[snap] See: COLD SNAP.
[snap it off] See: MAKE IT SNAPPY.
[snap one's fingers at] <v. phr.> To show contempt for; show no respect for; pay no attention to; scorn; disregard. * /John snapped his fingers at the sign that said "Do not enter," and he went in the door./ * /The highway sign said "Speed limit, 35 miles per hour," but when a driver snapped his fingers at it by going 55 miles an hour, a motorcycle policeman arrested him./
[snap out of] <v.>, <informal> To change quickly from a bad habit, mood, or feeling to a better one. - Often used with "it". * /Mary was unhappy when her fiance abandoned her, but she snapped out of it when she met a new young man./ * /The coach told the lazy player to snap out of it./
[snappy] See: MAKE IT SNAPPY.
[snapshot] <n.> A small photograph, unlike a professional portrait. * /We took several snapshots of the scenery while driving around the island./
[snap up] <v.>, <informal> To take or accept eagerly. * /Eggs were on sale cheap, and the shoppers snapped up the bargain./ * /Mr. Hayes told Bob that he would take him skiing, and Bob snapped up the offer./
[sneak away] See: SLIP AWAY.
[sneak up on] See: CREEP UP ON.
[sneeze at] <v.>, <informal> To think of as not important; not take seriously. - Used with negative or limiting words and in questions. * /Mr. Jones was chosen by his party to run for President. He was not elected, but to be chosen to run is not to be sneezed at./ * /If you think Mrs. Green's tests are things to be sneezed at, you have a surprise coming./ * / Is a thousand dollars anything to sneeze at?/ * /John finished third in a race with twenty other runners. That is nothing to sneeze at./
[sniff out] See: FERRET OUT.
[snow in] <v.> To block up or trap by much snow; keep inside, * /After the storm the farmer and his family were snowed in for three days./ * /The train went off the track and the passengers were snowed in for several days./
[snow job] <n.>, <slang>, <informal> 1. Insincere or exaggerated talk designed to gain the favors of someone. * /Joe gave Sue a snow job and she believed every word of it./ 2. The skillful display of technical vocabulary and prestige terminology in order to pass oneself off as an expert in a specialized field without really being a knowledgeable worker in that area. * /That talk by Nielsen on pharmaceuticals sounded very impressive, but I will not hire him because it was essentially a snow job./
[snow under] <v.> 1. To cover over with snow. * /The doghouse was snowed under during the blizzard./ 2. <informal> To give so much of something that it cannot be taken care of; to weigh down by so much of something that' you cannot do anything about it. - Usually used in the passive. * /The factory received so many orders that it was snowed under with work./ * /The disabled girl was snowed under with Christmas letters./
[snuff] See: UP TO PAR or UP TO SNUFF.
[snug as a bug in a rug] <adj. phr.> Comfortable; cozy. * /"Are you warm enough?" the boy's mother asked. "Yeah," he replied, "I'm snug as a bug in a rug."/
[soak in] See: SINK IN.
[soak up] <v.> 1. To take up water or other liquid as a sponge does. * /The rag soaked up the water that I spilled./ 2. To use a sponge or something like a sponge to take up liquid. * /John soaked up the water with the rag./ 3. <informal> To take up into yourself in the way a sponge takes up water. * /Mary was lying on the beach soaking up the sun./ * /Charles soaks up facts as fast as the teacher gives them./
[so-and-so(1)] <pronoun>, <informal> Someone whose name is not given. * /Don't tell me what so-and-so thinks. Tell me what you think./
[so-and-so(2)] <n.>, <informal> A person of a special kind and usually of a very bad kind. - This word is used in place of a more unacceptable word or swear word. * /I wish that old so-and-so who thinks digging is easy work was right here digging now./ * /He called me a dirty so-and-so and I hit him in the mouth./ - Sometimes used in a joking way. * /Peter met his friend John and said, "Hello there, you old so-and-so."/
[so --- as to] - Used with an adjective or adverb before an infinitive to show a result. * /Who could be so mean as to do a thing like that?/ * /Ruth wouldn't be so careless as to forget her pen./ Compare: SO --- THAT.
[soap opera] <n. phr.> Radio or television serialized stories of a sentimental nature, often involving sex, crime, and social intrigue. These shows often advertise soap products, hence their name. * /The two longest running soap operas in the United States were "Dallas" and "Knot's Landing."/
[so as to] See: IN ORDER TO.
[sob all the way to the bank] See: CRY ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK. Contrast: LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK.
[so bad] See: NOT BAD.
