'How do you know?'
'He is not anxious about his grip, but he feels every now and then round his middle. They're either in a belt or in the lining of his vest.'
'Why the devil did you bring him to this hotel?'
'I thought it would be more convenient. We may want to search his luggage.'
'Are you staying here too?'
'No, I am not such a fool as that. I told him I was going to Rome by the night train and would not take a room. But I must go, I promised to meet him outside the barber's in fifteen minutes.'
'All right.'
'Where shall I find you tonight if I want you?'
Ashenden for an instant eyed the Hairless Mexican, then with a slight frown looked away.
'I shall spend the evening in my room.'
'Very well. Will you just see that there's nobody in the passage?'
Ashenden opened the door and looked out. He saw no one. The hotel in point of fact at that season was nearly empty. There were few foreigners in Naples and trade was bad.
'It's all right,' said Ashenden.
The Hairless Mexican walked boldly out. Ashenden closed the door behind him. He shaved and slowly dressed. The sun was shining as brightly as usual on the square and the people who passed, the shabby little carriages with their scrawny horses, had the same air as before, but they did not any longer fill Ashenden with gaiety. He was not comfortable. He went out and called as was his habit at the Consulate to ask if there was a telegram for him. Nothing. Then he went to Cook's and looked out the trains to Rome: there was one soon after midnight and another at five in the morning. He wished he could catch the first. He did not know what were the Mexican's plans; if he really wanted to get to Cuba he would do well to make his way to Spain, and, glancing at the notices in the office, Ashenden saw that next day there was a ship sailing from Naples to Barcelona.
Ashenden was bored with Naples. The glare in the streets tired his eyes, the dust was intolerable, the noise was deafening. He went to the Galleria and had a drink. In the afternoon he went to a cinema. Then, going back to his hotel, he told the clerk that since he was starting so early in the morning he preferred to pay his bill at once, and he took his luggage to the station, leaving in his room only a dispatch-case in which were the printed part of his code and a book or two. He dined. Then returning to the hotel he sat down to wait for the Hairless Mexican. He could not conceal from himself the fact that he was exceedingly nervous. He began to read, but the book was tiresome, and he tried another; his attention wandered and he glanced at his watch. It was desperately early; he took up his book again, making up his mind that he would not look at his watch till he had read thirty pages, but though he ran his eyes conscientiously down one page after another he could not tell more than vaguely what it was he read. He looked at the time again. Good God, it was only half past ten. He wondered where the Hairless Mexican was, and what he was doing; he was afraid he would make a mess of things. It was a horrible business. Then it struck him that he had better shut the window and draw the curtains. He smoked innumerable cigarettes. He looked at his watch and it was a quarter past eleven. A thought struck him and his heart began to beat against his chest; out of curiosity he counted his pulse and was surprised to find that it was normal. Though it was a warm night and the room was stuffy his hands and feet were icy. What a nuisance it was, he reflected irritably, to have an imagination that conjured up pictures of things that you didn't in the least want to see! From his standpoint as a writer he had often considered murder, and his mind went to that fearful description of one in Crime and Punishment. He did not want to think of this topic, but it forced itself upon him; his book dropped to his knees and staring at the wall in front of him (it had a brown wall-paper with a pattern of dingy roses) he asked himself how, if one had to, one would commit a murder in Naples. Of course there was the Villa, the great leafy garden facing the bay in which stood the aquarium; that was deserted at night and very dark; things happened there that did not bear the light of day and prudent persons after dusk avoided its sinister paths. Beyond Posilippo the road was very solitary and there were byways that led up the hill in which by night you would never meet a soul, but how would you induce a man who had any nerves to go there? You might suggest a row in the bay, but the boatman who hired the boat would see you; it was doubtful indeed if he would let you go on the water alone; there were disreputable hotels down by the harbour where no questions were asked of persons who arrived late at night without luggage; but here again the waiter who showed you your room had the chance of a good look at you and you had on entering to sign an elaborate questionnaire.
Ashenden looked once more at the time. He was very tired. He sat now not even trying to read, his mind a blank.
Then the door opened softly and he sprang to his feet. His flesh crept. The Hairless Mexican stood before him.
'Did I startle you?' he asked smiling. 'I thought you would prefer me not to knock.'
'Did anyone see you come in?'
'I was let in by the night-watchman; he was asleep when I rang and didn't even look at me. I'm sorry I'm so late, but I had to change.'
The Hairless Mexican wore now the clothes he had travelled down in and his fair wig. It was extraordinary how different he looked. He was bigger and more flamboyant; the very shape of his face was altered. His eyes were shining and he seemed in excellent spirits. He gave Ashenden a glance.
'How white you are, my friend! Surely you're not nervous?'
'Have you got the documents?'
'No. He hadn't got them on him. This is all he had.'
He put down on the table a bulky pocket-book and a passport.
'I don't want them,' said Ashenden quickly. 'Take them.'
With a shrug of the shoulders the Hairless Mexican put the things back in his pocket.
