[trousers] See: WEAR THE TROUSERS.
[trowel] See: LAY IT ON.
[truck] See: PANEL TRUCK.
[trump card] <n.> Something kept back to be used to win success if nothing else works. * /The coach saved his star pitcher for a trump card./ * /Mary had several ways to get Joan to come to her party. Her trump card was that the football captain would be there./
[trump up] <v.> To make up (something untrue); invent in the mind. * /Every time Tom is late getting home he trumps up some new excuse./ * /The Russians were afraid he was a spy, so they arrested him on a trumped-up charge and made him leave the country./
[trust] See: IN TRUST.
[try on] <v.> To put (clothing) on to see if it fits. * /She tried on several pairs of shoes before she found one she liked./ * /The clerk told him to try the coat on./
[try one's hand] <v. phr.> To make an inexperienced attempt (at something unfamiliar.) * /I thought I would try my hand at bowling, although I had never bowled before./
[try one's wings] <v. phr.> To try out a recently acquired ability. * /Marjorie just had her twelfth French lesson and wants to try her wings by speaking with our visitors from Paris./
[tryout] <n.> An audience at a theater or opera for would-be actors and singers. * /The Civic Opera is holding tryouts throughout all of next week. Maybe I'll go and see if I can sing in the chorus./
[try out] <v. phr.> 1. To test by trial or by experimenting. * /He tried golf out to see if he would like it./ * /The scientists tried out thousands of chemicals before they found the right one./ * /The coach wants to try the new play out in the first game./ 2. To try for a place on a team or in a group. * /Tom tried out for the basketball team./ * /Shirley will try out for the lead in the play./ Compare: OUT FOR.
[tuck] See: NIP AND TUCK.
[tucker] See: BEST BIB AND TUCKER.
[tuck in] <v. phr.> To place the covers carefully around the person (usually a child) in bed. * /When I was a child, my mother used to tuck me into bed every night./
[tug-of-war] <n.> 1. A game in which two teams pull on opposite ends of a rope, trying to pull the other team over a line marked on the ground. * /The tug-of-war ended when both teams tumbled in a heap./ 2. A contest in which two sides try to defeat each other; struggle. * /A tug-of-war developed between the boys who wanted to go fishing and those who wanted to go hiking./ * /Betty felt a tug-of-war between her wish to go to the movies and her realizing she had to do her homework./ * /The tug of war between the union men and management ended in a long strike./
[tune in] To adjust a radio or television set to pick up a certain station. * /Bob tuned in his portable radio to a record show./ * /Tom tuned in to Channel 11 to hear the news./
[tune out] <v. phr.> To not listen to something. * /"How can you work in such a noisy environment?" Jane asked Sue. "Well, I simply tune it out," she answered./
[tune up] <v.> 1a. To adjust (a musical instrument) to make the right sound. * /Before he began to play, Harry tuned up his banjo./ 1b. To adjust a musical instrument or a group of musical instruments to the right sound. * /The orchestra came in and began to tune up for the concert./ 2. To adjust many parts of (car engine) which must work together so that it will run properly. * /He took his car to the garage to have the engine tuned up./
[tune-up] <n.> 1. The adjusting or fixing of something (as a motor) to make it work safely and well. * /Father says the car needs a tune-up before winter begins./ 2. Exercise or practicing for the purpose of getting ready; a trial before something. * /The team went to the practice field for their last tune-up before the game tomorrow./ Syn.: WARM UP.
[turkey] See: TALK TURKEY.
[turn a blind eye] <v. phr.> To pretend not to see; not pay attention. * /The corrupt police chief turned a blind eye to the open gambling in the town./ * /Bob turned a blind eye to the "No Fishing" sign./ Compare: CLOSE ONE'S EYES.
[turn a cold shoulder] See: COLD SHOULDER.
[turn a deaf ear to] <v. phr.> To pretend not to hear; refuse to hear; not pay attention. * /Mary turned a deaf ear to Lois's asking to ride her bicycle./ * /The teacher turned a deaf ear to Bob's excuse./ Compare: COLD SHOULDER.
[turn a hand] <v. phr.> To do anything to help. - Usually used in the negative. * /When we were all hurrying to get the house ready for company, Mary sat reading and wouldn't turn a hand./ Syn.: LIFT A FINGER.
[turn an honest penny] <v. phr.> To realize a good profit. * /Tom turned an honest penny in the soybean trading business./ Compare: PRETTY PENNY.
[turn back the clock] See: PUT BACK THE CLOCK.