[so be it] also [be it so] <adv. phr.>, <formal> 1. Let it be that way; may it be so. So be it. * /We shall smoke the pipe of peace./ 2. Very well; all right. * /Will the company lose money by doing this? So be it, then./
[sob story] <n.> A story that makes you feel pity or sorrow; a tale that makes you tearful. * /The beggar told us a long sob story before he asked for money./ * /The movie is based on a sob story, but people love it./
[social climber] <n.> A person who tries to mix with rich or well-known people and be accepted by them as friends and equals. * /People do not like Mrs. Brown very well; she is known as a social climber./ * /Social climbers are usually soon known and they are not accepted by those they run after./
[sock it] <v. phr.>, also <interj.>, <slang>, <informal> To give one's utmost; everything one is capable of; to give all one is capable of. * /Right on, Joe, sock it to 'em!/ * /I was watching the debate on television and more than once Bill Buckley really socked it to them./
[soda jerk] or [soda jerker] <n.>, <informal> A person who serves soda and ice cream to customers, usually in a drug store or ice cream parlor. * /Bob worked as a soda jerk at the drug store all summer./ * /He is just a soda jerker with no future./
[so far] also [thus far] <adv.> Until this time or to this place. * /The weather has been hot so far this summer./ * /This is a lonely road. We have not met another car so far./
[so far as] See: AS FAR AS.
[so far, so good] <informal> Until now things have gone well. * /So far, so good; I hope we keep on with such good luck./
[soft drink] <n. phr.> A nonalcoholic beverage such as 7-Up, Coca-Cola, etc. * /She drinks no alcohol; she always orders a soft drink./
[softhearted] <adj.> Generous; sympathetic. * /Street beggars tend to exploit the softhearted nature of passersby./
[soft touch] <n.> A person with a sympathetic disposition from whom it is easy to get help, primarily money. * /My Uncle Herb is a soft touch; whenever I'm in need I ask him for a quick twenty bucks./
[so help me] <interj.>, <informal> I promise; I swear; may I be punished if I lie. * /I've told you the truth, so help me./ * /So help me, there was nothing else I could do./
[soil one's hands] See: DIRTY ONE'S HANDS.
[so it goes] Akin to the French "c'est la vie!" This exclamation means "that's life." * /Too bad Jim has lost his job but there are lots of people who are better qualified; well, so it goes!/
[sold on] <adj.> Approving of; well disposed toward; convinced of the value of. * /When Japanese cars first appeared on the market Andy was hesitant to drive one but now he is sold on them./
[so long] <interj.>, <informal> Good-bye. - Used when you are leaving someone or he is leaving you. * /So long, I will be back tomorrow./
[so long as] See: AS LONG AS.
[so many(1)] <adj.> 1. A limited number of; some * /Our school auditorium will hold only so many people./ 2. A group of. - Often used for emphasis. * /The children were all sitting very quietly in their chairs, like so many dolls./ Compare: SO MUCH. <adj.> * /Bob is always bragging; his stories are just so many lies./
[so many(2)] <pron>. A limited number; some. * /Many people want to come to the prom; but the gymnasium will hold only so many./ * /Don't give the boys all the cookies they want; give so many to Tom, so many to Dick, and so many to Bob./ Compare: SO MUCH.
[some] See: AND THEN SOME.
[somebody up there loves/hates me] <slang> An expression intimating that an unseen power in heaven, such as God, has been favorable or unfavorable to the one making the exclamation. * /Look at all the money I won! I say somebody up there sure loves me!/ * /Look at all the money I've lost! I say somebody up there sure hates me!/
[some of these days] See: ONE OF THESE DAYS.
[something else] <adj.>, <slang>, <informal> So good as to be beyond description; the ultimate; stupendous. * /Janet Hopper is really something else./
[something else again] <n. phr.> A different kind of thing; something different. * /I don't care if you borrow my dictionary sometimes, but taking it without asking and keeping it is something else again./ * /"But I don't want a new car," Charles said to the car dealer, "I want a used car." "Oh," said the car dealer, "that's something else again."/
[so much(1)] <adj.> 1. A limited amount of; some. * /Sometimes students wonder if the teacher knows they have only so much time to do their lessons./ * /If you can't give everyone a full glass of milk, just put so much milk in each glass./ 2. Equally or amounting to; only amounting to. - Often used for emphasis. * /Charley spends money as if it were so much paper./ * /What Mary said was so much nonsense; there wasn't a word of truth in it./ Compare: SO MANY(1).
[so much(2)] <pron.> A limited amount; some; a price or amount that is agreed or will be agreed on. * /You can do only so much in a day./ * /Milk costs so much a quart but cream costs so much a pint./ Compare: SO MANY(2).
