В представленном здесь списке англоязычной литературы на тему нетрадиционной кулинарии нет газетных статей и совсем мало журнальных, хотя в прессе таковых можно найти очень много. Помимо перечисленных изданий, рекомендую также Collier's Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Americana, Macmillan Family Encyclopedia, New Standard Encyclopedia и World Book Encyclopedia, а также многочисленные интернет-сайты.
Allen, Jana; and Gin, Margret. Innards and Other Variety Meats. 101 Productions, San Francisco, 1974.
Angier, Bradford. Feasting Free on Wild Edibles, Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, PA, 1966.
Barash, Cathy Wilkinson. Edible Flowers: From Garden to Palate, Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, CO, 1993.
Bates, H.W. The Naturalist on the RiverAmazons. John Murray, London, 1863.
Behnke, Frances L. Natural History of Termites, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1977.
Blunt, Wilfrid. The Ark in the Park: The Zoo in the Nineteenth Century, Hamish Hamilton in association with The Tryon Gallery, London, 1976.
Boraiko, Allen A. The Indomitable Cockroach, National Geographic, Jan. 1981.
Brennan, Jennifer. Thai Cooking. Warner Books, London, 1992.
Bridgeman, Richard Thomas Orlando, Earl of Bradford. The Eccentric Cookbook. Robson Books, London, 1985.
Bruman, Ray. Ray's List of Weird and Disgusting Foods, www.andreas.com/ray/food.html
Burkhill, I.H. A Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula, Vols. I & II. Published for the Malay Government by Crown Agents, London, 1935.
Bushnell, G.H.S. The First Americans. Thames & Hudson, London, 1968.
Burton, Sir Richard. The Hindu Art of Love. Castle Books, New York, 1967. — The Perfumed Garden. Castle Books, New York, 1965.
Cadwallader, Sharon. Savoring Mexico: Classic Recipes of Traditional Cuisine from All Regions of Mexico. Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1987.
Canby, Thomas. The Rat: Lapdog of the Devil. National Geographic, July 1997.
Cherry, Ron. Use of Insects by Australian Aborigines. American Entomologist (32:8-13).
Conniff, Richard. From Jaws to Laws: Now the Big, Bad Shark Needs Protection from Us. Smithsonian, Jun. 1990.
Cornwall, I.W. Prehistoric Animals and Their Hunters. Faber & Faber, London, 1968.
Cost, Bruce. Bruce Cost's Asian Ingredients: Buying and Cooking the Staple Foods of China, Japan and Southeast Asia. William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1988.
Courtine, Robert J., introduction. Larousse Gastronomique. Paul Hamlyn, London, 1988.
Danielou, Alain (trans.). The Complete Kama Sutra, Inner Traditions India, Rochester, VT, 1994.
David-Perez, Enriqueta, Recipes of the Philippines, National Book Store, Manila, 1973.
Davidson, Alan. The Oxford Companion to Food, Oxford University Pres, 1999.
DeFoliart, Gene R. Edible Insects as Minilivestock. Biodiversity and Conservation, 4, 306–321 (1995).
— Insects as a Source of Protein. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America, Vo. 21, No. 2 (161–163), 1975.
— Insects as Human Food. Crop Protection, Vol. 11, Oct. 1992.
Densmore, Frances. How Indians Use Wild Plants for Food, Medicine & Crafts. Dover Publications, New York, 1974.
Derrick, Mia. Sushi. Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1981.
Doling, Annabel, Vietnam on a Plate: A Culinary Journey, Roundhouse Publications, Hong Kong, 1996.
Dorje, Rinjing. Food in Tibetan Life. Prospect Books, London, 1985.
Dowell, Philip; Bailey, Adrian; Ortiz, Elisabeth Lambert; Radecka, Helena. The Book of Ingredients. Mermaid Books, London, 1983.
Eighner, Lars. Travels with Lizbeth, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1993.
Ellis, Eleanor A., ed. Northern Cookbook. Ottawa: Ministry of Indian Affairs, 1998.
Eppele, David L. On the Desert: Arizona Cactus. Self-published on the Internet, http://www.arizonacactus.com, 1998.
Etkin, Nina L., editor. Eating on the Wild Side. University of Arizona Press, Tucson and London, 1994.
Fisher, M.F.K. The Art of Eating (includes: Serve It Forth, Consider the Oyster, How to Cook a Wolf, The Gastronomical Me, and An Alphabet of Gourmets). Collier Books, New York, 1990.
Gartey, Charles Neilson. Excess in Food, Drink and Sex. Harrap Ltd., London, 1986.
Griffin, Gary M., Aphrodisiacs for Men: Herbs, Drugs & Concentrated Virilizing Foods, Added Dimensions, Los Angeles, 1991.
Groll, Jonathan. Introduction to Cassava. Department of Biology, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 1998.
Headquarters, Department of the Army. US Army Survival Manual: FM 21–76. Dorset Press, New York, 1994.
Herbst, Sharon Tyler. Food Lover's Companion, Barren's Educational Series, Haup-pauge, NY, 1995.
Holt, Vincent M. Why Not Eat Insects? E.W. Classey Ltd., Faringdon, Oxon, UK, 1978.
Humphries, Bronwen. What Did Our Ancestors Eat? Personal information file, http://mvironlink.org/aпVessays/rnan_eat.html
International Starch Institute. ISI Technical Memorandum on Production of tapioca starch. Aarhus, Denmark, 1998.
Jackson-Doling, Annabel. The Food of Vietnam. Periplus Editions, Singapore, 1997.
Jamaican Information Service. Jamaican Cuisine, [email protected], Kingston, 1998.
Jenkins, D.T. Amanita of North America. Mad River Press, Eureka, OR, 1986.
Konto, Fumihiro & Pei, Sheng-ji, editors. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flower-Eating Culture in Asia. Kunming, 1989.
— & Guo, Huijin; Li, Yanhui; and Tsui, Jingyun. Record of Ethnobotanical Investigation of Flowereating Culture in Yunnan Province of China, 1990.
Kurlansky, Mark. Better Red: Caviar lovers mourn the demise of communism. Scanorama, Dec. 1994 — Jan.1994.
Kyle, Russel. A Feast in the Wild. Kudu Publishing, Oxford,1987.
Lever, Christopher. They Dined on Eland: The Story of the Acclimatisation Societies. Quiller Press, London, 1992.
Lincoff, G.H. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1981.
Livingston, A.D.; and Livingston, Helen. Edible Plants and Animals: Unusual Foods from Aardvark to Zamia. Facts on File, New York, 1993.
Luard, Elisabeth. European Peasant Cooking. Bantam, New York, 1988.
Lucan, Medlar; and Gray, Durian. The Decadent Cookbook. Sawtry, Cambs., Dedalus, UK, 1995.
Majupuria, Indra; and Lobsang, Diki. Tibetan Cooking. S. Devi, Lashkar, India, 1994.
McPhee, John, Travels in Georgia, New Yorker, Apr. 28, 1973.
McGee, Harold. On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1984.
McKie, Robin. The People Eaters. New Scientist, Mar. 14, 1998.
Miller, Richard Alan. The Magical and Ritual Use of Aphrodisiacs. Destiny Books, Rochester, VT 1985 & 1993.
Morris, Sallie. South-East Asian Cookery: The Authentic Taste of the Orient. Grafton Books, London, 1989.
Nancarrow, Loren; and Taylor, Janet Hogan. The Worm Book. Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, CA, 1998.
Niethammer, Carolyn. American Indian Food and Lore, Collier Macmillan Publishers, London, 1974.
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