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Читем онлайн Свет грядущих дней - Джуди Баталион






Organisation of Partisans, Underground Fighters and Ghetto Rebels in Israel, 1992 (Yiddish).

Katz, Esther, and Joan Miriam Ringelheim, eds. Proceedings of the Conference on Women Surviving the Holocaust. New York: Institute for Research in History, c1983.

Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara, and Antony Polonsky, eds. POLIN, 1000 Year History of Polish Jews – Catalogue for the Core Exhibition. Warsaw, Poland: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, 2014. Exhibition catalogue.

Klinger, Chajka. I am Writing These Words to You: The Original Diaries, Będzin 1943. Translated by Anna Brzostowska and Jerzy Giebułtowski. Jerusalem, Israel: Yad Vashem and Moreshet, 2017. (Original work published in Hebrew in 2016.)

Kloizner, Israel, and Moshe Perger. Holocaust Commentary: Documents of Jewish Suffering Under Nazi Rule. Jerusalem, Israel: Jewish Agency of Israel and the Rescue Committee for the Jews of Occupied Europe, 1945–1947.

Korczak, Riezl (Ruz’ka). Flames in Ash. Israel: Sifriyat Po’alim, Hakibbutz Ha’artzi Hashomer Hatzair, 1946 (Hebrew).

Korczak, Roszka, Yehuda Tubin, and Yosef Rab, eds. Zelda the Partisan. Tel Aviv, Israel: Moreshet and Sifriyat Po’alim, 1989 (Hebrew).

Kukielka, Renia. Underground Wanderings. Ein Harod, Israel: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1945 (Hebrew).

Kulkielko, Renya. Escape from the Pit. New York: Sharon Books, 1947.

Laska, Vera, ed. Women in the Resistance and in the Holocaust: The Voices of Eyewitnesses. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1983.

Laskier, Rutka. Rutka’s Notebook: January – April 1943. Jerusalem, Israel: Yad Vashem, 2007.

Liwer, Dawid. Town of the Dead: The Extermination of the Jews in the Zaglembie Region. Tel Aviv, Israel, 1946 (Hebrew).

Lubetkin, Zivia. In the Days of Destruction and Revolt. Translated by Ishai Tubbin and Debby Garber. Edited by Yehiel Yanay, biographical index by Yitzhak Zuckerman. Tel Aviv, Israel: Am Oved; Hakibbutz Hameuchad; Ghetto ighters’ House, 1981. (Original work published in Hebrew in 1979.)

Lukowski, Jerzy, and Hubert Zawadzki. A Concise History of Poland. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Meed, Vladka. On Both Sides of the Wall. Translated by Steven Meed. Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1993. (Original work published in Yiddish in 1948.)

Michlic, Joanna Beata, ed. Jewish Families in Europe, 1939–Present: History, Representation and Memory. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2017.

Milgrom, Frida. Mulheres na resistencia: heroinas esquecidas que se arriscaram para salvar judeus ao longo da historia. Sao Paolo, Brazil: Ipsis, 2016.

Namyslo, Aleksandra. Before the Holocaust Came: The Situation of the Jews in Zaglebie during the German Occupation. Katowice, Poland: Public Education Offi ce of the Institute of National Remembrance, with the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw and Yad Vashem, 2014. Exhibition catalogue.

Neustadt, Meilech, ed. Destruction and Rising, The Epic of the Jews in Warsaw: A Collection of Reports and Biographical Sketches of the Fallen. 2nd ed. Tel Aviv, Israel: Executive Committee of the General Federation of Jewish Labor in Israel, 1947.

Ofer, Dalia, and Lenore J. Weitzman, eds. Women in the Holocaust. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998.

Ostrower, Chaya. It Kept Us Alive: Humor in the Holocaust. Translated by Sandy Bloom. Jerusalem, Israel: Yad Vashem, 2014.

Paldiel, Mordechai. Saving One’s Own: Jewish Rescuers During the Holocaust. Philadelphia, PA: Th e Jewish Publication Society; Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2017.

Paulsson, Gunnar S. Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw 1940–1945. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003.

Person, Katarzyna, ed. Warsaw Ghetto: Everyday Life. The Ringelblum Archive, vol. 1. Translated by Anna Brzostowska et al. Warsaw, Poland: Jewish Historical Institute, 2017.

