Кризисом, в соответствии со сложившейся в литературе традицией (Ждан, Юревич и др.), здесь называется период в развитии мировой психологической науки, начавшийся в 70-х годах XIX века, на протяжении которого мировая психология существовала в состоянии раздробленности, развивалась в контексте отдельных относительно независимых школ в отсутствии единой теории и единых критериев валидизации научного знания.
An essential thesis of Marx's theory is that evolution of society is determined by labor productivity. Socialism was expected to overcome capitalism for labor productivity would be higher.
Since 1938 – State Institute for Brain Research named after Bekhterev; in 1948 renamed as Institute for Physiology of the Central Nervous System of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR; since 1950 – part of the Physiological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences named after Pavlov.
When in 1923 marxist K. N. Kornilov took the place of G. I. Chelpanov at the head of the Psychological Institute the development of non-Marxian psychology in Soviet Russia was terminated.
It should be mentioned that unfortunately "Sub'ekt" is usually translated as "subject", and this translation kills the meaning of a translated text completely, because in English "subject" means something or somebody who/which is put under some pressure, exposed to some action, subjected to some impact… This difficulty of translation of the notion of "Sub'ekt" into English could probably account for the fact that Rubinstein approach caused more interest in Germany and in Scandinavia than in the English speaking countries.
The contribution of Russian physiologists I.M. Sechenov, A.A. Ukhtomsky, LP. Pavlov is of basic importance for the development of Soviet psychology. I.M. Sechenov came up with the idea of objective research on mental phenomena. He meant that objective factors causing psychic acts should be explained and analyzed. First of all physiological acts were supposed to be objective indications of mental phenomena. This approach had a basic impact upon the formation and development of Soviet psychology.
It is an essential thesis of Marxist theory that the evolution of society is determined by labor productivity and socialism is deemed to overcome capitalism for the reason that labor productivity would be higher.
Vygotsky was a fervent Marxist. He is reputed to have said the words: "I don't want to live if I'm not considered to be a Marxist".
It should be noted that the influence of the higher (social) mental functions on the development of natural mental functions became the key point in the investigations of B.G. Ananiev, described below.
- Серп и крест. Сергей Булгаков и судьбы русской религиозной философии (1890–1920) - Екатерина Евтухова - Биографии и Мемуары / Науки: разное
- Психология. Основные отрасли - Ирина Малкина-Пых - Психология
- Психология социальных явлений - Андрей Юревич - Психология
- Перспективные направления психологической науки. Сборник научных статей. Выпуск 2 - Сборник статей - Психология
- Самурайский дух. 2000 – 2003. Япония. SWA boxing - Сергей Иванович Заяшников - Биографии и Мемуары / Менеджмент и кадры / Прочая научная литература
- После добродетели: Исследования теории морали - Аласдер Макинтайр - Науки: разное
- Education in Russia in the First Decade of the 21st Century - Sergey Shirin - Психология
- Общение – компетентность – тренинг: избранные труды - Лариса Петровская - Психология
- Цивилизация в переходное время - Карл Густав Юнг - Психология
- Using Your Brain —for a CHANGE - Richard Bandler - Психология