arms to his side, but the blue light continued to zigzag about the house, encasing it in a snowstorm of energy.

She came up behind him and slid under his arm and into his embrace, and, for him, the threat of the curse lessened. “That is something to see,” she murmured.“I am impressed, Sir.”

He could learn to love this magic, especially if it made Elizabeth happy. Darcy turned her to him and then stepped away before making an elegant bow.“May I have this dance, Miss Elizabeth?”

Exhilarated by his show of power on her behalf, Elizabeth nearly collapsed into his arms. Steadying herself, she replied, “You may, Mr. Darcy.”And, placing her hand in his, she allowed Darcy to pull her to him. The night suddenly turned very warm as Darcy stepped into the dance.

Elizabeth felt the expanse of his chest against her bosom and the warmth of his breath against the side of her face. His hand rested on the small of her back, and she felt Darcy move her in closer with just an adjustment of his fingers. It all felt perfectly scandalous—perfectly sinful. They glided in long, rhythmic steps and turns so tight that their feet worked in unison. Elizabeth’s gown swirled about her legs in harmony with the music.

The song continued as they spun in a breathless circle, their

Darcy, caught in the moment, at first did not sense the danger, but then he knew—knew with a sickening certainty—that they were no longer alone. He protectively spun her behind him and whispered softly to her before he turned around,“Follow my lead.”

“What do we have here?” George Wickham stepped from the shadow of a statue, a manifestation of the unreal.“Darcy, I am thunderstruck. I was unaware your powers developed so quickly. In my limited experience, you showed no interest in your innate abilities previously.” He came forward with a defiant swagger. “Whatever you are doing differently, Sir, continue it.You might prove a worthy opponent, after all.”

“What are you doing here, Wickham?” Darcy reached behind him to feel Elizabeth. Her fingers trembled when he touched them.

“I followed the blue lights.”Wickham nodded in the direction of the dancing rays. “I was stunned to find the whole household under your spell.” He took a few steps to the side to get a better look at Darcy’s partner.“And who is with you? Ah, Miss Elizabeth Bennet. I should have recognized your preferences, Darcy.”

“I have no preferences, Wickham.” Darcy countermoved to block Elizabeth from Wickham’s view again.

Wickham laughed sardonically. “Then what do you call this private party?”

“Boredom.” Darcy sneered. “This supercilious collection of know-it-alls bores me. I thought to enliven my last night here.”

“Last night here? And why Miss Elizabeth Bennet?”Wickham asked warily. Although he knew he could beat Darcy in a battle to the end, seeing the increase in Darcy’s powers made him more cautious than usual.

“Why not Elizabeth Bennet?” Darcy feigned indifference. “Why not take my revenge on my most vocal adversary? I am sure you heard her; Miss Elizabeth does not hide her disdain for me.”

“The lady does not seem to disdain you tonight, Darcy.”

Darcy thought quickly. “Miss Elizabeth is under my spell. I touching her as part of my revenge.” Darcy spun Elizabeth into his embrace; she moved in a zombielike manner.“Kiss me as though you desired me,” he ordered. He pulled her to him and kissed Elizabeth in the way he had always wanted to do. His mouth invaded hers, and his hands cupped her buttocks and lifted her to him. Elizabeth’s fingers ran through his hair, and she arched into him. Finally, he broke the kiss and set her from him. “Would Elizabeth Bennet kiss me in such a fashion of her own free will? Even you are not foolish enough to believe so,Wickham. She was brought up as a lady.”

“Maybe so, Darcy.”Wickham seemed amused.“When will you make her yours forever? It is so easy to do when they are under your spell.”

Darcy stepped to where he might shield Elizabeth once again. “I was bored,Wickham; I have not sunk to your level of depravity.”

“A pity,” he returned mockingly. He spun in a whirlwind to the roof of the overhang. “If I were not satisfied already, I might take the lovely Miss Elizabeth off your hands.” Then his tone changed and he issued a threat. “Beware, my friend, for I am coming for you.” His warning hung like icicles in the air.“By the way, Darcy, I left you a present by the servants’ entrance.” Again, a gush of air wrapped them in a maelstrom of debris and swirling energy, and, in an instant,Wickham vanished.

Elizabeth sank to her knees in a release of smeddum. Darcy scooped her up in his arms.“Elizabeth, please, are you all right?” he asked urgently as he brushed the hair from her face.

“Ye—Yes,” she stammered.“That was so close.”

“Elizabeth, we have to find out what he meant by a present by the servants’ entrance.”