'What was in his belt? You said he kept feeling round his middle.'
'Only money. I've looked through the pocket-book. It contains nothing but private letters and photographs of women. He must have locked the documents in his grip before coming out with me this evening.'
'Damn,' said Ashenden.
'I've got the key of his room. We'd better go and look through his luggage.'
Ashenden felt a sensation of sickness in the pit of his stomach. He hesitated. The Mexican smiled not unkindly.
'There's no risk, amigo,' he said, as though he were reassuring a small boy, 'but if you don't feel happy, I'll go alone.'
'No, I'll come with you,' said Ashenden.
'There's no one awake in the hotel and Mr Andreadi won't disturb us. Take off your shoes if you like.'
Ashenden did not answer. He frowned because he noticed that his hands were slightly trembling. He unlaced his shoes and slipped them off. The Mexican did the same.
'You'd better go first,' he said. 'Turn to the left and go straight along the corridor. It's number thirty-eight.'
Ashenden opened the door and stepped out. The passage was dimly lit. It exasperated him to feel so nervous when he could not but be aware that his companion was perfectly at ease. When they reached the door the Hairless Mexican inserted the key, turned the lock, and went in. He switched on the light. Ashenden followed him and closed the door. He noticed that the shutters were shut.
'Now we're all right. We can take our time.'
He took a bunch of keys out of his pocket, tried one or two and at last hit upon the right one. The suitcase was filled with clothes.
'Cheap clothes,' said the Mexican contemptuously as he took them out. 'My own principle is that it's always cheaper in the end to buy the best. After all one is a gentleman or one isn't a gentleman.'
'Are you obliged to talk?' said Ashenden.
'A spice of danger affects people in different ways. It only excites me, but it puts you in a bad temper, amigo.'
'You see, I'm scared and you're not,' replied Ashenden with candour.
'It's merely a matter of nerves.'
Meanwhile he felt the clothes, rapidly but with care, as he took them out. There were no papers of any sort in the suitcase. Then he took out his knife and slit the lining. It was a cheap piece and the lining was gummed to the material of which the suitcase was made. There was no possibility of anything being concealed in it.
'They're not here. They must be hidden in the room.'
'Are you sure he didn't deposit them in some office? At one of the consulates, for example?'
'He was never out of my sight for a moment except when he was getting shaved.'
The Hairless Mexican opened the drawers and the cupboard. There was no carpet on the floor. He looked under the bed, in it, and under the mattress. His dark eyes shot up and down the room, looking for a hiding-place, and Ashenden felt that nothing escaped him.
'Perhaps he left them in charge of the clerk downstairs?'
'I should have known it. And he wouldn't dare. They're not here. I can't understand it.'
He looked about the room irresolutely. He frowned in the attempt to guess at a solution of the mystery.
'Let's get out of here,' said Ashenden.
'In a minute.'
The Mexican went down on his knees, quickly and neatly folded the clothes, and packed them up again. He locked the bag and stood up. Then, putting out the light, he slowly opened the door and looked out. He beckoned to Ashenden and slipped into the passage. When Ashenden had followed him he stopped and locked the door, put the key in his pocket, and walked with Ashenden to his room. When they were inside it and the bolt drawn Ashenden wiped his clammy hands and his forehead.
'Thank God, we're out of that!'
'There wasn't really the smallest danger. But what are we to do now? The Colonel will be angry that the papers haven't been found.'
'I'm taking the five o'clock train to Rome. I shall wire for instructions there.'
'Very well, I will come with you.'
'I should have thought it would suit you better to get out of the country more quickly. There's a boat tomorrow that goes to Barcelona. Why don't you take that and if necessary I can come to see you there?'
The Hairless Mexican gave a little smile.
'I see that you are anxious to be rid of me. Well, I won't thwart a wish that your inexperience in these matters excuses. I will go to Barcelona. I have a visa for Spain.'
Ashenden looked at his watch. It was a little after two. He had nearly three hours to wait. His companion comfortably rolled himself a cigarette.
'What do you say to a little supper?' he asked. 'I'm as hungry as a wolf.'
The thought of food sickened Ashenden, but he was terribly thirsty. He did not want to go out with the Hairless Mexican, but neither did he want to stay in that hotel by himself.
'Where could one go at this hour?'
'Come along with me. I'll find you a place.'
Ashenden put on his hat and took his dispatch-case in his hand. They went downstairs. In the hall the porter was sleeping soundly on a mattress on the floor. As they passed the desk, walking softly in order not to wake him, Ashenden noticed in the pigeon-hole belonging to his room a letter. He took it out and saw that it was addressed to him. They tiptoed out of the hotel and shut the door behind them. They then walked quickly away. Stopping after a hundred yards or so under a lamp-post Ashenden took the letter out of his pocket and read; it came from the Consulate and said: The enclosed telegram arrived tonight and in case it is urgent I am sending it round to your hotel by messenger. It had apparently been left some time before midnight while Ashenden was sitting in his room. He opened the telegram and saw that it was in code.
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