7. Партии и политическая стабильность
(1) Leonard В. Schapiro, The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (New York, Random House, 1960), p. 258.
(2) Philip Rudolph, North Korea's Political and Economic Structure (New York, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1959), p. 61.
(3) Raymon Vernon, The Dilemma of Mexico's Development (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1963), p. 59.
(4) M. Corpierre, «Le totalitarism africain», Preuves, 143 (January 1963), 17, цит. no: Immanuel Wallerstein, «The Decline of the Party in Single-Party African States», La Palombra and Weiner, eds., Political Parties and Political Development, p. 204.
(5) George Washington, Letter to Jay, November 1, 1794, Writings (W.C.Ford ed., New York, Putnam's, 1891), 12, 486.
(6) Lord Bolingbroke, «The Idea of a Partiot King», Works (London, Hansard and Sons, 1809), 4, 280–281.
(7) Maurice Duverger, Political Parties (New York. John Wiley, 1954), p. 426.
(8) Washington, «Farewell Address», in Ford, ed., 13, 304.
(9) См.: Myron Weiner and Joseph LaPalombara, «The Impact of Parties on Political Development», in LaPalombara and Weiner, p. 400.
(10) Edwin Lieuwen, Generals vs. Presidents, p. 61.
(11) Luis Munoz Marin, New York Times, Dec. 27,1964, p. 43.
(12) Philip E. Converse, «The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics», in David Apter, ed., Ideology and Discontent (New York, The Free Press, 1964), p. 248–249.
(13) William J. Foltz, «Building the Newest Nations: Short-Run Strategies and Long-Run Problems», in Karl W. Deutsch and William J. Foltz, eds., Nation-Building (New York, Atherton Press, 1963), p.121.
(14) Ibid., p. 123–124.
(15) Цит. no: Caridad С Semana, «Some Political Aspect of Philippine Economic Development After independence» (Ph. D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1965), p. 166.
(16) William N. Chambers, Political Parties in a New Nation (New York, Oxford University Press, 1963), p. 26.
(17) Keith Gallard, Political Forces in Pakistan, 1947–1959 (New York, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1959), p. 24–25.
(18) David A. Wilson, Politics in Thailand (Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1962), p. 68.
(19) Henderson, Korea: The Politics of the Vortex, p. 288; David Abernethy, «Education and Politics in a Developing Society: The Southern Nigerian Experience» (Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1965), p. 331.
(20) См., например, обсуждение американского опыта в: Chambers, р. 32–33.
(21) Rupert Emerson, «Nation-Building in Africa», in Deutsch and Foltz, p. 110–111
(22) Термины взяты у Rajni Kothary, «The Congress 'System' in India», Asian Survey, 4 (December 1964), 1161 ff. См. также. Abernethy, p. 482–489.
(23) David Donald, An Excess of Democracy (Inaugural Lecture, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1960), p. 17.
(24) Vernon Lee Fluharty, Dance of the Millions: Military Rule and Social Revolution in Colombia, 1930–1960 (Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1957), p. 316–317.
(25) Edwin Lieuwen, Arms and Politics in Latin America (New York, Frederick Praeger, 1960), p. 89.
(26) Duverger, p. 215–216.
(27) Myron Weiner, Party Politics in India (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1957), p. 230–231.
(28) Seydou Kouyate, Africa Report (May 1963), p. 16, цит. в: Rupert Emerson, «Parties and National Integration in Africa» in LaPalombara and Weiner, p. 296–297.
(29) См.: Frederick W. Frey, «Political Development, Power and Communication in Turkey», in Lucian W. Pye, ed., Communications and Political Development, p. 313–314.
(30) Henderson, p. 303.
(31) См.: Martin Meadows, «Philippine Political Parties and the 1961 Election», Pacific Affaires, 35 (Fall 1962), 270 n.
(32) Sharif al-Mujahid, «Pakistan's First Presidential Elections», Asian Survey, 5 (June 1965), 292; Keith Gallard, Pakistan (New York, Macmillan, 1957), p. 55.
(33) New York Times, October 25,1965, p. 17, November 21,1966, p. 12. Выражаю признательность Абрахаму Ловенталю за данные по Доминиканской Республике.
(34) Michael С. Hudson, The Precarious Republic: Political Modernization of Lebanon (New York, Random House, Forthcoming, 1968), Chap. 6.
(35) Ben Bella, цит. no: Russell Warren Howe, «Would-Be Leader of the Third World'», New Republic, 154 (May 14, 1966), 14.
(36) Lloyd I. and Susan Hoeber Rudolph, «Toward Political Stability in Underdeveloped Countries: The Case of India», Public Policy, 9 (1959), p. 155–157.
(37) Clement Henry Moore, «The Era of the Neo-Destour», in Charles Micaud, ed., Tunisia: The Politics of Modernization (New York, Praeger, 1964), p. 81–82.
(38) Lord Lugard, цит. у: Abernethy, p. 169.
(39) Callard, Pakistan, p. 34.
