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III. Reproduce the telephone conversations as close to the text as possible.

IV. Make up telephone conversations considering these assignments.

1. Brown amp; Co. for some reason or other have not delivered the goods in the stipulated time. Phone the Company and let them know that they are responsible for the delay and have either to make emergency delivery within a week or to pay you a penalty.

2. You are decorating your apartment. The work is progressing very slowly. Phone the manager of the Company and ask him to offer his workmen a spot of overtime over the week-end so that they could finish off all the outstanding work within two days.

3. You’ve been up to your ears in work over the past two weeks and failed to send a book on Soviet art to your colleague. Phone him, offer your apologies and say that you do remember your promise and that you will get the book in the post this afternoon.


1. An Advertisement

Charles: Two-six-two four-three-double four. Charles Farmer speaking.

Joan: Hello, Charles, it’s Joan — Joan Cook.

Charles: Hello, Joan, how are you?

Joan: I’m very well, thanks[59]. How are you?

Charles: Oh, not so bad, you know.

Joan: Good. I rang to ask if you know anything about hotels in Brighton.

Charles: No, I’m afraid[60] I can’t be very much help to you there[61].

Joan: Well, it’s just that we’ve been thinking of taking the family to the south this summer and at this rather late stage we’re trying to organize[62]ourselves a suitable hotel. But I thought that you’d been to Brighton;

Charles: I have. Several times. But I’ve always taken a tent and done it the hard way[63].

Joan: Oh, I see. I didn’t realize that.

Charles: Yes. Great one for the open air[64], you know.

Joan: Oh, it must be nice, but we could never contemplate it with our lot[65]. We’re terribly disorganized as a family, you know, and we’d be in chaos in no time. And in any case the car isn’t big enough to get all of us in and camping equipment as well, so we simply must find ourselves a nice hotel where they’ll put up with[66] noisy kids.

Charles: Mm. You have got a problem. And it’s certainly a bit late. But there are masses of adverts. Have you looked at those?

Joan: Well, yes. As a matter of fact I was reading one advert only this morning in the Sunday paper which sounded marvellous.

Charles: For a hotel?

Joan: Yes. Just outside Brighton. And I thought to myself “I’ll give Charles a ring[67]. He may know it”.

Charles: Oh, dear I am a dead loss[68], aren’t I. But tell me about the advert.

Joan: It said that this hotel was right on the beach, and that’s essential as far as we’re concerned, because the kids are really only interested in scrabbling[69] in the sand and popping into[70] the sea every five minutes, so we must be close to it-the closer the better.

Charles: I know just how it is[71].

Joan: And all the rooms have balconies facing the sea and overlooking the beach so it should be possible for mum and dad[72] to keep half an eye on[73] the kids while they’re playing and manage a quiet snooze at the same time occasionally.

Charles: Sounds too good to be true[74]. Expensive?

Joan: Rather. But still the prices were a bit lower than in any of the other adverts I’ve seen, and yet the facilities were as good or even better. You know, even allowing for[75] a bit of exaggeration in the advert, it seemed to have a lot to offer[76].

Charles: Had it?

Joan: Oh, yes. And the food is good — according to the advert, again — but they’re bound to say that.

Charles: Of course. The only way to find out for certain is to go and try it. And that’s taking rather a risk. I tell you what[77], though. It’s just occurred to me — Mr and Mrs Croft from over the road[78] have been to that part of England several times, and I seem to remember them saying they always use the same hotel.

Joan: Do they?

Charles: Yes. At least I think that’s what they said. I’ll pop around[79] later this evening, and if they do know anything that might be of use to you I’ll get one or the other of them to give you a ring.

Joan: Would you? That’s very kind of you. They won’t mind, will they?

Charles: No, of course not. I’m sure they’ll be pleased to help.

Joan: Well, that’s marvellous.

Charles: Did you say something about taking the car?

Joan: Yes. It takes a little longer. But there is no need to rush, because Doug’s got an extra week’s holiday this year.

Charles: Lucky Doug. But isn’t it rather a long drive from Edinburgh — what with the children and the holiday traffic[80]?

Joan: Well, strange as it may seem, the kids are very good in the car. And if you go by train or air you don’t see much on the way, you’re sort of insulated from all the lovely places you’re passing.

Charles: Yes, I agree with you.

Joan: But I’m sure you must have better things to do than listen to me rattling on[81].

Charles: Oh, that’s all right. It’s nice to hear from you. But I will drop in on the Crofts and ask them to phone you. Don’t expect to hear anything until after nine, though, because they’re usually out on Sunday until some time in the evening.

Joan: Well, I shall be around[82] whatever time they ring. Busy getting things ready for school tomorrow. And thanks again, Charles. It really is very kind of you to go to all this trouble.

Charles: No trouble at all. Only too glad[83] to help if I can.

Joan: Well, thanks anyway. Bye-bye, Charles.

Charles: Bye for now, Joan.

2. A Letter of Application

Joe: Peatley two-seven-one[84].

Bob: Hello, is that you, Joe?

Joe: Yes.

Bob: Bob here. How’s things?[85]

Joe: Oh, hello, Bob. Fine. How are you?

Bob: О. K. Listen, I’ve decided to apply for that job I was telling you about. You remember?