[turn color] <v. phr.> To become a different color. * /In the fall the leaves turn color./ * /When the dye was added the solution turned color./
[turn down] <v.> 1. To reduce the loudness, brightness, or force of. * /The theater lights were turned down./ * /Turn down that radio, will you?/ * /The hose was throwing too much water so I turned down the water a little bit./ 2. To refuse to accept; reject. * /His request for a raise was turned down./ * /If she offers to help, I'll turn her down./ * /Many boys courted Lynn, but she turned them all down./
[turn for the worse] See: FOR THE WORSE.
[turn in] <v.> 1. or [hand in] To give to someone; deliver to someone. * /I want you to turn in a good history paper./ * /When the football season was over, we turned in our uniforms./ 2. To inform on; report. * /She turned them in to the police for breaking the street light./ 3. To give in return for something. * /They turned in their old money for new./ * /We turned our car in on a new model./ Syn.: TRADE IN. 4. <informal> To go to bed. * /We were tired, so we turned in about nine o'clock./ Contrast: TURN OUT(4).
[turn in one's grave] or [turn over in one's grave] <v. phr.> To be so grieved or angry that you would not rest quietly in your grave. * /If your grandfather could see what you're doing now, he would turn over in his grave./
[turn loose] See: LET LOOSE(1a).
[turn off] <v.> 1. To stop by turning a knob or handle or by working a switch; to cause to be off. * /He turned the water off./ * /He turned off the light./ 2. To leave by turning right or left onto another way./ * /Turn off the highway at exit 5./ * /The car turned off on Bridge Street./ 3. <slang> To disgust, bore, or repel (someone) by being intellectually, emotionally, socially, or sexually unattractive. * /I won't date Linda Bell anymore - she just turns me off./ Contrast: TURN ON.
[turn of the century] <n. phr.> The time at the end of one century and the beginning of the next century; <especially>: The time when the 1800's became the 1900's; the early 1900's. * /Automobiles were strange things to see at the turn of the century./
[turn on] <v.> 1. To start by turning a knob or handle or working a switch; cause to be on. * /Jack turned on the water./ * /Who turned the lights on?/ 2. <informal> To put forth or succeed with as easily as turning on water. * /She really turns on the charm when that new boy is around./ 3. To attack. * /The lion tamer was afraid the lions would turn on him./ * /After Joe fumbled the ball and lost the big game, his friends turned on him./ 4. <slang> The opposite of turning someone off; to become greatly interested in an idea, person, or undertaking; to arouse the senses pleasantly. * /Mozart's music always turns me on./ 5. Introducing someone to a new experience, or set of values. * /Benjamin turned me on to transcendental meditation, and ever since I've been feeling great!/ Contrast: TURN OFF.
[turn on a dime] <v. phr.> To be able to turn in a very narrow spot comparable to a small coin. * /This new sports car can turn on a dime./
[turn one around one's little finger] See: TWIST ONE AROUND ONE'S LITTLE FINGER.
[turn one's back on] <v. phr.> To refuse to help (someone in trouble or need.) * /He turned his back on his own family when they needed help./ * /The poorer nations are often not grateful for our help, but still we can not turn our back on them./ Compare: GO BACK ON(1).
[turn one's hand to] See: PUT ONE'S HAND TO.
[turn one's head] <v. phr.>, <informal> To make you lose your good judgment. * /The first pretty girl he saw turned his head./ * /Winning the class election turned his head./
[turn one's nose up at] <v. phr.> To scorn; snub; look down at somebody or something. * /I don't understand why Sue has to turn her nose up at everyone who didn't go to an Ivy League college./
[turn one's stomach] <v. phr.>, <informal> To make you feel sick. * /The smell of that cigar was enough to turn your stomach./ * /The sight of blood turns my stomach./
[turn on one's heel] <v. phr.> To turn around suddenly. * /When John saw Fred approaching him, he turned on his heel./ * /When little Tommy's big brother showed up, the bully turned on his heel./
[turnout] <n.> The number of people in attendance at a gathering. * /This is a terrific turnout for Tim's poetry reading./
[turn out] <v.> 1. To make leave or go away. * /His father turned him out of the house./ * /If you don't behave, you will be turned out./ Compare: THROW OUT. 2. To turn inside out; empty. * /He turned out his pockets looking for the money./ * /Robbers turned out all the drawers in the house in a search for jewels./ 3. To make; produce. * /The printing press turns out a thousand books an hour./ * /Sally can turn out a cake in no time./ * /Martin turns out a poem each week for the school paper./ 4. <informal> To get out of bed. * /At camp the boys had to turn out early and go to bed early too./ Contrast: TURN IN(4). 5. <informal> To come or go out to see or do something. * /Everybody turned out for the big parade./ * /Many boys turned out for football practice./ Compare: FALL OUT. 6. To prove to be; be in the end; be found to be. * /The noise turned out to be just the dog scratching at the door./ * /Her guess turned out to be right./ * /Everything turned out all right./ 7. To make (a light) go out. * /Please turn out the lights./ Syn.: TURN OFF(1).
