3. An Act to explain, amend, and continue the Provisions made by Two Acts of Parliament of the Nineteenth and Twenty first Years of His Majesty’s Reign, for the more effectual disarming the Highlands in Scotland, and to make Provision for the more speedy ascertaining the lawful Debts or Claims upon the Lands and Hereditaments, that some Time belonged to Alexander Robert son of Strowan, which, with other forfeited Estates, are by an act of the Twenty fifth Year of His Majesty’s Reign annexed to the Crown unalienable. London, 1753.
4. Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britaniae, Franciae, and Hiberniae. Vicesimo Primo. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the Tenth Day of November, Anno Dom. 1747, in the Twenty first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and etc. being the First Session of this present Parliament. London, 1748 [An Act to enforce and render more effectual an Act made in the nineteenth year of His present Majesty’s reign, intitled, An Act for the more effectual Disarming the Highlands of Scotland; and for the more effectually securing the peace of the said Highlands; and for restraining the use of the Highland Dress…].
5. Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, and Hiberniae. Tricesimo Primo. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the Thirty first Day of May, ann Dom. 1754 in the Twenty seventh Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, and etc. And from thence continued by several Prorogations to the First Day of December, 1757, being the Fifth Session of this present Parliament. London, 1758 [An Act to enforce and render more effectual an Act made in the twenty fifth year of His present Majesty’s reign, intitled, An Act for annexing certain forfeited estates in Scotland to the Crown unalienably…].
6. A Bill intituled, An Act for annexing certain Forfeited Estates in Scotland to the Crown unalienably; and for making Satisfaction to the Lawful Creditors thereupon; and to establish a Method of managing the same; and applying the Rents and Profits thereof; for the better civilizing and improving the Highlands of Scotland; and preventing Disorders there for the future. London, 1752.
7. A Selection of Scottish Forfeited Estates Papers 1715; 1745 / Ed. by A.H. Millar // PSHS. 1909. Vol. LVII.
8. Documents on British Political History. Book One. 1688–1815 / Ed. by J. Wroughton. Edinburgh; London, 1971.
9. Instructions to our trusty and well-beloved George Wade, Esquire, Major-General of our Forces, whom we have appointed to take upon him the Command of our Forces, Castles, Forts and Barracks in North Britain, given at our Court of St James, the 1st day of June 1725, in the eleventh year of our reign // Mackenzie K.S. General George Wade and His Roads. Inverness, 1897.
10. Select Statutes, Cases and Documents to Illustrate English Constitutional History, 1660–1832. With Additional Matter on Irish and Canadian Documents (1840–1931) / Ed. by C.G. Robertson. London, 1949.
11. Signature and Warrand Under His Majesties hand For a New Commission of Justiciary in the Highlands. Edinburgh, 1701.
12. The Eighteenth-Century Constitution, 1688–1815. Document and Commentary / Ed. by E.N. Williams. Cambridge, 1960.
13. The 6th Statute of the Statutes of Icolmkil (Iona), 1609 // Donald J. Gaelic in Scotland 1698–1981 / J. Donald. Edinburgh, 1983.
14. Warrant to Commission for Inquiring into the Slaughter of the M’donalds of Glencoe, April 1695 // PSAS. 1862–1864. Vol. 5.
II. Парламентские документы15. Parliamentary History of England / Ed. by W. Cobbett. Vol. VI. London, 1810.
16. The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons: In 10 Vols. Vols. 4–10. London, 1742.
17. The Journal of the House of Commons: In 12 Vols. Vol. 12. London, 1802.
(window.adrunTag = window.adrunTag || []).push({v: 1, el: 'adrun-4-390', c: 4, b: 390})18. The Journal of the House of Lords: In 20 Vols. Vol. 20. London, 1802.
19. The Report from the Secret Committee of the House of Commons, with an Appendix. Dublin, 1798.
III. Манифесты, резолюции и прокламации20. Address from the Chiefs to Charles, after the Battle of Falkirk, advising a retreat to the North. Falkirk, 29th January 1746 // Home J. Op. cit.
21. Address of One Hundred and Two Chief Heritors and Heads of Clans in the Highlands of Scotland, to King George I on his Accession to the Throne // Archeologica Scotica: transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 1792. Vol. 1.
22. Manifesto by the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others, who dutifully appear at this time in asserting the undoubted rights of their lawful Sovereign, James the Eighth, by the Grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc. September 9, 1715 // Keltie S.J. Op. cit.
23. Manifesto of James VIII by the Grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. August 19, 1745 // Keltie S.J. Op. cit.
24. Proclamation in honour of James VIII. Braemar, September 9, 1715 // Petrie C. The Jacobite movement. London, 1959.
IV. Следственные материалы25. A Report of the Proceedings and Opinion of the Board of General Officers, on their Examination into the Conduct, Behaviour, and Proceedings of Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope, Knight of the Bath, Colonel Peregrine Lascelles, and Thomas Fowke. From the Time of the breaking out of the Rebellion in North-Britain in the Year 1745, till the Action at Preston-pans inclusive. Taken Publicly in the Great Room at the Horse-Guards in the Year 1746. With a Preface, containing the Reasons for this Publication. Dublin, London, 1749.
26. The official records of the mutiny in the Black Watch: a London incident of the year 1743 / Ed. by H.D. Macwilliam. London, 1910.
27. The Trials of James, Duncan, and Robert M’Gregor, three sons of the Celebrated Rob Roy, before the High Court of Justiciary, in the Years 1752, 1753, and 1754. To which is prefixed A Memoir relating to the Highlands, with Anecdotes of Rob Roy and his Family. Edinburgh, 1818.
28. Trial of Simon, Lord Lovat of the 45’ / Ed. by D.N. Mackay. Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1911.
V. Отчеты, рапорты и обозрения29. Allan Cameron’s Narrative, February-April, 1716 / Ed. by Professor C.S. Terry // SHR. Vol. Fifth. Glasgow, 1908.
30. Ane Account of the Engagement at Glensheel. June 10, 1719. June 15, 1719 / By A.H. Millar // PSAS. 1884–1885. Vol. 19.
31. A Selection of Scottish Forfeited Estates Papers. 1715; 1745 / Ed. from the Original Documents, with Introduction and Appendices by A.H. Millar. Edinburgh, 1909.
32. Chamberlayne J. Magnae Britanniae Notitia: or, the Present State of Great Britain; With diverce remarks upon The Ancient State thereof. The Thirty-Six Edition of the South Part, called England; and the Fifteenth of the North Part, called Scotland. To which is added a Compleat List of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales’s Household; as also those of their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Cumberland, the Princess Amelia, and the Princess Caroline: In Two Parts. London, 1745.
33. Hammerer J.D. An Account of a Plan for civilizing the North American Indians [1730–1740]. Brooklyn, 1890.
34. Ireland under Elizabeth and James the First described by Edmund Spenser by Sir John Davies Attorney-General for Ireland under James the First and by Fynes Moryson Secretary to the Lord Mountjoy, Lord Deputy / Ed. by H. Morley. London; Glasgow; Manchester and New York, 1890.
35. Mudge W. An Account of the Trigonometrical Survey, Carried on in the Years 1797, 1798, and 1799, by Order of Marquis Cornwallis, Master-General of the Ordnance // PTRSL. Vol. 90 (1800).
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