Porat, Dina. The Fall of a Sparrow: The Life and Times of Abba Kovner. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2010.

Prince, Robert M. The Legacy of the Holocaust: Psychohistorical Themes in the Second Generation. New York: Other Press, 1999. (Original work published in 1985.)

Rakovsky, Puah. My Life as a Radical Jewish Woman: Memoirs of a Zionist Feminist in Poland. Translated by Barbara Harshav with Paula E. Hyman. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2001.

Rapaport, J. ed. Memorial Book of Zaglembie. Tel Aviv, Israel, n. p., 1972 (Yiddish, Hebrew, English).

Reinhartz, Henia. Bits and Pieces. Toronto, Canada: Azrieli Foundation, 2007.

Ringelblum, Emanuel. Notes From the Warsaw Ghetto: The Journal of Emmanuel Ringelblum. Translated by Jacob Sloan. New York: ibooks, 2006. (Original work published in 1958.)

Rittner, Carol, and John K. Roth, eds. Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust. St. Paul, MN: Paragon House, 1993.

Ronen, Avihu. Condemned to Life: The Diaries and Life of Chajka Klinger. Haifa and Tel Aviv, Israel: University of Haifa Press, Miskal-Yidioth Ahronoth and Chemed, 2011 (Hebrew).

Rosenberg-Amit, Zila (Cesia). Not to Lose the Human Face. Tel Aviv, Israel: Hakibbutz Hameuchad Moreshet, Ghetto Fighters’ House, 1990 (Hebrew).

Rotem, Simha “Kazik”. Memoirs of a Ghetto Fighter. Translated by Barbara Harshav. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1994.

Rufeisen-Schüpper, Hella. Farewell to Miła 18. Tel Aviv, Israel: Ghetto Fighters’ House and Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1990 (Hebrew).

Saidel, Rochelle G., and Batya Brudin, eds. Violated! Women in Holocaust and Genocide. New York: Remember the Women Institute, 2018. Exhibition catalogue.

Saidel, Rochelle G., and Sonja M. Hedgepeth, eds. Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women During the Holocaust. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2010.

Schulman, Faye. A Partisan’s Memoir: Woman of the Holocaust. Toronto, Canada: Second Story Press, 1995.

Shalev, Ziva. Tossia Altman: Leader of Hashomer Hatzair Movement and of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Tel Aviv, Israel: Moreshet, 1992 (Hebrew).

Shandler, Jeff rey, ed. Awakening Lives: Autobiographies of Jewish Youth in Poland Before the Holocaust. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2002.

Shelub, Mira, and Fred Rosenbaum. Never the Last Road: A Partisan’s Life. Berkeley, CA: Lehrhaus Judaica, 2015.

Solomian-Lutz, Fanny. A Girl Facing the Gallows. Tel Aviv, Israel: Moreshet and Sifryat Hapoalim, 1971 (Hebrew).

Spizman, Leib, ed. Women in the Ghettos. New York: Pioneer Women’s Organization, 1946 (Yiddish).

Tec, Nechama. Resistance: Jews and Christians Who Defi ed the Nazi Terror. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

Thon, Elsa. If Only It Were Fiction. Toronto, Canada: Azrieli Foundation, 2013.

Tubin, Yehuda, Levi Deror, et al., eds. Ruzka Korchak-Marle: The Personality and Philosophy of Life of a Fighter. Tel Aviv, Israel: Moreshet and Sifriyat Po’alim, 1988 (Hebrew).

Vitis-Shomron, Aliza. Youth in Flames: A Teenager’s Resistance and Her Fight for Survival in the Warsaw Ghetto. Omaha, NE: Tell the Story, 2015.

Wilfand, Yigal, ed. Vitka Fights for Life. Givat Haviva, Israel: Moreshet, 2013 (Hebrew).

Ya’ari-Hazan, Bela. Bronislawa Was My Name. Tel Aviv, Israel: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, Ghetto Fighters’ House, 1991 (Hebrew).

Yerushalmi, Shimshon Dov. Jędrzejow Memorial Book. Tel Aviv, Israel: Jędrzejow Community in Israel, 1965.

Zuckerman, Yitzhak “Antek”. A

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