She nodded, and he placed her on her feet. Darcy led her down the steps to the garden below. They wove their way through the maze of plants until they reached the back gate. “Stay close,” he whispered in her ear, wrapping his hand completely around hers. Then they followed the outline of the house until they came to the steps leading down to the kitchen. The horror of the night stared

Elizabeth buried her face against his shoulder to stifle her scream. “Elizabeth,” he said, “I must examine her. Stay here.” He caressed her face before he approached the body. As with the others, the woman’s neck was ripped open..

Moments later, Darcy returned to her side. “Come, Love.You must quit this place.”

He hurried her back along the path they had just followed. He held her next to him, and they moved as one. Back on the balcony, he asked,“Who is she?”

“Emily King,” Elizabeth mumbled in shock. “I wanted to tell you about her this evening, but I forgot. Lydia told me Wickham paid her attention before he went to London. I should have told you. We could have stopped this!” Self-recriminating, Elizabeth’s voice rose in anger and remorse.

“It would not have mattered, Elizabeth.” He took her by the shoulders to force her attention.“Listen to me; it would have made no difference. Miss King has been dead for many hours, probably since early this morning.You did nothing wrong.”

“Oh, Fitzwilliam, this is awful!”

“Yes, my love, it is, but we must work fast or Miss King will join Wickham as one of the undead.”

Elizabeth began to tremble with his words. “Oh, Fitzwilliam, we cannot—I cannot!”

I can, Love. I know what to do. My fear is for you. I cannot release the spell on the house until I take care of Miss King. I cannot, therefore, send you back inside. Either you must stay here until I return or go with me. Do you understand, Elizabeth?”

“I cannot watch you—”

“Then you will stay here.” Darcy stood her against the wall. “Use your crucifix. I doubt if Wickham will come back tonight, but if he does, the sign of the cross will protect you. Believe in the Trinity, and you will be safe. His kind cannot come past the iron in the necklace.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely, my love.” Darcy kissed her forehead. “I have only moments to rescue Miss King’s soul. I will be back as soon as the deed is done.”

Darcy disappeared into the darkness. Elizabeth heard his steps amplified along the gravel walkway of the garden. The crunch of his boots reverberated off the house’s masonry. She stood wide-eyed, the jeweled crucifix held tightly in her fist, watching for any movement, ready to defend herself from Wickham’s attack.

Darcy made his way to the tool shed by the barn before heading back to the house. Twice in one week, he thought.Twice in one week he was obliged to do the unthinkable—mutilate a corpse. At last, he knelt beside the body once again. Darcy took his new crucifix from his pocket and said the required prayers for Emily King’s soul and forgiveness for his. Then he used the ax to remove her head—four carefully placed strikes loosened it from the body.Then he positioned it in place, so as not to create a scene of even greater horror when her body was found. Returning the ax to the shed, he made his way across the lawn to the back of the garden.

Elizabeth heard his return and said the last of her prayers. As soon as he stepped upon the balcony, she was in his arms, raining kisses upon his face and lips, grateful he was safe. Darcy held her to him and tried to breathe again.With Elizabeth by his side, he knew the hope of eventually winning this battle.

“Sweetling, you must return inside and I must release the spell.” He set her away from him.“We will let the others discover the body.”

“Did you…?” She could not say the words.

“It is taken care of. She will be Emily King for eternity.” Darcy took her hand and led Elizabeth to the door.“You and I cannot be a part of finding Miss King’s body. It will throw suspicion on us, which is what Wickham wants to happen.” He stopped by the door and took her into his arms. “I hate that the memory of our dance has been ruined. It was perfection.”

“I will remember the kiss always.” She went on her tiptoes to brush her lips across his.“It was perfection.”

Darcy kissed her tenderly, as if she were the most fragile thing

The strains of music and the roar of voices continued. Elizabeth entered the retiring room and freshened her hands and face—making a point of speaking to one of Charlotte’s younger sisters while she was there—and then returned to the ballroom. Darcy was at the other end, talking to Bingley and Colonel Forster.When the footman rushed forward to whisper in Bingley’s ear, Elizabeth knew the content of the message.

She watched Bingley and the colonel follow the footman out. Darcy remained behind to see to the guests and the party. Elizabeth tried to stay calm, but she found herself gasping for air. Darcy appeared before her, a glass of champagne in his hand.“Sip this,” he whispered as he handed it to her.“I am here, Elizabeth.We will find a way to end this madness.”

She took a sip of the restorative liquid.“We will find a way,” she repeated automatically.

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