(40) Callard, Political Forces, p. 23–24; Mushtaq Ahmad, Government and Politics in Pakistan (2d ed. Karachi, Pakistan Publishing House, 1963), p. 136, 142–143.
(41) Jose Nun, «A Latin American Phenomenon: The Middle Class Military Coup», p. 79.
(42) Emilio Willems, «Brazil», in Arnold M. Rose, ed., The Institutions of Advanced Societies (Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1958), p. 552.
(43) W. Howard Wriggins, Ceylon: Dilemmas of a New Nation, p. 107–108; The Times (London), December 12, цит. у: George E. Kirk, «Political Problems of Selected Poly-ethnic Countries in the Middle East: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Cyprus» (неопубликованная работа, Fifth World Congress, International Political Science Association, Paris, 1961), p. 18–19.
(44) Weiner, p. 11–12; Pye, Politics, Personality and Nation-Building, p. 114.
(45) Marcus F. Franda, «The Organizational Development of India's Congress Party», Pacific Affairs, 35 (Fall 1962), p. 251.
(46) Myron Weiner, «India's Third General Election», Asian Survey, 2 (May 1962), 10.
(47) George Rosen, Democracy and Economic Change in India (Berkley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1966), p. 72–74.
(48) Myron Weiner, Congress Party Elites (Bloomington, Ind., Department of Government, University of Indiana, 1966), p. 14–15.
(49) Waine Wilcox, «The Politics of Tradition in Southeast Asia» (неопубликованная работа, Columbia University Seminar on the State, November 13,1963), p. 1.
(50) M.Zaman, V77/ageA/D(Lahor, Government of West Pakistan, 1960), цит. у: А. К. M. Musa, «Basic Democracies in Pakistan — an Analytical Study» (неопубликованная работа, Harvard University, Center for International Affaires, 1965), p. 26.
(51) Wriggins, p. 106.
(52) D.K. Rangnekar, «The Nationalist Revolution in Ceylon», Pacific Affairs, 33 (December 1960), 363; Wriggins, p. 81.
(53) Rangnekar, p. 362–364; Marshall Singer, The Emerging Elite (Cambridge, MIT Press, 1964), p. 122.
(54) Singer, p. 144.
(55) Robert N. Kearney, «The New Political Crisis of Ceylon», As/ал Survey, 2 (June 1962), 19; Wriggins, p. 327.
(56) В. M., «A 'People's Government': Social and Political Trends in Ceylon», World Today, 12 (July 1956), 281.
(57) Amos Kendall, цит. у: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Jackson (Boston, Little Brown, 1948), p. 6.
(58) Wriggins, p. 326–327.
(59) Ibid., p. 348.
(60) Mr. Dias Bandaranaike, цит. у: Kearney, p. 20.
(61) Ibid., p. 26.
(62) Dankwart A. Rustow, «Turkey's Second Try at Democracy», Yale Review, 52 (Summer 1963), 529.
(63) Adnan Menderes, цит. у: Irwin Ross, «From Ataturk to Gursel», Тле New Leader, 43 (December5,1960), 17.
(64) Waiter F. Weiker, The Turkish Revolution. 1960–1961: Aspects of Military Politics (Washington, D.C., The Brooklings Institution, 1963), p. 89.
(65) Frey, in Pye, Communications and Political Development, p. 325; Kemal H. Karpat, Turkey's Politics: The Transition to a Multi-Party System (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1959), p. 207–208; Time, 86 (Oct. 22,1965), 46.
(66) Frderick W. Frey, цит. у: Richard D. Robinson, The First Turkish Republic (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1963), p. 144.
(67) Frderick W. Frey, The Turkish Political Elite, Chap. 7 and p. 396–397.
(68) Richard Butwell and Fred von der Mehden, «The 1960 Election in Burma», Pacific Affairs, 33 (June 1960), 1954.
(69) Donald E. Smith, Religion and Politics in Burma (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1965), p. 242.
(70) Richard Butwell, U Nu of Burma (Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1963), p. 244.
(71) Paul Mercier, «Political Life in the Urban Centers of Senegal: A Study of Transition», PROD Translations, 3 (June 1960), 10.
(72) Цит. у: William J. Folts, «Senegal», in James S. Coleman and Carl G. Rosberg, eds., Political Parties and National Integration in Tropical Africa (Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1964), p. 22.
(73) С Paul Bradley, «Mass Parties in Jamaica: Structure and Organization», Social and Economic Studies, 9 (Dec. 1960), 375–416.
(74) См.: New York Times, May 5,1965, p. 6.
(75) Grossholtz, p. 43–44.
(76) См.: Meadows, по тексту и особенно p. 262–263, 271–273.
(77) Lenin, цит. у: Rustow, World of Nations, p. 100, from «One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward», Robert V. Daniels, ed., A Documentary History of Communism (New York, Vintage, 1960), 1, 26 f.; Eduardo Frei, цит. у: William P. Lineberry, «Chile's Struggle on the Left», The New Leader, 49 (May 23,1966), 6.
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