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Читем онлайн Сезанн. Жизнь - Алекс Данчев






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Chappuis. The Drawings. – Chappuis Adrien. The Drawings of Paul Cézanne. Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society, 1973.

Chesneau. L’art et l’artistes. – Chesneau Ernest. L’Art et l’artistes modernes en France et en Angleterre. Paris: Didier, 1864.

Chesneau. L’Éducation. – Chesneau Ernest. L’Éducation de l’artiste. Charavay, 1880.

Clark. Another Part of the Wood. – Clark Kenneth. Another Part of the Wood. London: Murray, 1974.

– Clark T. J. Farewell to an Idea. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999.

Collingwood. An Autobiography. – Collingwood R. G. An Autobiography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1939.

– Consibee Philip, Coutagne Denis. Cézanne in Provence: exh. cat. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006.

Conversations avec Cézanne. – Conversations avec Cézanne / Ed. Michael Doran. Paris: Macula, 1978.

Conversations with Cézanne. – Conversations with Cézanne / Ed. Michael Doran. Trans. Julie Lawrence Cochran. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

Coquiot. Paul Cézanne. – Coquiot Gustave. Paul Cézanne. Paris: Ollendorff, 1919.

Cornford. Microcosmographia academica. – Cornford F. M. Microcosmographia academica. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1933.

Correspondance André Gide. – Correspondance André Gide – Maurice Denis. Paris: Gallimard, 2006.

Coutagne. Cézanne. – Coutagne Denis. Cézanne en vérité(s). Arles: Actes Sud, 2006.

– Coutagne Denis, et al. Ce que Cézanne donne à penser. Paris: Gallimard, 2008.

– Coutagne Denis, et al. Colloque Rewald Cézanne. Aix: Hexagone, 1997.

Couture. Méthode. – Couture Thomas. Méthode et entretiens d’atelier. Paris: Rue Vintimille, 1867.

Couturier. Se garder libre. – Couturier Marie-Alain. Se garder libre. Paris: Cerf, 1962.

– Crary Jonathan. Suspensions of Perception. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.

Creuset. Joseph Ravaisou. – Creuset Geneviève. Joseph Ravaisou. Marseille: La Savoisienne, 1975.

Cummings. Erotic Poems. – Cummings E. E. Erotic Poems. New York: Norton, 2010.

D’Souza. Cézanne’s Bathers. – D’Souza Aruna. Cézanne’s Bathers. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008.

Danchev. Georges Braque. – Danchev Alex. Georges Braque. London: Hamish Hamilton, 2005.

Danto. The Transfiguration. – Danto Arthur C. The Transfiguration of the Commonplace. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981.

Deffeux, Zavie. Le Groupe de Médan. – Deffeux Léon, Zavie Émile. Le Groupe de Médan. Paris: Payot, 1920.

Degas. The Notebooks. – The Notebooks of Edgar Degas. Oxford: Clarendon, 1976.

Delacroix. Journal. – Delacroix Eugène. Journal. [1893–1895]. Paris: Corti, 2009.

– Deleuze Gilles. Francis Bacon. [1981] / Trans. Daniel W. Smith. London: Continuum, 2003.

Denis. Charmes. – Denis Maurice. Charmes et leçons de l’Italie. Paris: Colin, 1933.

Denis. Journal. – Denis Maurice. Journal. Paris: La Colombe, 1957–1959.

Denis. Théories. – Denis Maurice. Théories. [1912]. Paris: Rouart et Watelin, 1920.

Derrida. The Truth in Painting. – Derrida Jacques. The Truth in Painting. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.

Di Piero. Out of Eden. – Di Piero W. S. Out of Eden: Essays on Modern Art. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.

Diderot on Art. – Diderot Denis Diderot on Art / Trans. John Goodman. 2 vols. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995.

– Distel Anne, Stein Susan Alyson. Cézanne to Van Gogh. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999.

– Dorival Bernard. Cézanne. Paris: Tisné, 1948.

– Duranty Edmond. Le Pays des arts. Paris: Charpentier, 1880.

Duret, et al. Cézanne. – Duret Théodore, et al. Cézanne. Paris: Bernheim-Jeune, 1914.

Duret. Histoire. 1906. – Duret Théodore. Histoire des peintres impressionistes. Paris: H. Floury, 1906.

Duret. Histoire. – Duret Théodore. Histoire des peintres impressionistes. Paris: Н. Floury, 1922.