[so much(3)] <adv.> By that much; by the amount shown; even. - Used with the comparative and usually followed by "the". * /I can't go tomorrow. So much the better; we'll go today./ * /John isn't coming to the picnic. So much the more for us to eat!/ * /So much the worse for you if you break the rules./ Syn.: ALL THE(2).
[so much as] <adv. phr.> 1. Even. - Usually used in negative sentences and questions. * /He didn't so much as thank me for returning his money that I found./ * /Would you so much as get me a glass of water? No, you wouldn't./ 2. See: AS MUCH AS(2).
[so much for] Enough has been said or done about. - Used to point out that you have finished with one thing or are going to take up something else. * /So much for the geography of Ireland, we will now talk about the people who live there./ * /"I have nothing more to say to you, Tommy, and so much for that," Mary said angrily./
[song] See: FOR A SONG.
[song and dance] <n.>, <informal> 1. Foolish or uninteresting talk; dull nonsense. Usually used with "give". * /I met Nancy today and she gave me a long song and dance about her family./ 2. A long lie or excuse, often meant to get pity. Usually used with "give". * /Billy gave the teacher a song and dance about his mother being sick as an excuse for being late./ * /The tramp asked us for money and tried to give us a big song and dance about having to buy a bus ticket to Chicago./
[sonic boom] <n.> A loud noise and vibration in the air, made when a jet plane passes the speed of sound (1087 feet per second). * /Fast jet planes sometimes cause a sonic boom, which can break windows and crack the plaster in houses below them./ * /We thought there was an explosion or earthquake, but it was only a sonic boom that shook the house./
[son of a bitch] or [sunuvabitch] also S.O.B. <n. phr.>, <vulgar>, <avoidable> (but becoming more and more acceptable, especially if said with a positive or loving intonation). Fellow, character, guy, individual. Negatively: * /Get out of here you filthy, miserable sunuvabitch!/ Positively: * /So you won ten million dollars at the lottery, you lucky son of a bitch (or sunuvabitch)!/ Compare: SON OF A GUN.
[son of a gun] <n. phr.>, <slang> 1. A bad person; a person not liked. * /I don't like Charley; keep that son of a gun out of here./ Syn.: BAD ACTOR. 2. A mischievous rascal; a lively guy. - Often used in a joking way. * /The farmer said he would catch the son of a gun who let the cows out of the barn./ * /Hello Bill, you old son of a gun!/ Compare: SO AND SO. 3. Something troublesome; a hard job. * /The test today was a son of a gun./ Used as an exclamation, usually to show surprise or disappointment. * /Son of a gun! I lost my car keys./ Compare: SON OF A BITCH.
[sooner or later] <adv. phr.> At some unknown time in the future; sometime. * /John will come back sooner or later./ * /Grandpa is very slow about fixing things around the house, but he always does it sooner or later./ Compare: OR OTHER.
[sore spot] or [sore point] <n.> A weak or sensitive part; a subject or thing about which someone becomes angry or upset easily. * /Don't ask Uncle John why his business failed; it's a sore spot with him./ Compare: WHERE THE SHOE PINCHES.
[sorrow] See: DROWN ONE'S SORROWS.
[sort] See: OF SORTS, IN A WAY also IN A SORT OF WAY.
[sort of] See: KIND OF.
[sort out] <v. phr.> 1. To alphabetize; arrange in numerical order. * /The secretary helped Professor Brown sort out his numerous index cards./ 2. To clarify. * /"Help me sort out these bills," she begged her husband./
[so-so] <adj.> Fair; neither good nor bad. * /The children's grades were just so-so on the test./ * /How is the fishing today? So-so./
[so that] <conj.> 1. or in order that; for the purpose that; so. "So that" is usually followed by "can" or "could"; "in order that" is usually followed by "may" or "might". * /Let's get ready now so that we can leave when Father comes./ * /Betty saved her money in order that she might buy a doll./ Compare: IN ORDER TO. 2. With the result that; so. * /My pencil fell under my desk, so that I couldn't see it./ * /George often told stories that weren't true, so that no one believed him when he told about a deer in the school yard./
[so --- that] - Used with an adjective or adverb before a clause of result. * /The bus was so full that I could hardly turn around./ * /Billy pitched so well that everyone cheered him at the end of the game./
[so to speak] <adv. phr.> To say it in this way. * /John was, so to speak, the leader of the club, but he was officially only the club's secretary./ * /The horse, so to speak, danced on his hind legs./ Compare: AS IT WERE.
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