Thompson C. Mindfulness and the Natural World: Bringing Our Awareness Back to Nature. L.: Leaping Hare Press, 2018. P. 8.
Housden R. Retreat: Time Apart for Silence & Solitude. L.: Thorsons, 1995.
Salmon P., Matarese S. Mindfulness Meditation: Seeking Solitude in Community // The Handbook of Solitude. P. 335–350.
Kabat-Zinn J. Full Catastrophe Living. L.: Piatkus, 2004. P. 20.
Ibid. P. 23.
О затратах на «ретриты» и об их популярности среди образованного среднего класса см.: De Waal E. A Retreat with Thomas Merton. P. 13; Heelas P., Woodhead L. The Spiritual Revolution. P. 93.
Purser R. E. McMindfulness: How Mindfulness became the New Capitalist Spirituality. L.: Repeater Books, 2019. P. 14–34; Forbes D. Mindfulness and Its Discontents: Education, Self and Social Transformation. Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing, 2019. P. 25–45.
HM Government. A Connected Society: A Strategy for Tackling Loneliness – Laying the Foundations for Change (L.: Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Oct. 2018). Стратегия была разработана только для Англии. Спустя две недели Трейси Крауч ушла в отставку по принципиальному решению, не имеющему отношения к этой стратегии.
Gov UK. Prime Minister Theresa May Launches Government’s First Loneliness Strategy (L.: Prime Minister’s Office, 15 Oct. 2018).
HM Government. A Connected Society. P. 6.
Co-op and British Red Cross. Trapped in a Bubble: An Investigation into Triggers for Loneliness in the UK (Dec. 2016). P. 17.
Office for National Statistics. Loneliness – What Characteristics and Circumstances are Associated with Feeling Lonely? (Apr. 2018). P. 2–3. Опрос проходил в Англии.
Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness. Combatting Loneliness One Conversation at a Time: A Call to Action (2017). P. 8.
Впервые результаты исследования были обнародованы в программе «Все в уме» («All in the Mind») на «Би-би-си радио 4» 1 октября 2018 года.
Snell K. D. M. Spirits of Community: English Senses of Belonging and Loss, 1750–2000. L.: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. См. также: Snell K. D. M. Agendas for the Historical Study of Loneliness and Lone Living // The Open Psychology Journal. 2015. № 8. Suppl 2-M2. P. 62.
The Age of Loneliness // BBC One. 2016. 18 Oct.; Killeen C. Loneliness: An Epidemic in Modern Society // Journal of Advanced Nursing. 1998. Vol. 28. № 4. P. 762–770.
Randall Ch., Corp A. Measuring National Well-being: European Comparisons, 2014 (Office for National Statistics, June 2014). Figs. 2, 6.
Bingham J. Britain the Loneliness Capital of Europe // Daily Telegraph. 2014. 18 June. См. также: Sanghani R. Generation Lonely: Britain’s Young People Have Never Been Less Connected // Daily Telegraph. 2014. 28 Dec. Цитируется без комментариев в недавнем обзоре по одиночеству: Sagan O., Miller E. Introduction // Narratives of Loneliness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives from the 21st Century / Eds O. Sagan, E. D. Miller. L.: Routledge, 2018. P. 1.
Monbiot G. The Age of Loneliness is Killing Us // Guardian. 2014. 14 Oct. См. также: Monbiot G. Why I Wrote an Album of Anthems for All the Lonely People // Guardian. 2016. 3 Oct.
Harris M. Solitude: In Pursuit of a Singular Life in a Crowded World. L.: Random House, 2017. P. 32.
HM Government. A Connected Society. P. 60.
Christina Victor et al. Loneliness, Social Isolation, and Living Alone in Later Life // Research Findings № 17, Growing Older Programme. Economic and Social Research Council, 2003, (www.growingolder.group.shef.ac.uk/ChristinaVic_F17.pdf). P. 1.
Wenger G. C. et al. Social Isolation and Loneliness in Old Age: Review and Model Refinement // Ageing and Society. 1996. № 16. P. 336. См. также: Fidler J. Loneliness. The Problems of the Elderly and Retired // The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health. 1976. Vol. 96. № 1. P. 39–41; Peplau L. A. et al. Being Old and Living Alone // Loneliness: A Sourcebook of Current Theory, Research and Therapy / Eds L. A. Peplau, D. Perlman. N. Y.: John Wiley, 1982. P. 332.
См.: Hopewell-Ash E. L. Melancholia in Everyday Practice. L.: John Bale, 1934.
Moustakas C. E. Loneliness. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1961. P. 25.
Rokach A. Editorial: Loneliness Past and Present, and Its Effects on Our Lives // The Open Psychology Journal. 2015. № 8. Suppl 2-M1. P. 59.
HM Government. A Connected Society. P. 18. Источник: Perlman D., Peplau L. A. Toward a Social Psychology of Loneliness // Personal Relationships: 3. Relationships in Disorder / Eds S. Duck, R. Gilmour. L.: Academic Press, 1981. P. 32. См. также: Perlman D., Peplau L. A. Loneliness Research: A Survey of Empirical Findings // Preventing the Harmful Consequences of Severe and Persistent Loneliness / Eds L. A. Peplau, S. E. Goldston. Rockville, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, 1984. P. 15; Heinrich L. M., Gullone E. The Clinical Significance of Loneliness: A Literature Review // Clinical Psychology Review. 2006. № 26. P. 698.
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