Duthuit. Les Fauves. – Duthuit Georges. Les Fauves. Geneva: Éditions Des Trois Collines, 1949.

– Ehrenzweig Anton. The Psychoanalysis of Artistic Vision and Hearing. [1953]. London: Sheldon, 1975.

Elder. À Giverny. – Elder Marc. À Giverny, chez Claude Monet. Paris: Bernheim-Jeune, 1924.

Elgar. Cézanne. – Elgar Frank. Cézanne. London: Thames & Hudson, 1969.

Elizabeth Murray. – Elizabeth Murray. Popped Art: exh. cat. New York: MoMA, 2005.

Fauconnier. Cézanne. – Fauconnier Bernard. Cézanne. Paris: Gallimard, 2006.

– Fauconnier Bernard. L’Incendie de la Sainte-Victoire. Paris: Grasset, 1995.

Faure. Les Constructeurs. – Faure Élie. Les Constructeurs. Paris: Crès, 1921.

Feaver. Lucian Freud. – Feaver William. Lucian Freud. London: Tate, 2002.

Feilchenfeldt. By Appointment. – Feilchenfeldt Walter. By Appointment Only. London: Thames & Hudson, 2006.

Fernand Léger. – Fernand Léger / Ed. by Dorothy Kosminski. New York: Prestel, 1994.

– Flaubert Gustave. A Sentimental Education / Trans. Douglas Parmée. Oxford, 1989.

Flaubert. Correspondance. – Flaubert (Gustave). Correspondance. Nouvelle édition augmentée. Paris, Louis Conard, 1926–1933. 9 vols.

Flaubert. The Temptation of Saint Anthony. – Flaubert Gustave. The Temptation of Saint Anthony / Trans. Lafcadio Hearn. New York: Modern Library, 1992.

– Fraisset Michel. Les Vies silencieuses de Cézanne. Aix: Office du tourisme, 1999.

Fried. Manet’s Modernism. – Fried Michael. Manet’s Modernism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.

Fried. The Next Bend. – Fried Michael. The Next Bend in the Road. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.

Fry. Cézanne. – Fry Roger. Cézanne: A Study of His Development. [1927]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.

– Gachet Paul. Lettres impressionistes. Paris: Grasset, 1957.

Gachet fils. Deux Amis. – Gachet Paul fils. Deux Amis impressionistes. Paris: Musées nationaux, 1956.

Gasquet. Cézanne. – Gasquet Joachim. Cézanne. [1921]. Fougères: Encre marine, 2002.

Gauguin. Correspondance. – Gauguin Paul. Correspondance de Paul Gauguin. Paris: Singer-Polignac, 1984.

Gauguin’s Intimate Journals. – Gauguin’s Intimate Journals / Trans. Van Wyck Brooks. New York: Dover, 1997.

Gauguin. Racontars de rapin. – Gauguin Paul. Racontars de rapin. Paris: Mercure de France, 2003.

Gay. Modernism. – Gay Peter. Modernism. New York: Norton, 2008.

Geffroy. Claude Monet. – Geffroy Gustave. Claude Monet. [1922]. Paris: Macula, 1980.

– Geffroy Gustave. La Vie artistique. 8 vols. Paris: Dentu/Floury, 1894–1903.

Geffroy. L’Enfermé. – Geffroy Gustave. L’Enfermé. Paris: Charpentier, 1897.

Geffroy. Le Cœur. – Geffroy Gustave. Le Cœur et l’esprit. Paris: Charpentier, 1894.

– Geffroy Gustave. Paul Cézanne et autres textes. Paris: Séguier, 1995.

Geist. Interpreting. – Geist Sidney. Interpreting Cézanne. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988.

Gimpel. Journal. – Gimpel René. Journal d’un collectionneur marchand de tableaux. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1963.

Ginsberg. Howl. – Ginsberg Allen. «Howl», «Kaddish» and Other Poems. London: Penguin, 2009.

Ginsberg. Journals. – Ginsberg Allen. Journals: Early Fifties, Early Sixties. New York: Grove, 1977.

Gobin. Fernande. – Gobin Anatol. Fernande, histoire d’un modèle. Paris: Leon Vanier, 1879.

Goncourt E., Goncourt J. Journals. – Goncourt Edmond, Goncourt Jules. Pages from the Goncourt Journals / Trans. Robert Baldick. New York: New York Review of Books, 2007.

