Carlos Gómez-Centurión Jiménez, 'Etiqueta y ceremonial palatino durante el reinado de Felipe V', Hispania, 56 (1996), 965–1005 (973–4). О приеме жалоб в Бургундии см. Richard Vaughan, Charles the Bold: The Last Valois Duke of Burgundy, 2nd ed. (Woodbridge, 2002), 182–3.
По словам Эдварда Герберта (1583–1648), см. Life of Lord Herbert, of Cherbury (London 1856), 252. О министре Филиппа IV см. Alistair Malcolm, Royal Favouritism and the Governing Elite of the Spanish Monarchy, 1640–1665 (Oxford, 2017), 42.
Patrick Williams, 'Philip III and the Restoration of Spanish Government, 1598–1603', The English Historical Review, 88 (1973), 751–69 (753–6).
«Валимиенто — бич нашей эпохи…» — см. Alistair Malcolm, Royal Favouritism and the Governing Elite of the Spanish Monarchy, 1640–1665 (Oxford, 2016), 13. «Подобием Бога на земле…» — см. Sara Gonzalez, The Musical Iconography of Power in SeventeenthCentury Spain and Her Territories (London and New York, 2016), 93.
I. A. A. Thompson, 'Castile', in Absolutism in Seventeenth Century Europe, ed. John Miller (Basingstoke and London, 1990), 69–98, 239–43 (241).
Xavier Gil, 'Parliamentary Life in the Crown of Aragon: Cortes, Juntas de Brazos, and Other Corporate Bodies', Journal of Early Modern History, 6 (2002), 362–95 (372).
Christopher Storrs, The Resilience of the Spanish Monarchy 1665–1700 (Oxford, 2006), 204.
Gonzalez, The Musical Iconography of Power, 69.
Alejandra B. Osorio, Inventing Lima: Baroque Modernity in Peru's South Sea Metropolis (Basingstoke and New York, 2008), 52–3.
John Leddy Phelan, The Kingdom of Quito in the Seventeenth Century: Bureaucratic Politics in the Spanish Empire (Madison, WI, 1967), 33–7.
James M. Córdova, The Art of Professing in Bourbon Mexico: Crowned Nun Portraits and Reform in the Convent (Austin, TX, 2014), 169–70.
European Urology Today, 27, no. 2 (March/May 2015), 4.
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, Historia de la Decadencia de España (Madrid, 1910), 617; Pedro Scotti de Agoiz, El Cenotafio: Oracion Funebre en la Muerte del Senor Rey Don Carlos II (Madrid, 1700), 45.
«Исключительная странность, избыточность и смехотворность…» — см. Marco Bussagli and Matthia Reiche, Baroque and Rococo (New York, 2009), 11, где приведены слова историка искусства Франческо Милиции (1725–1798). О Кроче см. René Wellek in Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. Philip P. Wiener, vol. 1 (New York, 1973), 188–95.
Peter Hersche, Musse und Verschwendung. Europäische Gesellschaft und Kultur im Barockzeitalter, vol. 1 (Freiburg, Basle, and Vienna, 2006), 583.
Mario Praz, Studies in SeventeenthCentury Imagery, 2nd ed. (Rome, 1975), 16.
О солнечных лучах см. Evonne Levy, Propaganda and the Jesuit Baroque (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, 2004), 160.
Christian Kleinbub, 'At the Boundaries of Sight: the Italian Renaissance Cloud Putto', in Renaissance Theories of Vision, ed. J. S. Hendrix and C. H. Carman (Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2010), 117–33 (117–9).
Trevor Johnson, 'Holy Fabrications: the Catacomb Saints and the Counter-Reformation in Bavaria', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 47 (1996), 274–97.
Marc R. Forster, Catholic Revival in the Age of Baroque: Religious Identity in SouthWest Germany, 1550–1750 (Cambridge, 2004), 127–9.
Apparatus regius, serenissimo ac potentissimo Ferdinando II (Vienna, 1618). См. также Pietas Victrix — Der Sieg der Pietas, ed. Lothar Mundt and Ulrich Seelbach (Tübingen, 2002), xii.
Franz Lang, 'Imagines symbolicae', Dissertatio de Actione Scenica (Munich, 1727), 107–54; см. также Cesare Ripa, Iconologia (Siena, 1613); Philippo Picinello, Mundus Symbolicus (Cologne, 1687). Более общую информацию см. в The Sopron Collection of Jesuit Stage Designs, ed. Éva Knapp and István Kilián (Budapest, 1999).
Charles E. Brewer, The Instrumental Music of Schmeltzer, Biber, Muffat and Their Contemporaries (Farnham and Burlington, VT, 2011), 49–50.
Peter Davidson, The Universal Baroque (Manchester and New York, 2007), 2; Gauvin Alexander Bailey, The Andean Hybrid Baroque: Convergent Cultures in the Churches of Colonial Peru (Notre Dame, IN, 2010), 18–20, 322–31.
Leopold Auer, 'Der Übergang des Ordens an die österreichischen Habsburger', in Das Haus Österreich und der Orden von Goldenen Vlies (Graz and Stuttgart, 2007), 53–64.
Robert F. Rogers, Destiny's Landfall: A History of Guam (Honolulu, 1995), 77; William O'Reilly, 'Lost Chances of the House of Habsburg', AHY, 40 (2009), 53–70 (61).
Anton Höller, Augusta Carolinae Virtutis Monumenta (Vienna, 1733); о лозунге Ракоци см. Imre Wellmann, 'Az ónodi országgyűlés történetéhez', in Wellmann, 18. századi agrártörténelem. Válogatás Wellmann Imre agrárés társadalomtörténeti tanulmányaiból (Miskolc, 1999), 391–421 (395).
Об истории Баната см. Irina Marin, Contested Frontiers in the Balkans: Habsburg and Ottoman Rivalries in Eastern Europe (London, 2013).
Paul Shore, Jesuits and the Politics of Religious Pluralism in EighteenthCentury Transylvania (Aldershot and Burlington, VT, 2007), 117–20; Zoltán Ferenczi, A kolozsvári szinészet és szinház története (Cluj, 1897), 49.
Tom Standage, The Mechanical Turk: The True Story of the ChessPlaying Machine That Fooled the World (London, 2002), 105–7.
«Самозаводящаяся машина, живая картина вечного движения…» — см. La Mettrie, Machine Man and Other Writings, ed. Ann Thompson (Cambridge, 1996), 7 (впервые опубликовано в 1747 г.); Geraint Parry, 'Enlightened Government
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