[turnover] <n.> 1. The proportion of expenditure and income realized in a business; the volume of traffic in a business. * /Our turnover is so great that in two short years we tripled our original investment and are expanding at a great rate./ 2. Triangular baked pastry filled with some fruit. * /John's favorite dessert is apple turnovers./ 3. The number of employees coming and going in a company. * /The boss is so strict in our office that the turnover in personnel is very large./
[turn over] <v.> 1. To roll, tip, or turn from one side to the other; overturn; upset. * /He's going to turn over the page./ * /The bike hit a rock and turned over./ 2, To think about carefully; to consider. * /He turned the problem over in his mind for three days before he did anything about it./ 3. To give to someone for use or care. * /I turned my library books over to the librarian./ * /Mrs. Jackson brought her boy to the school and turned him over to the housefather./ * /Bob turns over most of the money he earns to his mother./ 4. Of an engine or motor; to start. * /The battery is dead and the motor won't turn over./ 5a. To buy and then sell to customers. * /The store turned over $5,000 worth of skiing equipment in January./ 5b. To be bought in large enough amounts; sell. * /In a shoe store, shoes of medium width turn over quickly, because many people wear that size, but a pair of narrow shoes may not be sold for years./
[turn over a new leaf] <v. phr.> To start afresh; to have a new beginning. * /"Don't be sad, Jane," Sue said. "A divorce is not the end of the world. Just turn over a new leaf and you will soon be happy again."/ Compare: CLEAN SLATE.
[turn over in one's grave] See: TURN IN ONE'S GRAVE.
[turn over in one's mind] <v. phr.> To carefully consider. * /I will have to turn it over in my mind whether to accept the new job offer from Japan./
[turn tail] <v. phr.>, <informal> To run away from trouble or danger. * /When the bully saw my big brother, he turned tail and ran./
[turn the clock back] <v. phr.> To return to an earlier period. * /Mother wished she could turn the clock back to the days before the children grew up and left home./ * /Will repealing the minimum wage for workers under age eighteen turn the clock back to the abuses of the last century?/
[turn the other cheek] <v. phr.> To let someone do something to you and not to do it in return; not hit back when hit; be patient when injured or insulted by someone; not try to get even. * /Joe turned the other cheek when he was hit with a snowball./
[turn the scales] <v. phr.> To affect the balance in favor of one party or group against the other. * /It could well be that the speech he made turned the scales in their favor./
[turn the tables] <v. phr.> To make something happen just the opposite of how it is supposed to happen. * /The boys turned the tables on John when they took his squirt gun away and squirted him./
[turn the tide] <v. phr.> To change what looks like defeat into victory. * /We were losing the game until Jack got there. His coming turned the tide for us, and we won./ Compare: TIP THE SCALES.
[turn the trick] <v. phr.>, <informal> To bring about the result you want; succeed in what you plan to do. * /Jerry wanted to win both the swimming and diving contests, but he couldn't quite turn the trick./ Compare: DO THE TRICK.
[turn thumbs down] <v. phr.> To disapprove or reject; say no. Usually used with "on". * /The company turned thumbs down on Mr. Smith's sales plan./ * /The men turned thumbs down on a strike at that time./
[turn to] <v.> To begin working with much energy. * /All the boys turned to and cleaned the cabin in a few minutes./ * /Mary turned to and studied for the test./ Syn.: FALL TO.
[turn turtle] <v. phr.> To turn upside down. * /The car skidded on the ice and turned turtle./
[turn up] <v.> 1. To find; discover. * /The police searched the house hoping to turn up more clues./ 2. To appear or be found suddenly or unexpectedly. * /The missing boy turned up an hour later./ * /A man without training works at whatever jobs turn up./ Compare: SHOW UP(3).
[turn up one's nose at] <v. phr.> To refuse as not being good enough for you. * /He thinks he should only get steak, and he turns up his nose at hamburger./
[turn up one's toes] <v. phr.>, <slang> To die. * /One morning the children found that their pet mouse had turned up his toes, so they had a funeral for him./ Compare: PUSH UP THE DAISIES.
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