Goncourt E., Goncourt J. Manette Salomon. – Goncourt Edmond, Goncourt Jules. Manette Salomon. Paris: Gallimard, 1996.

Gordon., Forge. Monet. – Gordon Robert, Forge Andrew. Monet. New York: Abrams, 1983.

Gottlieb. The Dream of Reason. – Gottlieb Anthony. The Dream of Reason. London: Penguin, 2000.

Gowing. Cézanne. – Gowing Lawrence. Cézanne: The Early Years. London: Royal Academy, 1988.

– Gowing Lawrence. Watercolor and Pencil Drawings by Cézanne. London: Arts Council, 1973.

Gregh. L’Age d’or. – Gregh Fernand. L’Age d’or. Paris: Grasset, 1947.

Habermas. The Theory. – Habermas Jürgen. The Theory of Communicative Action / Trans. T. McCarthy. Cambridge: Polity, 1987.

Halévy. My Friend Degas. – Halévy Daniel. My Friend Degas. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1964.

Handke. Slow Homecoming. – Handke Peter. Slow Homecoming / Trans. Ralph Manheim. New York: New York Review of Books, 2009.

Heaney. Opened Ground. – Heaney Seamus. Opened Ground. London: Faber, 1998.

Heaney. The Human Chain. – Heaney Seamus. The Human Chain. London: Faber, 2010.

Heidegger. What Is Called Thinking? – Heidegger Martin. What Is Called Thinking? / Trans. Fred D. Wieck and J. Glenn Gray. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.

Hemingway. A Moveable Feast. – Hemingway Ernest. A Moveable Feast. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966.

Henry Moore on Sculpture. – Henry Moore on Sculpture. Boston: Da Capo Press, 1992.

– Héraclite. Fragments / Trans. Marcel Conche. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1986.

– Hesiod. Theogonyand. Works and Days / Trans. M. L. West. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.

– Hindry Ann. Correspondances: Ellsworth Kelly / Paul Cézanne. Paris: Argol, 2008.

Horace. The Complete Odes. – Horace. The Complete Odes and Epodes / Trans. David West. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Horace. The Odes. – Horace. The Odes / Trans. contemporary poets. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.

– House John. Impressionism: Paint and Politics. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004.

– Huyghe René. Cézanne. Paris: Plon, 1936.

Huysmans. Écrits sur l’art. – Huysmans J.-K. Écrits sur l’art. Paris: Bartillat, 2006.

Huysmans. En ménage. – Huysmans J.-K. En ménage. Paris: Sillage, 2007.

– Jaloux Edmond. Fumées dans la campagne. Paris: Fayard, 1918.

Jaloux. Les Saisons. – Jaloux Edmond. Les Saisons littéraires. Fribourg: Librairie de l’Université, 1942.

– Janicaud Dominique. Heidegger en France. Paris: Albin Michel, 2001.

Jas de Bouffan. – Jas de Bouffan / Ed. Denis Coutagne. Aix: Société Paul Cézanne, 2004.

– Jean Raymond. Cézanne, la vie, l’espace. Paris: Seuil, 1986.

– Joachim Gasquet’s Cezanne: A Memoir with Conversations / Trans. Christopher Pemberton. London: Thames & Hudson, 1991.

Johns. Writings. – Johns Jasper. Writings, Sketchbook Notes, Interviews. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2002.

– Jourdain Frantz, Rey Robert. Le Salon d’automne. Paris: Les Arts et Le Livre, 1926.

– Jourdain Francis. Cézanne. Paris: Braun, 1950.

Jourdain. Sans remords. – Jourdain Francis. Sans remords ni rancune. Paris: Corrêa, 1953.

– Juliet Charles. Cézanne un grand vivant. Paris: POL, 2006.

– Juliet Charles. Shitao et Cézanne. Paris: L’Échoppe, 2003.

Kafka. The Diaries. – Kafka Franz. The Diaries/ Trans. Martin Greenberg. London: Secker & Warburg, 1976.

Kafka. Letter to his Father. – Kafka Franz. Letter to his Father: Brief an den Fater. New York: Schoken Books, 1987.

– Kahn Charles H. The Art and Thought of Heraclitus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

Kandinsky. Concerning the Spiritual in Art. – Kandinsky Wassily. Concerning the Spiritual in Art / Trans. Michael Sadler. London: Tate, 2006.

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