Joe: Yes. I remember. Croydon[86], wasn’t it? What was it, a car factory?

Bob: No, light engineering. Rather like that place I was at in Leeds.

Joe: Oh yes, of course. Light engineering. I remember now. And it was for a manager, wasn’t it.

Bob: Yes. Personnel Manager.

Joe: Very nice too. Do you feel optimistic about it?

Bob: Well, I wouldn’t say I exactly feel optimistic, but at least my training and experience have put me in with a chance[87]. So perhaps I could say I feel reasonably optimistic about getting short-listed[88]. But the interview — that’s different.

Joe: Why, for goodness sake?[89] You’re not scared of interviews, are you?

Bob: No, I’m not scared of them, but I don’t feel at my best in interviews. Not when I’m on the receiving end[90], that is. I suppose I spend so much of my time interviewing other people that I feel off balance when I’m in the hot seat[91] myself.

Joe: Oh, I shoudn’t worry too much about it if I were you[92]. As you say, the job is absolutely made for you. I shoudn’t think they’ll get many applicants with your qualifications[93].

Bob: Well, we’ll see[94].

Joe: Yes. You’re bound to get an interview. What’s the pay like incidentally?

Bob: Oh, the pay’s good. Nearly twice what I’m getting now. Joe: Mm!

Bob: But then it is in London, and the rates tend to be a lot higher there, anyway.

Joe: Yes, but even so, it’ll make a big difference if you get it. You’ll be loaded[95]!

Bob: Well, I don’t know about[96] loaded. I should need a damned sight more than twice my present wages to be loaded.

outcome of something.

Joe: Was the money the main reason for applying?

Bob: One of the reasons. Probably, not the main reason.

Joe: What was that then?

Bob: Well, I don’t know, it’s just that I… well, I like working at Yorkshire Engineering, but I’d like more scope[97] for putting a few ideas into practice. You know, old Billings[98] is all right, he’s very understanding and pleasant to work for and all that.

Joe: Yes.

Bob: And he’d never do anyone a bad turn[99], but…

Joe: He’s a stick-in-the-mud[100].

Bob: Well no, not exactly, but he’s very slow to respond to new ideas. He will accept changes, but it takes him so long to come round to a new idea that by the time he’s trying it out it’s not new any longer.

Joe: And that doesn’t suit you.

Bob: Well it doesn’t really bother me, but, I mean, you’ve got to move with the times[101] these days or you’re soon left behind.

Joe: Too true[102].

Bob: So, anyway, I thought I’d have a bash[103].

Joe: Good for you[104]. I hope you fed[105] them all that guff[106] about your qualifications and experience in your application.

Bob: Oh yes, of course.

Joe: But you didn’t lay it on too thick[107], did you? They can go off[108] if you make yourself sound too good, you know.

Bob: Well, I don’t think I did. I just tried to be factual and emphasise the most important points.

Joe: I bet you’ll cake walk it[109]. I’ll keep my fingers crossed[110] for you, at any rate.

Bob: Thanks, I’ll need it.

Joe: But what about the prospect of going South? Does that bother you at all?

Bob: Well, I know it’s got its disadvantages. Housing’s very expensive and travelling in the rush hour can be a bit of a bind[111]. But no doubt it’s got its compensations, too, and if you want to get on you’ve got to be prepared to move around, haven’t you?

Joe: Well, that’s true. But you’ve always lived in Yorkshire and you’ll find things very different in London. No more Sunday mornings on the moors[112].

Bob: Hey, steady on[113]! I haven’t got the job yet.

Joe: No, but if you do get it you won’t be able to pop out[114] of the back door and run up a mountain.

Bob: True. That is something that I’d miss. That’s one thing about these parts — you’re never very far from some real country. Still, I suppose I could get used to country lanes in the Home Counties[115] if I had to.

Joe: Ugh! You don’t call that walking, do you?

Bob: Well, no, not really, but you can’t have everything, so I’d have to amuse myself in other ways. They do have a few more theatres and museums than we do, you know.

Joe: You’ll get fat, middle-aged and civilised. What a fate.

Bob: I’ll have to ring off now. I’ve got one or two things to do before I turn in[116].

Joe: О. K. But don’t forget to let me know if you get an interview.

Bob: I will. Cheerio.

Joe: Cheerio, Bob. Thanks for ringing.


I. Define the meaning of these words and phrases. Make up sentences using them.

to organise oneself a suitable hotel, to do smth. the hard way, to be a great one for smth., with one’s lot, to put up smb., to put up with smb. (smth.), masses of adverts, to be a dead loss, to scrabble in the sand, to pop into the sea, to overlook the beach, to keep half an eye on smb., to manage a quiet snooze, facilities, to allow for a bit of exaggeration, over the road, to pop around, what with the children and the holiday traffic, to rattle on, to apply for a job, light engineering, to put smb. in with a chance, to get shortlisted, to feel at one’s best, to feel off balance, to be in the hot seat, an applicant, the pay, to be loaded, to have more scope for smth., a stick-in-the-mud, to move with the times, to be left behind, to have a bash, to go off smth., to keep one’s fingers crossed for smb., a bit of a bind, to amuse oneself, to turn in

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